
  • 网络medical support;health service support
  1. 使卫勤保障原则更趋于合理,抢救成功率更高,圆满完成了任务。

    The mission of rescue and medical support was successfully completed .

  2. 该系统为指挥系统及时提供有效的卫勤保障信息。

    The system provides effective medical support information to the commanding system .

  3. 基于GIS卫勤保障辅助决策系统设计与构建

    Design of decision-making system for military medical service based on geographic information system

  4. 在多Agent协作的基础上设计出一种多级野战卫勤保障自适应系统,设计出多个种类的Agent构成各级野战卫勤保障系统,并对各Agent的功能特点进行了详细描述。

    On the basis of multi-agent cooperation , it designs an adaptive support system with multi-level field medicine . It designs several types of Agent to constitute field medical support systems at all levels . It describes the function characters of all kinds of agents in detail . 4 .

  5. 现代高科技战争医疗卫勤保障探析

    Study on Medical Support in Modern High Science and Tech War

  6. 发挥卫生装备效能提高卫勤保障能力

    Exertion of medical equipment efficiency for improvement of medical service support

  7. 野战医院无线网络卫勤保障指挥系统研究

    Research of WLAN medical service indemnity commanding system in field hospital

  8. 维和医疗分队(中国)卫勤保障方案的几个问题

    Some guidelines on medical service projects of Chinese peacekeeping medical contingent

  9. 联勤体制下军队医院海上卫勤保障的实践

    Experience of Medical Support at Sea under Joint Service System

  10. 医院在基地化训练中卫勤保障的作用

    Acting of Hygienic Service Guarantee of Hospital in Base Training

  11. 维和卫勤保障中与外军患者交流的护理技巧

    Nursing Skills on Communicating with Foreign Armies Patients during Peace-keeping

  12. 神舟六号飞船主着陆场的医疗卫勤保障

    Medical supports and health care for Shenzhou-6 astronauts in main landing site

  13. 军队灾害救援卫勤保障模式研究

    Study on the Pattern in the Medical Support to Disaster Rescuing Troops

  14. 论非战争军事行动卫勤保障的特点规律

    Characteristics and Laws of Medical Support in Military Operation Other Than War

  15. 野战医疗所军医卫勤保障能力评价体系的研究应用

    Application of Capacity Evaluation System on Military Surgeon in Field Medical Station

  16. 8.4中毒事件卫勤保障经验与启示

    Experience and Enlightenment of Medical Support in ' 8.4 ' Intoxication Accident

  17. 某部武器装备科研试验卫勤保障特点和对策

    Health Service Characteristics and Countermeasures of Weapon Experimentation in Some Troop TESTING

  18. 航天员海上应急卫勤保障问题与对策

    Problems and Countermeasures of Emergency Medical Support for Manned Aerospace Flights at Sea

  19. 三是卫勤保障的组织指挥与协调复杂。

    Thirdly , it is complex in organization and command of medical support .

  20. 联勤医院海上卫勤保障准备工作组织与实施

    Organization and Implementation of Medical Support Preparation of Joint Service Hospital at Sea

  21. 适应非战争军事行动卫勤保障的人才培养战略

    Strategy of Personnel Training to Adapt to Health Support in Non-war military Affairs

  22. 高温高湿环境下卫勤保障研究

    Study on Health Support under Hot and Humid Environment

  23. 论军队医院遂行多样化军事任务卫勤保障能力的提升

    Improving Medical Support Capability of Military Hospitals to Carry Out Diversified Military Tasks

  24. 汶川抗震救灾战区卫勤保障的实践与启示

    Practice and inspiration of logistics support in rescue event in Wenchuan earthquake-stricken area

  25. 西非维和任务区疟疾流行态势及防制措施的研究维和任务区医疗分队卫勤保障组织与管理

    Malaria epidemic posture and control effect of the peacekeeping area in west Africa

  26. 军队疗养院遂行非战争军事行动卫勤保障的实践与探索

    Practice and exploration on medical support of non-war military action in military sanatorium

  27. 联合作战演习卫勤保障的实践与体会

    Practice and Experience on Medical Support in Joint Maneuver

  28. 加强信息化管理提高军队卫勤保障能力

    Enhancing informationalized construction and strengthening military medical support capacity

  29. 国家医改对军队卫勤保障的影响分析

    Influences of National Medical Reform on Military Medical Support

  30. 必须增强卫勤保障能力,强化战斗精神准备;

    Thirdly , strengthen ability of medical service support and consolidate combat spirit preparation .