
  • 网络single-phase supply
  1. 单相供电时三相电机低成本软启动方法研究

    Study on Low-cost Soft-starting Method for Three-phase Asynchronous Motor Connected to Single-phase Supply

  2. 对SVG技术应用于单相供电系统的原理、依据和实现手段进行了较系统的研究,并使用Matlab6.5/Simulink对SVG系统进行了仿真研究。

    Studying the theory , gist and actualizing method of the single-phase SVG technique and simulating the SVG using of Matlab 6.5/Simulink .

  3. 住宅小区中单相供电与三相供电方案的技术经济比较

    Comprehensive Compare Single-Phase With Three-Phases Scheme in District Power Supply Planning

  4. 本文主要研究分析了以下内容:1.研究了单相供电及单三相混合配电方式。

    In this paper , we mainly study the following contents : 1 . The operation of single and three-phase combined power supply model is studied .

  5. 在控制方法上,对于单相供电的电气化铁路牵引供电系统,本文采用了基于瞬时无功功率理论的单相电路谐波检测方法。

    The control method for single-phase power supply of electric railway traction power supply system , this paper based on the instantaneous reactive power theory of single-phase circuit harmonic detection method .

  6. 试验结果表明:该电源能长期可靠地为2.2kW单相空调供电,具有6kVA(500ms)瞬时起动功率容量。

    Experiments show that the power supply can drive the rated 2.2 kW single phase air conditioner reliably for a long time , with a transient starting capacity of 6 kVA ( 500 ms ) .

  7. 本文首先总结了三相定子绕组对称感应电动机接单相电源供电的研究历史与方法。

    This paper firstly summarizes the the study history and ways of three-phase asynchronous motor applying single-phase power source .

  8. 提出一种单相电源供电时适用于异步电机传动的单相–三相变换器。

    This paper presented a thyristor controlled single-phase to three-phase converter suitable for driving an induction motor with a single-phase AC supply .

  9. 因为结构限制,容量较大的单相电源供电的电力拖动设备使用单相感应电动机不够经济。

    Because of the structure restricted , adopting the single-phase asynchronous motor is not economical in the electric driving of big capacity with single-phase power supply .

  10. 对三相感应电动机由单相电源供电和用电容器作为相平衡器的瞬态行为进行仿真分析。三相感应电动机单相运行性能分析及电容选择

    This paper deals with the transient behavior of a three-phase induction motor operating with single-phase supply and using capacitor as phase balancer . On the Choice of Phase-balance Capacitance and Performance Calculation for Three-phase Induction Motors Fed from Single-phase Supply

  11. 借助网络图论,用回路电流法列写了便于计算机辅助分析计算的网络方程,计算了单相电源供电的三相异步电机稳态运行时的各支路电流。

    Network equations , which are associated with loop current method and suitable for computer aided analysis and calculation , are established by means of graph theory . The steady state branch currents of a three-phase induction machine with single-phase source supply are computed .

  12. 关于单相三线供电制式的分析

    Analysis on the Single-phase Tri-wire Power Supply System

  13. 单相不间断供电电源的微机控制系统

    Microcomputer Controlled System for Single-Phase Non-Interrupted Power Supply

  14. 在铁道电气化牵引区段,牵引供电网采用单相工频交流电供电方式。

    On the railway of electrization , power supply mode is requested to be the single-phase alternating current .

  15. 电气化铁路牵引负荷是采用单相工频交流电供电,破坏了电力系统的对称运行条件,同时在机车上采用了整流设备。

    The traction load of electrified railway is a single-phase load , which breaks the symmetrical operation conditions of power system .

  16. 对于单相变三相供电方式中的逆变器输出部分,提出了一种电压电流双闭环控制方法,实现了输出电压跟随参考信号变化,从而保证平衡变压器两相电压的正交性。

    It is proposed a double close-loop control method towards the inverter part of the single-phase to three-phase power supply , which keeps the output voltage along with the reference signal .

  17. 我国电气化铁路使用单相工频交流供电方式,为了保持电力系统三相负荷平衡并且提高电网的电能利用率,电气化铁道采用分段分相供电方式。

    In electric railway , power supply mode is single-phase alternating current . In order to keep balance of electric power system and enhance the utilization ratio of electric power network , the electric locomotive should switch phase in different sections of the railway .

  18. 随着输电系统电压等级的提高和特高压输电工程的建设,交流输电线路单相接地潜供电弧自熄特性问题日渐突显,对确保系统单相重合闸成功率具有重要意义。

    With the increase of the voltage degree and the construction of UHV transmission project , it is important to investigate the self-extinction behavior of secondary arc in AC transmission line for guaranteeing the successful working of sing-phase re-closure device in power system .

  19. 单相感应电动机以单相电源供电,具有结构简单、成本低廉、运行可靠、维修方便等一系列优点。

    In remote and rural regions where only a single-phase power supply is available , the single-phase induction motors are widely used for the daily life and power drive .