
  • 网络Echinops setifer
  1. 单在宾夕法尼亚州,在我们学校就有9000名现今比一年前要少的教育工作者。

    In Pennsylvania alone , there are 9000 fewer educators in our schools today than just a year ago .

  2. 毫无疑问,桑托勒姆的足迹更广,单是艾奥瓦州他就去了那里的99个县,而我只是经常往来于新泽西州的一个小镇与曼哈顿之间,通常还是慢悠悠的。

    To be sure , Mr Santorum has been travelling more widely , visiting 99 counties in Iowa alone , while I have ventured repeatedly from one town in New Jersey to Manhattan and back , often very slowly .