
  1. 南非议会反对党议员要求总统雅各布嘠魹(JacobZuma)退还花在其位于恩坎德拉(Nkandla)的私人住宅上的纳税人的钱,而5月祖玛曾对此嗤之以鼻。

    Jacob Zuma , the president , sneered in May at opposition members of parliament who demanded that he pay back taxpayers " funds spent on his private residence at Nkandla .

  2. 南非议会预计将在星期四举行会议选举新总统,新总统的任期将到定于明年4月前后举行的大选为止。

    Parliament is expected to meet Thursday to elect a new president who will remain in office until scheduled general elections around April of next year .

  3. 另外,欧内斯特和儿子哈利也曾为南非议会服务:欧内斯特在14年里为二战提供支持,哈利也是种族主义的支持者。

    Both Ernest and his son Harry served in South Africa 's parliament : Ernest for 14 years in the run-up to the second world war , and Harry for nine years as a member of the anti-apartheid opposition .