
  • 网络Leadership Excellence;One Minute Manager Superexcellent Leader
  1. 从错误中吸取教训的能力,是卓越领导能力的标志。

    The capacity to learn from mistakes is a hallmark of good leadership .

  2. 我在此要赞扬来自澳大利亚、墨西哥和挪威这三个会员国的主席和联合主席的卓越领导能力。

    I want to pay tribute to the excellent leadership of chairs and co-chairs from three Member States , Australia , Mexico , and Norway .

  3. 在铁道部的卓越领导下,铁路行业实现了跨越式的发展。我们可以切实的感受到这种发展是积极的、显著的、更是迅速的。

    Under the excellent leadership of Ministry of Railways , great-leap-forward development has been achieved , which we feel not only active , notable but rapid .

  4. 现在他是个拥有卓越领导能力以及沟通能力的人,但他同时也将在从大萧条以来我们国家最受到挑战的时刻接下总统大任。

    Now he is an individual who has extraordinary leadership and communications abilities , but he is also taking office at the time of our most challenging transition since the Great Depression .

  5. 大学的招生主任告知乔丁,她获得了卓越领导奖奖学金--这10000美元的奖金通常是颁发给高中生和转学生的,同时她也被该校2030级提前录取。

    Jordin was told by the university 's director of admissions that she had won the Presidential Excellence Scholarship for Leadership - a $ 10000 prize usually given to high school seniors and transfer students . She 's also guaranteed a spot in the school 's Class of 2030 .

  6. 你卓越的领导才能和管理能力对BYK公司的成长与成功举足轻重。

    Your excellent leadership and management was pivotal to BYK 's growth and success .

  7. 尽管时间紧迫,按照Cicalese的说法,由于开展了“卓越的领导、沟通和协调”,没有出现任何惊慌或混乱的局面。

    Despite the time pressure , there was no panic or confusion because of what Cicalese terms ," excellent leadership , communication and coordination " .

  8. 我还要感谢他卓越的领导才能。

    I want to thank him for his extraordinary leadership .

  9. 与此相反,美国将会不可避免的退缩,最终交出其卓越的领导地位。

    America , by contrast , will inevitably balk at surrendering its pre-eminence .

  10. 我们认为这一成就主要归功于你们的英明决策和卓越的领导能力。

    We ascribe the success mainly to your wise decision and good leadership .

  11. 打造高效销售组织,培养卓越销售领导。

    Effective sales organization and effective sales leaders Nov.

  12. 在这方面,我们指望贵国继续发挥卓越的领导才能。

    In these aspects , we are looking towards you for your continued strong leadership .

  13. 卷入了该问题的困难;卓越的领导陷入了小节和混乱。

    The difficulties in which the question is involved ; brilliant leadership mired in details and confusion .

  14. 一言蔽之,他给人的印象是兼具信仰与美德,同时又具有卓越的领导才干。

    Overall , he comes across as a man of faith and morality with a knack for effective leadership .

  15. 卓越的领导能力和沟通技巧对成功扭转局势是至关重要的,这是女性领导者的一个优势。

    Great leadership and communication skills are crucial to successful turnrounds and this is a strength of women leaders .

  16. 外界普遍认为罗曼提有望担任下一任首席执行官,其卓越的领导能力是原因之一。

    It is generally believed that Rometty is hopefully the next CEO ; one reason is his excellent capability of leadership .

  17. 企业家作为一个特殊的群体,正以他们卓越的领导实践完善和充实领导现代化。

    Enterprisers , by way of a special group , they are perfecting and enriching the lead-ship modernization by their prominent practice .

  18. 因而,政府必须在生活世界面前保持坚强的自制,又必须卓越地领导生活世界的发展。

    The government must keep steel continence before the living world , and she must lead the development of the living world too .

  19. 只有卓越的领导人才知道何时该放下财富、权力和怨恨,并与时俱进。

    It takes a remarkable leader to understand when to put aside riches , power and grudges and walk in step with the times .

  20. 这一切,与其社长潘梓年出色的新闻实践活动与卓越的领导是紧密联系在一起的。

    And all these are closely related to the outstanding news practice and excellent leading of Pan Zinian , the first proprietor of Xinhua .

  21. 加拿大在孕产妇、新生儿和儿童卫生方面显示了卓越的领导才能,去年八国集团的马斯科卡倡议便是例证。

    Canada has demonstrated outstanding leadership in maternal , newborn , and child health , exemplified by the G8 Muskoka initiative of last year .

  22. 新世纪高校领导应具备坚强的政治思想素质、高尚的职业道德素质、坚实的科学文化素质、健康的身体心理素质、卓越的领导能力素质。

    The leaders of higher learning institutes in the new era ought to have frim political beliefs , noble professional morality , profound knowledge , strong physique and healthy mentality , and superb art of leadership .

  23. 对教师而言,他们应具备强烈的环境意识和系统的环境科学基础知识、敏锐的信息意识、卓越的领导意识、执著的开拓意识、严谨的科研意识等要求;

    For teachers , it is requested that they have strong environmental consciousness , systematic fundamental knowledge of environmental science , tactful information consciousness , outstanding leading consciousness , and persistent pioneer consciousness and strict consciousness of scientific research .

  24. 和谐社会建设需要政府发挥元治理的作用,实施好的治理,建立卓越的领导班子,培养卓越的领导干部队伍,创新领导干部选拔任用制度。

    Building up the harmonious society needs the government to play the role of meta-governance , perform good governance , build up outstanding leader groups , cultivate remarkable leader-cadre teams , innovate institutions of selecting and appointing leader cadres .

  25. 创新及对卓越的承诺领导我们成为FAMOUS!

    Innovation and commitment to excellence will always lead us to be FAMOUS !

  26. 追求卓越成就,领导时代潮流,这就是申行健人“突出差异”的理念所在。

    " Pursue excellent achievement , Lead the latest trend . " It 's the concept of " Stress Difference " .

  27. 我们确切承诺要培养一个全球性的工作团队,及创造一个能激励卓越表现、领导才能、创新能力、并能保持个人与工作生活均衡的公司文化。

    We affirm our commitment to foster a globally diverse workforce and a companywide culture that encourages excellence , leadership , innovation and a balance between our personal and professional lives .

  28. 对于希望实现卓越的全球品牌领导的公司,作者提出了好几点有益的建议。

    Carry out the company that the outstanding global brand leads to the hope , the author put forward quite a few to order a beneficial suggestion .

  29. 该杂志执行总编理查德•斯坦格尔说,《时代》杂志赞赏普京“作为领导人所取得的卓越成绩,他领导俄罗斯从混乱走向稳定”。

    The magazine recognized Putin 's " extraordinary feat of leadership in taking a country that was in chaos and bringing it stability ," said Richard Stengel , Time 's managing editor .