
  1. 最后,本论文结合博锐公司的实际情况,对项目组合管理进行了实证性分析。

    Finally , this paper illustrates the application of Project Portfolio Management in Decent Company .

  2. 而瓦提兄弟则称,该款项是他们取自博锐的贷款。而博锐否认了这一说法。

    The Vartys claimed they were loaned the money by Bray , who denies this .

  3. 来自伦敦的全莉、博锐夫妇在该项目中有大量投资。

    Quan and Bray , a London-based married couple , invested heavily in the project .

  4. 温州博锐并非最大的网络公司,但是确是最好的网络公司之一;

    We are not the largest network company but indeed one of the best network companies ;

  5. 利博维兹称,博锐和全莉已经终止了他们与瓦提兄弟的协议与合作,并将对禁令提出抗议。

    Leibowitz said Bray and Quan have terminated their agreement and association with the Vartys , and would contest the provisional restraining order .

  6. 全莉和博锐指责瓦提兄弟挪用他们投资中的大笔款项,从此双方关系陷入僵局。

    Relations between the two parties turned sour after Quan and Bray accused the Varty of defrauding them of a substantial part of their invested millions .

  7. 全莉、博锐夫妇认为瓦提兄弟留在保护区的两只孟加拉虎会对他们即将从亚洲运到南非的华南虎幼仔造成威胁。华南虎比孟加拉更加濒临灭绝。

    They believe the Vartys'two Bengal tigers on the sanctuary pose a threat to the more endangered South China tiger cubs they want to move there shortly from Asia .

  8. 从博锐公司的业务战略出发,寻求提案项目,对其分析评估,然后将可行项目发展成为项目组合,对组合方案进行评估,是终,对唯一选择方案进行优化和动态管理。

    This illustration begins from company 's business strategies , and goes to acquirement and evaluation of alternatives , then to development of project portfolio and assessment of portfolio options .

  9. 该济助令也规定由一名临时管理人管理保护区总公司。瓦提兄弟和全莉、博锐夫妇均在该公司持有股份。

    It also ordered that a curator manage , in the interim , the sanctuary 's mother company , in which both the Vartys and Quan and Bray hold shares .