
  • 网络Performance Excellence Model;pem
  1. 关于油田企业导入卓越绩效模式的探讨

    Discussions on the Performance Excellence Model Introduced to Oil Field Enterprises

  2. 卓越绩效模式为应对这些趋势和挑战提供了解决办法。

    Performance Excellence Model provides an approach to those trends and challenges .

  3. 因此,我们提出了ISO9000、六西格玛与TQM相结合的质量管理模型:卓越绩效模式;

    Therefore , we suggest the integrating quality management model of Six Sigma , ISO 9000 and TQM : Model for performance Excellence .

  4. 论文提出了QC公司从SPC、质量成本管理,质量管理体系建设到卓越绩效模式分三个阶段开展质量工作的发展思路。

    This paper puts forward the development thought from SPC , quality cost management , quality management system construction to excellent performance mode to develop the quality work in three steps .

  5. 卓越绩效模式及实施方法研究

    The Excellent Performance Mode and in Fact the Research of Method

  6. 基于卓越绩效模式的企业技术创新能力模型研究

    A Study of Enterprise Technological Innovation Capability Model Based on the Excellent Performance

  7. 美大行车料公司卓越绩效模式的构建与实施研究

    A Research on Excellent Performance Mode Establishment & Implementation for Mei Da Hang Bicycle Factory

  8. 被北京质量协会评为2005年度实施卓越绩效模式先进企业并获得特别奖。

    Special Award by Beijing Quality Association as the advanced enterprise with excellent performance in2005 .

  9. 效益审计标准的选择和确定&以某单位国家建设项目设备效益审计为案例研究卓越绩效模式理论与实践之探讨

    The Deciding on Criteria for Performance Auditing Studying and Practicing of Criteria for Performance Excellence

  10. 实施卓越绩效模式的优化管理

    Optimization Management of Implementing Excellent Performance Mode

  11. 基于卓越绩效模式的中国服务型企业管理现状调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis of Service Organizations Management in China Based on the Excellence Performance Mode

  12. 这要求企业采用卓越绩效模式,追求卓越经营。

    It requires enterprises to adopt the mode of performance excellence and achieve business excellence .

  13. 论文首先介绍了卓越绩效模式的内涵及相关概念,阐述了卓越绩效模式建立的目的与意义,讲述了卓越绩效模式的由来。

    This master thesis explains the implication of Excellent Performance Mode , the meaning and purpose to establish Excellent Performance Mode .

  14. 企业推行卓越绩效模式中的若干战略问题分析及解决方案探讨

    The Analyzing to The Strategy Problem when Enterprise Execute the Criteria for Performance Excellence meets and Try to Discuss to Solve It

  15. 文章最后介绍了我们在扬州供电公司导入卓越绩效模式的实践,并提供了两个实践成果案例。

    Finally , the paper introduces the practice of performance Excellence in the Yangzhou Power Supply Company and provides two cases of the result .

  16. 结合S法定计量机构多年的质量管理实践,全面导入卓越绩效模式。

    This thesis combines many years ' quality management practice of the legal metrology institution in S City to totally import Performance Excellence Model .

  17. 为乳品企业成功建立和实施卓越绩效模式、改进组织整体质量管理水平,提供一些实质性的参考。

    Finally it gives some solution method on establishing and implementing the performance excellent in dairy quality management system , improving organizational quality level .

  18. 树立标杆,定点超越,建立卓越绩效模式是生产厂家提高产品品质的有效办法。

    To erect and surpass the benchmarks company and establish Excellent Performance mode is an effective method for the manufacturer to enhance the product quality .

  19. 本文根据中国医疗企业的现状,探讨了中国医疗企业如何通过学习全国质量管理奖的评奖标准即卓越绩效模式,来提高质量管理水平。

    According to the actuality of Chinese health care enterprises , this article discusses the health care enterprises of China how to improve the quality management by studying the criteria of China Quality Management Award .

  20. 而卓越绩效模式是当前世界领先企业的追求卓越实践过程的成熟经验的总结,利用卓越绩效模式对电子消费品项目进行后评价是一项很有意义的尝试。

    The Performance Excellence Model is the mature experience summary of temporary world leading corporations in the pursuit of excellence into practice , so using it for post-project evaluation of consumer electronics is a meaningful attempt .

  21. 它提供了一种评价方法,企业可以通过卓越绩效模式集成的现代先进管理理念和方法来评价企业的管理业绩,使企业不断从优秀走向卓越。

    It provides an evaluation method , the enterprise can be integrated through Performance Excellence Model modem advanced management concepts and methods to evaluate the results of the management of the enterprise , so that enterprises continue from good to great .

  22. 卓越绩效模式通过对组织中的各个部门和全体成员的行为正确地评价和引导,实现质量测量与经营绩效的结合,它是对组织整体服务质量进行全面考察,是较为完善的绩效评价体系。

    With every department and all staffs properly evaluated and guided , the model help the organization to realize the combination of the quality evaluation and performance result It examines the organization 's service quality completely , thus it is a perfect performance evaluation system .

  23. 卓越绩效管理模式在医院管理中的应用

    The application of " performance excellence " management mode in hospital management

  24. 对企业导入卓越绩效管理模式及撰写自评报告具有实际的指导意义。

    It has significance on guiding enterprises implementing the Performance Excellence Management Model and writing self-evaluation report .

  25. 组织实施卓越绩效管理模式,将对组织实现最佳员工满意起到关键影响作用。

    At meantime , the implementation of the Performance Excellence management model in an organization will bring a significant impact to its employee satisfaction .

  26. 卓越绩效评价是实施卓越绩效模式必不可少的内容。

    Performance Excellence evaluation is an essential element to implement Performance Excellence Model .

  27. 自2005年1月《卓越绩效评价准则》的颁布和实施,越来越多的国内企业开始接触、理解、着手导入卓越绩效模式,这也是我国企业在新形势下经营管理的努力方向。

    Since The Criteria for Performance Excellence was promulgated and implemented in feburary , 2005 , more and more domestic enterprises have been on to contact , understand and import Performance Excellence Model .

  28. 本文依据《卓越绩效评价准则》的内容,就如何提高企业管理,追求卓越绩效进行了论述,为将要导入卓越绩效管理模式的企业提供借鉴。

    This article discussed about how to improve enterprise management to pursue excellence based on the theory of Section 7 of the " Criteria for performance excellence " providing reference for the enterprise will be importing management pattern of performance excellence .