
xié fánɡ
  • help defense
  1. 而不是只有P.J.塔克或是克里斯·保罗独自喊着协防二字。

    P.J. Tucker and Chris Paul can 't be the only ones calling out coverages .

  2. 双方在抢断次数上无显著性差异,但犯规及贴身紧逼次数差异非常显著,CBA后卫队员协防意识较差,被逼的次数也明显低于NBA后卫队员。

    No obvious difference in snatching or breaking but times of foul and body to body press is obvious . The backcourts in CBA have bad assisting and defending consciousness and the times of being pressed are much less than the backcourts in NBA . 4 .

  3. 美国曾经保证协防台湾。

    The US has pledged to help Taiwan defend itself .

  4. 美国会协防台湾吗?关于全国体育大会的赛事研究

    Will U.S. Defend Taiwan ? Research on the Event of National Sports Meeting

  5. 命令他们各调一百名弓箭手协防卡林湾。

    They are to raise a hundred bowmen each and fortify Moat Cailin .

  6. 伊巴卡现在能花更多时间防守对方的大前锋而且还能做一个更好的协防者。

    Ibaka can now spend more time defending power forwards and working as a help defender .

  7. 美国会协防台湾吗?

    Will U.S. Defend Taiwan ?

  8. 当前世界强队运用半场盯人防守区域进一步扩大,并运用大量的协防。

    The current world teams use half regional man-to-man defense further expansion , and use a lot of help .

  9. 篮板球能力明显提高,补防、协防意识有待加强,防守技术不成熟。

    Rebounds significant improvement in the compensation defense , defense awareness needs to be strengthened , defensive immature technology .

  10. 一旦战事需要,链甲骑兵经常跨下马背充任步兵,协防或助攻城邑。

    When need calls it , the Mailed Knights would often dismount to help defend or assault a fortification .

  11. 必须采取紧急行动,挽救了年轻的生命,他们唯一的罪名是企图协防。

    Urgent action is needed to help save a young life whose only crime was an attempt to defend herself .

  12. 科比和乔丹都是伟大的一对一防守者,也是能补防多个位置的优秀协防者。

    Both Kobe and Jordan were great one-on-one defenders and good team defenders who were able to defend players of multiple positions .

  13. 主要体现在防无球掩护能力较差;协防、补防、围抢的成功率低。

    Mainly without the ball in the anti-cover less capable ; assist in the defense , make up anti-challenge around the low success rate .

  14. 第一次台海危机后,美国对于是否协防沿海岛屿再度进行了争论。

    After the first Taiwan Strait crisis , the United States again debated whether or not to assist in the defense of the coastal islands .

  15. 在定位球战术和个人防守能力以及相互间的协防、保护方面还有待提高。

    Therefore , we have to suggest that China U-17 football team should improve its ability of set-piece play , individual defence , and supporting defence .

  16. 后卫队员的防守能力包括抢篮板球、抢断球、盖帽、协防和补防能力。

    The ability on defending include : grab rebounds , steals the ball , blocked shots , the ability to assist in the defense and anti-complement .

  17. 那个周末,我们以3分之差胜了一个原以为会输的队,在最后四分钟以精彩的协防战术阻挡了他们的进攻。

    That weekend we beat by3 points a team we had expected to lose to , holding them off with excellent help-side defense in the last four minutes .

  18. 做假动作通过做假动作蒙蔽或智胜防守球员防守假动作的出现弥补了防守技术上的不足,但在临场运用时要注意协防中假动作的运用。

    The appearance of feigned defending movements makes up for the lack of guard skills , but one should pay attention to apply the feigned movements in cooperative defending .

  19. 后来,国防部、国务院等四部门的联合会议做出的协防沿海岛屿的六项措施与饶伯森的建议基本吻合。

    Later , a joint meeting includes the Department of Defense , the State Council and other departments took place to create the six measures to help defend the coastal islands .

  20. 这让德克的投篮受到了不小影响,在单人防守下,德克12投6中,而在对手有包夹或协防时,诺维斯基6次出手只命中一球。

    This allows shooting by Dirk no small influence in the single defense , Dirk shot in6 of12 , while opponents have double-team or defense in when Nowitzki hit just one of the6 shots .

  21. 建议大学生队员在防守方面应加强个人防守的基本训练以及全队的协防能力,培养积极主动的篮球意识。

    Therefore , college players should strengthen basic individual defence training and ability of team defence and develop active offensive basketball consciousness in order to enhance the quality of defence and the level of techniques and tactics .

  22. 湖人到底应不应该在比赛初期或者后期对邓肯进行包夹呢,马刺的高低位传球可是不错的哦,奥博托能够在湖人协防邓肯时就常跑出不错的空位。

    Try to squeeze TD early or late in the possession , the Spurs can go to their high-low passing game with Fabricio Oberto , who can feed Duncan next to the basket before help can arrive .

  23. 面对肯特-贝兹莫尔,欧文右脚减速,想要创造出一点空间。当6英尺8英寸的托里恩-普林斯(臂展6英尺11英寸)上前协防时,欧文被迫再次在半空中作出调整。

    Fading off his right foot to create a bit of space against Kent Bazemore , Irving was forced to adjust in midair again when 6-foot-8 Taurean Prince ( and his 6-foot-11 wingspan ) leapt to contest .

  24. 明确现代快攻特点,建立新的快攻理念。2.强化篮板球意识,加强协防补防配合,提高整体防守意识和能力。

    Clearly the characteristics of the modern fast break , fast establishment of a new concept.2.Strengthen rebounds awareness , strengthen prevention to assist in the defense up with to raise the overall awareness and ability to defend . 3 .

  25. 运用半场人盯人防守战术的防守范围进一步扩大,运用大量的协防,通过夹击、抢断等手段创造成功率很高的快攻和内线进攻的机会。

    Use half man-to-man defense tactics defense range further expand , use a lot of help , and through the flank , steals means has a high success rate fast break and create the inside the opportunity to attack .

  26. 只要他们包夹姚明,必然漏出一大片空挡,如果给他做好掩护,或者给其他后卫做好掩护,没有人来协防,他就可以攻篮。

    If we set a good screen for him , or any of the guards , if they 're going to put two guys on yao , there 's no one to help , and he can attack the basket .

  27. 研究结果表明:在篮球比赛中持球队员的防守消极、协防能力较差、攻守转换的节奏慢、后场篮板球控制不好、个人防守技术差,实际能力水平较低。

    The research indicates : in our country the basketball sportsman always defends passively , the ability of help-defending is bad , and the rhythm of change between defending and attacking is of low speed , personal technique of defending is bad .

  28. 塞尔维亚队在被突破后的协防补防做的很好,补防协防多利用一人的协防补防,然后通过局部的轮转换位来保证防守不出现空缺。

    Serbian team was up against the defense after the break to do well , up against the defense to defend more than one person using up against , and then rotate through the partial transposition to ensure that defense is not vacant .

  29. 考辛斯有能力胜任三个位置的主要任务(协防、低位得分和投射三分),尽管他每晚只能专门负责三者其一,但他对于湖人来说仍然非常有价值。

    Cousins has the ability to fulfill the primary tasks of three different positional archetypes ( facilitate , score down low , shoot 3s ) ; even if he could do only one of those three things consistently night to night , he 'd still be immensely valuable to the Lakers .