
zhuō rán
  • outstanding;brilliant;stately;superior;eminent
卓然 [zhuó rán]
  • [outstanding;superior] 卓越;突出

卓然[zhuō rán]
  1. 在庞大的当代作家群中,王安忆卓然独立,成就非凡。

    In huge present writer crowd , Wang An-yi outstanding independence has outstanding achievement .

  2. 在关于儿童题材的古诗中也是卓然独异,如一颗璀璨的明珠。

    Of the ancient poems about children , it is most outstanding as if it were a resplendent jewel .

  3. 卓然自立。

    One is firmly established by oneself .

  4. 望京中心A5区绝版珍稀地块,举世心力汇成财富焦点,核心价值卓然于全球经济潮涌。

    As the center of Wangjing , A5 is a rare masterpiece out of print , a fortune focus created with global efforts , whose critical value is still shining among waves of world economy .

  5. 是一家在健身器材行业成绩卓然,且占据领导者地位的意大利公司。

    Technogym is an Italian company leader in the field of fitness equipment .

  6. 扎实的知识,专注的用心,其在金石学的研究上成绩卓然。

    Solid knowledge of the intention to focus its research on epigraphy Zoran grade .

  7. 门板选用顶级钢琴板材质,品质卓然超乎想象。

    The doors are made of the same material as top quality piano board .

  8. 该品牌历史悠久,声名卓然,深受上流社会人群的追捧与宠爱。

    The brand has a long history ; it has been loved by high society crowd .

  9. 卓然独立的道德教化。

    Remarkably independent moral education .

  10. 在一个各种企业大鳄通常是官二代的国家,马云卓然而立。

    In a country where tycoons are often the children of politicians , Mr Ma stands out .

  11. 他的孪生弟弟自以为卓然出众而又有创作天赋,因而做了一名画家。

    His twin brother considered himself unconventional and original , so he set up as an artist .

  12. 青岛市在实施政府主导型旅游经济发展战略方面成绩卓然。

    Qingdao acquired a great deal of success in implementing development strategies of government leading type tourism economy .

  13. 作为史学、哲学研究者,其以宽博古拙、极具个性的章草卓然立于书坛。

    As history and philosophy researcher , he stand in calligraphy by broad simple and highly personalized chapter .

  14. 同时,面对异构网络的复杂场景,一种卓然有效的融合方案也是十分必要的。

    Meanwhile , faced to the complex situation in heterogeneous network , an effective integration scheme is also necessary .

  15. 专家们说,红头发的人也许还有一个使他们卓然于群的特征&敏锐的痛感。

    Redheads may actually have another trait that makes them stand out & sensitivity to pain , specialists reported .

  16. 欧阳询在初唐四家中,以其强烈的美学风格卓然独立。

    Among the four brilliant calligraphers in early Tang Dynasty , Ouyang Xun stands out with his strong aesthetic style .

  17. 出色的地理课标不仅使地理新课程改革进程如虎添翼,也是地理教育取得卓然成效的必要条件。

    Outstanding GCS not only deepens the reform of geography curriculum , also being the necessary condition of successive geography education .

  18. “形神统一”在武术上称“形神兼备”,“内外合一”。它是中华武术在实践的发展中形成的民族风格,也是中华武术的卓然特色。

    Unification of form and spirit is a national style as well as character in the practical development of Chinese Wushu .

  19. 在那个小镇上,年轻的尤金·特雷布兰奇在同龄人中卓然不同,他不仅带领着学校的橄榄球队,还主持着校园辩论会。

    The young Terre'Blanche stood out among his small-town peers , leading both the school rugby team and its debating club .

  20. 传统与现实紧密结合,多种手段交错使用,故尔成就卓然。

    As tradition and reality are combined together , many measures are taken in the tncantime , therefore the achievements are conspicuous .

  21. 唐代以后,王羲之披上了至高无上的书圣外衣,卓然成为圣人了。

    Tang Dynasty , Wang put the supremacy of the holy book jacket , the same kind as " saints " of the .

  22. 吉姆与众不同在于他不是一派的领袖,他卓然独立而自成一家。

    The thing about Jim is this : he is not at the head of a class ; he stands apart by himself .

  23. 中央银行体制自产生以来,各国中央银行无不在强化中央银行的卓然地位,追求中央银行的独立性。

    Since the emergence of the central bank system , the central bank of every country has been strengthening its supreme position by pursuing independence .

  24. 桐城派的文学理论与实际成绩卓然,桐城文派是当时清代势力最大的散文流派,且在中国文坛上居于显赫的地位。

    As the most influential school of prose in the Qing Dynasty , the school of Tongcheng plays a key role in the Chinese literature .

  25. 除了英国老牌的牛津和剑桥之外,英国还有许多新大学卓然立于世界大学排行榜的前列。

    Besides the old Oxford university and Cambridge university in Britain , there are many New Universities appeared remarkably in the world top among university .

  26. 岛内林荫小道纵横交错,曲径通幽,尤显宁静;竹篱茅舍座落其间,风格卓然,古朴雅致。

    Tree-lined trails criss-crossing the island , its winding streets , particularly quiet ; Zhu Li cottage is located In the meantime , Zoran style , elegant simplicity .

  27. 家庭学校的父母亲力亲为、为孩子授课;而在普通正规学校中,有父母积极参与教育过程的孩子也同样成绩卓然。

    Parents who teach at home are deeply involved in their children 's education , and the children of such parents do well in normal schools , too .

  28. 许多机构都愁苦于这样的问题,即他们的领导者虽是卓然的行业专家,但却缺乏人际交往技能,对更广阔的商界也无好奇心可言。

    Many organizations suffer from the problem of having as their leader a brilliant specialist who has neither people skills nor curiosity about the wider world of business .

  29. 两者处在紧张对立之中,损害了其理论体系的独立性和完整性,使他未能成为20世纪卓然独立的理论大家。

    All of these have damaged the independence and the integrality of his theoretical system and contributed to his failure to become a remarkable theoretician in the 20th century .

  30. 在每一个体育史上的关键时刻,仿佛时间都会放慢脚步,瞪大双眼凝视着这激情瞬间卓然登场。

    AT key moments in sports history , time itself seems to slow down and stare , slack-jawed , at the intense action unfolding on the court or field .