
  • 网络Calabria;Calabrian;Reggio Calabria
  1. 在卡拉布里亚(calabria)地震之后,许多人主张应疏散整个地区的民众,并且不要再在震区重建房屋。

    In the wake of the Calabria earthquake , many people argued that the whole area should be evacuated , and nothing more built on earthquake zones .

  2. 意大利内政部长罗伯托-马罗尼(RobertoMaroni)告诉议会上院,最近非洲农业移民与卡拉布里亚区南部地区当地居民之间的暴力冲突就是非法移民不利影响的证据。

    Italy to Step Up Fight Against Illegal Immigration Italian Interior Minister Roberto Maroni told the upper house of parliament that recent violence between African agricultural migrants and local residents in the southern region of Calabria is evidence of the s of illegal immigration .

  3. 纽约大学(NewYorkUniversity)公共机构与非盈利机构管理教授萨德•卡拉布里亚表示,虽然非盈利这个词包含有其他意思,但ALS协会在冰桶挑战善款支出上无需承担任何法律义务。

    Though the term implies otherwise , as a non-profit , ALSA is under no legal obligation to spend its ice bucket windfall , says Thad Calabrese , a professor of public and non-profit management at New York University .

  4. 除了将捐款用于一些有价值的前途无量的研究以外,纽约大学教授卡拉布里亚,和印第安纳大学(IndianaUniversity)礼来家族慈善学院(LillyFamilySchoolofPhilanthropy)学术事务与研究副院长帕特里克•鲁尼均提出,ALS协会可以用“冰桶挑战”

    Aside from spending the money on promising , worthwhile research , both Calabrese from NYU and Patrick Rooney , associate dean for academic affairs and research at the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy ,

  5. 周二晚些时候,内政部长罗伯托-马罗尼(RobertoMaroni)向议会上院发表讲话。他赞扬了卡拉布里亚区南部Rosarno地区安全力量的工作。上周,非洲农田工作人员在这里引发了暴动。

    Addressing the upper house of the Italian parliament late Tuesday , Interior Minister Roberto Maroni praised the work of the security forces in the southern Calabrian town of Rosarno , where African farm workers ed in the streets last week .

  6. 拉泰利,当今卡拉布里亚吃通心粉比赛的冠军,胃口像马一样大。

    Fratelli , the present champion of Calabrian-macaroni-eating competition , eats like a horse .

  7. 我建议我们在卡拉布里亚会合。

    I suggest we meet at calabria .

  8. 人们在意大利南部卡拉布里亚的克罗登街道打起了雪球仗。

    A snowball fight ensues in a street in Crotone , in Calabria , southern Italy .

  9. 正如卡拉布里亚的情况所表明的那样,自各方成立欧元区以来的10年里,差异就一直存在。

    As the Calabrian story shows , the divergence has been going on throughout the decade since parities were locked .

  10. 我很暴躁,有点顽固,身上有许多卡拉布里亚人的缺点,我本性就很暴躁。

    I am touchy and have a hard head , all the defects of the Calabrians and I have fiery nature .

  11. 最后这个场面向您展示收割结束时所进行的活动:卡拉布里亚人闻名的吃通心面比赛。

    This last scene shows you what will happen at the end of the harvest : the famous Calabrian macaroni-eating competition !

  12. 总部位于意大利卡拉布里亚的光荣会,是该国收入第二多的黑手党组织。

    Based in the Calabria region of Italy , the ' Ndarangheta is the country 's second largest mafia group by revenue .

  13. 我现在在卡拉布里亚,明天我将和我的朋友们一起参加一个欢庆会,这让我很自豪。

    I am in Calabria now and tomorrow I will have a party with my friends which is something have makes me proud .

  14. 小时候,我在卡拉布里亚的山上长大,那里有一棵我最喜爱的无花果树,我至今仍能记起树上那熟透的果实奇异的甜美。

    As a child growing up in the Calabrian hills I too remember the miraculous taste of figs ripened on my favorite tree .

  15. 这些钱都是在过去三个月中募集到的,现在我们在卡拉布里亚为孩子们盖的大楼可以动工了。

    This has all come about in the last three months and the new building for the kids in Calabria can be started .

  16. 用羊奶酪和鳕鱼干焖制的意大利细面条被一大团卡拉布里亚辣酱点燃。

    And spaghetti smothered with sheep 's cheese and baccal à was set aflame by a dollop of fiery ' nduja ( spicy Calabrian sausage ) .

  17. 该课程包括12天的课堂教育(讲师包括来自有组织犯罪猖獗的卡拉布里亚地区的反黑手党地方法官)和30天的企业参观。

    Twelve days of classroom work , with lecturers including an anti-Mafia magistrate from the organised-crime ridden Calabria region , were combined with 30 days visiting businesses .

  18. 炖煮豆子也是卡拉布里亚的地方菜,豆子汤又浓又稠很适合沾面包一起吃。

    The stewed beans , it 's also very typical calabria dish , it 's creamy and thick , very suitable to eat together with the bread .

  19. 这只猫现在拥有让人艳羡的金钱、股份和一个地产王国,包括罗马和米兰的公寓和房屋,以及在卡拉布里亚的土地。

    The cat is now the proud owner of cash , shares and a property empire which includes flats and houses in Rome and Milan and land in Calabria .

  20. 接下来的六个礼拜,我去了波隆那、佛罗伦萨、威尼斯、西西里、撒丁,又南下去了一次那不勒斯,而后去了卡拉布里亚。

    Over the next six weeks , I travel to Bologna , to Florence , to Venice , to Sicily , to Sardinia , once more down to Naples , then over to Calabria .

  21. 于是,法国将其军事占领从莫斯科延伸到里斯本,从尤特兰延伸到卡拉布里亚,企图以此来制服英国。所有这些行动包含着巨大的风险,因为法国并不具备足够的军事资源,来控制这么多地盘,同时又能保护自己,维持国内的秩序。

    Accordingly , France set out to overcome Britain by extending its military domination from Moscow to Lisbon , from Jutland to Calabria.All of this entailed tremendous risk , because France did not have the military resources to control this much territory and still protect itself and maintain order at home .