
  • 网络impressionist music;Impressionism music
  1. 论德彪西印象主义音乐的风格特征

    On the Stylistic Features of Claude Debussy 's Music of Impressionism

  2. 印象主义音乐的产生与相关文化的关系

    The Relation Between Production of Impressionism Music and Relevant Culture

  3. 德彪西是印象主义音乐的奠基人。

    Debussy was the founder of impressionistic music .

  4. 印象主义音乐风格源流初探

    On the Origin of Music Style of Impressionism

  5. 法国印象主义音乐探微

    A Comparative Study of the French Impressionist Music

  6. 德彪西与印象主义音乐

    Debussy and Impressionism Music

  7. 在西方音乐史上,德彪西是作为印象主义音乐的鼻祖而著称。

    Debussy is known as the earliest ancestor of the impressionism music in the history of western music .

  8. 现代主义音乐是指19世纪末20世纪初印象主义音乐以后,直到今天的全部西方专业音乐创作。

    Modern music refers to the late19th and early20th century impressionism music until the music today all western professional .

  9. 同时用共性与对比的方法与拉威尔早期,中期,晚期的代表作品进行比较,与另一位印象主义音乐的代表人物-德彪西及其代表作品做对比。

    With the commonalities and contrast of the method will be early , will the works are representative of the late , and a music of impressionism .

  10. 钢琴组曲《镜子》集中了拉威尔音乐创作的特点,既有印象主义音乐风格,又有古典音乐元素。

    The piano suite " Mirror " has concentrated the Ravel music creation characteristic , both has the impressionism music style , and has the classical music element .

  11. 文章从触键法的角度,对如何表现印象风格钢琴作品中新颖、精致的音响色彩进行探讨,并揭示其作品的内涵,论述演奏好印象主义音乐新的思路。

    The article discussed how to express the Impressionism style in piano work through the touching technique , and the writer proposed his new idea to performance of Impressionism music .

  12. 论19世纪末20世纪初欧洲历史文化语境下的印象主义音乐

    The Research of Impressionism Music in the Backgrounds of Europe 's History and Cultural during the Late 19 ~( th ) Century to the Early 20 ~( th ) Century

  13. 随后逐渐扩展到西欧。法国作曲家德彪西将全音音阶运用到各个时期的作品当中,并将其成为构成印象主义音乐丰富色彩的主要音乐语言。

    Then it extended to the West Europe . Debussy , who was the famous French composer applied the whole-tone scale in his all kinds of periods ' works and made it to be the main language of the colorful impressionist music .

  14. 从中我们可以得知印象主义音乐的特色:它并不通过音乐来直接描绘实际生活中的图画,而是更多地描写那些图画给我们的感觉或印象,渲染出一种神秘朦胧、若隐若现的气氛和色调。

    We can learn impression , the music features : it does not directly depict real life through music to the picture , but more about those who give us the feeling or impression picture , playing up in a mysterious light , atmosphere and color again .

  15. 第二节对印象主义绘画、印象主义音乐和印象主义文学等进行了梳理,指出了它们各自的特色和表现。

    Section two combs such contents as impressionism painting , impressionism music and impressionism literature , points out their characters and representations respectively .

  16. 19世纪后期,随着自然主义文学、象征主义诗歌、印象主义绘画的诞生,印象主义音乐也随之诞生。

    Impressionism music came into being in the late 19th century with the development of naturalism literature , symbolism poetry and impressionism painting .

  17. 印象主义的绘画和象征主义的文学诗歌,从艺术观念上影响了印象主义的音乐。

    The impressionist painting and simplistic poetry have influenced the impressionistic music in the aspect concept .