
  • The nobles;single
  1. 加州圣塔克鲁兹(SantaCruz)排在第25名。圣荷塞《水星报》(MercuryNews)问及该市的单身贵族时,居民奥斯勒(KatyOursler)说,我能承受在这里居住,本身就很了不起。

    When asked by the Mercury News about the rich singles in Santa Cruz ( ranked No. 25 ) resident Katy Oursler said , ' I can afford to live here , that 's something . '

  2. 周末综合症困扰城市单身贵族

    Weekend syndrome plagues urban singles

  3. 然而,如今城市?澈雃h单身贵族却不知道该怎样打发这两天的休息时间。

    However , nowadays , many urban singles find that they don 't know how to spend the two-day break .

  4. 我哥和他的朋友都不再是单身贵族了。

    Neither my brother nor his friends are independently wealthy .

  5. 西尔维亚·福勒:伊迪将不再是“单身贵族”了。

    Sylvie Fowler : Edie is not top again .

  6. 如何做个快乐的单身贵族:学会如何看到单身的好处。

    How To Be Single And Happy : Learn to appreciate your single status .

  7. 台湾的单身贵族已经占到20岁以上人口的42%。

    In Taiwan , singletons have already topped 42 % of the over-20 population .

  8. 要两个人一起,才能把奖品带回家哦!恕不奉送单身贵族!

    You two must be together for getting award ! No gift to the single !

  9. 单身贵族都这么做。

    This is what single people do .

  10. 单身贵族产生的原因在于经济上的独立、人格上的独立以及感情上的独立。

    The reason which created noble bachelordom is the independence of economy , selfhood , and emotion .

  11. 建筑所面对的人群是中层收入,追求时尚的年轻人和单身贵族。

    Facing the target people are the middle class , they are young and have pursuit of uptodate fashion .

  12. 单身贵族的学生们、您们很可能是下一位享有千哩姻缘一线牵的人喔。

    So , to those prospective students who are single and available , you may have the same experience .

  13. 这个时代家庭变小,收入升高,寿命增长,而社会大幅度变化,例如离婚,晚婚,单身贵族开始常见。

    It is a period of smaller families , rising income , rising life expectancy and big social change , including divorce , postponed marriage and single-person households .

  14. 已婚男士比起单身贵族喝酒、抽烟都减少了,吃得更好了,睡眠更充分了,做冒险的事也少了。

    Men who are married drink less , smoke less , eat better , get more sleep , and engage in less risky behavior than their unmarried peers .

  15. 事实上,大多数单身贵族还是很希望有一天——可以像其他同居男女一样——走在林荫道上——先不考虑婚姻的。

    Indeed , a majority of singles are hoping to walk down an aisle one day - even those in cohabiting couples - regardless of marriage 's obsolescence .

  16. “昔日的单身贵族如今也虎落平原被犬欺”,我有些忿忿然。

    " No longer a bachelor I have been chased , just like a tiger , out of the mountains , even bullied by the dogs on the plain " .

  17. 重新回归单身贵族的泰勒•斯威夫特在第十八届芝加哥乡村音乐节上闪亮登场。一身金色迷你短裙,配上黑色性感牛仔靴的她照亮了周日的士兵公园。

    Newly single Taylor Swift glitters in a gold mini and black cowboy boots as she headlines the18th Annual Chicago Country Music Festival at the Soldier Field Parkland in Chicago , Illinois on Sunday .

  18. 无论是你充满期待的单身贵族还是疯狂恋爱中,还有人是被我拖出来支持我的,都坐下好好听吧,这首歌献给所有单身的人,今年是咱们的。

    Whether you are single with hope , or madly in love , and are here because I forced you to come out and support me , sit back and enjoy . And to all the singles out there , this is our year .

  19. 纽约杂志要制作20位曼哈顿单身者的专题报道……名为“单身贵族”。

    They 're doing a profile of 20 Manhattan singles ...... and it 's called " Single and Fab-ulous . "