
  • 网络Huawei Technologies;Huawei Technologies CO., LTD;Huawei Technologies Co;Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd
  1. 和许多其他由具有影响力的创始人所领导的公司一样,领导层交接对于中国电信设备巨头华为技术有限公司(HuaweiTechnologiesCo.,简称:华为)来说也一直是一个大问题。

    Like many companies led by influential founders , leadership succession has been a big question for Chinese telecom equipment giant Huawei Technologies .

  2. 华为技术有限公司可能在下个月发布首款个人电脑(PC),这是华为赶超苹果公司营收的计划的一部分。

    Huawei Technologies Co Ltd is likely to release its first personal computer next month , as part of the tech firm 's plan to catch up with Apple Inc in revenue .

  3. 中国华为技术有限公司(Huawei)产生的破坏性力量是导致上述现象的一大因素。

    The disruptive force of China 's Huawei is a big factor .

  4. 本月,中国电信企业华为技术有限公司(HuaweiTechnologyCo.)推出了号称全球屏幕最大的智能手机,加大了对巨型手机的投入力度。

    Last week , Chinese electronics company Huawei Technology Co. upped the big phone ante by introducing what it says is a smartphone with the largest screen in the world .

  5. 关于中国电信网络提供商华为技术有限公司(HuaweiTechnologiesCo.)可能对美国国家安全构成威胁的担忧已经不温不火地持续了一段时间。

    Concerns about the potential for a national security threat posed by the Chinese networking concern Huawei have been simmering at a low intensity for some time .

  6. 在三星电子(SamsungElectronics)隆重推出其新款Gear2智能手表之际,中国的华为技术有限公司(HuaweiTechnologies)上个周末也开始进军可穿戴设备市场。

    While Samsung Electronics unveiled its new Gear 2 smartwatch to much fanfare , China 's Huawei Technologies also made its own foray into the wearable device market this weekend .

  7. 中国电信设备供应商华为技术有限公司(HuaweiTechnologiesCo.)说,马来西亚航空公司(MalaysiaAirlines,简称:马航)上周末失踪的那架航班上有其两名员工。该航班共载有239人。

    Chinese telecommunications equipment supplier Huawei Technologies Co. said two of its employees are among the 239 passengers on board the Malaysia Airlines flight that went missing over the weekend .

  8. 谈起中国的华为技术有限公司(HuaweiTechnologiesCo.),人们一般不会想到德国的宝马汽车公司(BayerischeMotorenWerkeAG,BMW,简称:宝马)。

    When people hear about China 's Huawei Technologies , German car maker BMW probably never comes to mind .

  9. 酷派(Coolpad)和华为技术有限公司(HuaweiTechnologies)分别以11%和10%的份额排在第三和第四位。酷派是深圳宇龙计算机通信科技(YulongComputerTelecommunicationScientific)推出的智能手机品牌。

    Coolpad -- the smartphone brand of Shenzhen-based Yulong Computer Telecommunication Scientific -- and Huawei Technologies came third and fourth , taking up 11 % and 10 % respectively .

  10. 华为技术有限公司(HuaweiTechnologiesCo.)表示,得益于成本削减以及面向电信运营商的软件和服务销售额增加,2013年公司营业利润可能增长逾40%。

    Huawei Technologies Co. said that last year 's operating profit likely rose more than 40 % compared with 2012 , helped by cost cuts and growing sales of software and services for telecom carriers .

  11. 中国网络设备供应商华为技术有限公司(HuaweiTechnologiesCo.)称,随着美国国家安全局(NationalSecurityAgency,简称:国安局)入侵部分科技产品遭到曝光,全球科技产业将面临按地域或政治立场出现分裂的风险。

    Chinese networking equipment firm Huawei Technologies Co. says there 's a risk that the global technology industry could splinter along geographic or political lines in the wake of revelations that the National Security Agency has targeted specific technology products .

  12. 美国官员表示,美国对于韩国选择中国电信企业华为技术有限公司(HuaweiTechnologiesCo.)开发其先进无线网络所表达的担忧已获得回应,韩国同意通过其他网络传送与美国之间的敏感通信内容。

    South Korea has addressed U.S. concerns about letting a Chinese telecommunications company develop the country 's advanced wireless network by agreeing to route sensitive U.S. and South Korean communications over separate networks , U.S. officials said .

  13. 上周四,中国华为技术有限公司消费者CEO余承东在接受路透社采访时表示,两年之内,华为将会成为全球第二大智能手机制造商。

    China 's Huawei Technologies wants to be the world 's second-largest maker of smartphones in two years , Richard Yu , chief executive of Huawei 's consumer business group , told Reuters last Thursday .

  14. 印度移动通信市场已经成为中国企业的一个重要收入来源。在全球领先电信设备制造商之一&深圳华为技术有限公司(HuaweiTechnologies),印度市场占据了2008年营业额的约11%。

    India 's mobile market has become an important source of revenue for Chinese companies , accounting for about 11 per cent of 2008 turnover at Shenzhen-based Huawei Technologies , one of the world 's leading telecoms equipment makers .

  15. 引起美国国家安全担忧的中国电信设备生产商华为技术有限公司(HuaweiTechnologies),接近获准在2012年奥运会举办前,为伦敦地铁提供移动电话网络。

    Huawei Technologies , the Chinese telecoms equipment maker that has raised national security concerns in the US , is close to winning clearance to supply London Underground with a mobile phone network in time for the 2012 Olympic Games .

  16. 英国议会一个委员会周四表示,在没有进行足够安全检查的情况下,中资企业华为技术有限公司(HuaweiTechnologiesCo.)就成为英国电信业的主要供应商,这令英国容易受到网络攻击和政府支持间谍活动的骚扰。

    The U.K. has left itself vulnerable to cyberattacks and state-sponsored spying by allowing a Chinese company , Huawei Technologies Co. , to become a major player in Britain 's telecommunications industry without adequate security checks , a parliamentary committee said Thursday .

  17. 华为技术有限公司(HuaweiTechnologiesCo.,简称:华为)称,上半年公司智能手机发货量增长62%,得益于拉美和中东等海外市场的强劲需求。这些市场对能够在更快网络上运行的新智能手机需求旺盛。

    China 's Huawei Technologies Co. said its smartphone shipments rose 62 % in the first half of this year , helped by strong demand in overseas markets such as Latin America and the Middle East for new handsets that work on faster-speed networks .

  18. 在中国市场,苹果公司已经遭遇了来自本土智能手机厂商越来越强的挑战,比如华为技术有限公司、Oppo电子公司以及vivo移动通信技术有限公司。

    Apple has been facing a growing challenge from local smartphone vendors in the China market , such as Huawei Technologies Co Ltd , Oppo Electronics Corp and vivo Mobile Communication Technology Co Ltd.

  19. 中国电信设备生产商华为技术有限公司(Huawei)企业业务首席执行长徐文伟(WilliamXu)周一在汉诺威举行的CeBIT展会上接受《华尔街日报》(TheWallStreetJournal)采访时表示,去年华为企业业务在欧洲的增长速度高于中国国内市场。

    Chinese telecom equipment maker Huawei 's enterprise business saw more growth in Europe last year than in its home market , the division 's Chief Executive William Xu told The Wall Street Journal Monday in an interview at the CeBIT trade fair in Hannover .

  20. 去年,在确知外国投资委员会将以安全理由否决交易之后,这家美国私人股本集团被迫放弃与中国华为技术有限公司(huaweitechnologies)联手收购美国科技公司3com的交易。

    The US private equity group was forced this year to abandon a joint takeover bid with Huawei of China for 3Com , the US technology company , after it became evident that CFIUS would reject the deal on national security grounds .

  21. 埃洛普成为CEO之后不久任命的智能手机业务主管哈洛(JoHarlow)说,诺基亚将在未来几个月内推出低价Lumia手机,以便更好地同中国的华为技术有限公司(HuaweiTechnologies)等雄心勃勃的亚洲手机厂商竞争。

    Jo Harlow , whom Mr. Elop appointed head of smartphones shortly after he became CEO , said Nokia will launch lower-priced Lumia devices in the coming months to better compete with aggressive Asian device makers such as China 's Huawei Technologies .

  22. 华为技术有限公司上周二表示,尽管面临来自美国的种种限制,但是该公司已经在全球范围内供货20多万个5G基站,在5G超高速网络技术领域,华为仍牢牢占据全球供应商领头羊地位。

    Huawei Technologies Co Ltd said last Tuesday that it has shipped more than 200000 5G base stations worldwide , putting it in a leading role with other global vendors in the superfast technology despite all the restrictions it faces from the United States .

  23. 彭虎,华为技术有限公司,高级工程师。

    Tiger Peng , Senior Engineer , Huawei Technologies Co. , Ltd.

  24. 华为技术有限公司与摩托罗拉解决方案公司周三在一份联合声明中宣布,已就双方之间的所有未决诉讼达成和解。

    Huawei Technologies and Motorola Solutions said in a joint statement on Wednesday they had agreed to drop pending lawsuits against each other .

  25. 华为技术有限公司人力资源总监张建红对此表示认同,他认为实习收获的不仅仅是经验。

    Zhang Jianhong , HR director in Huawei Technologies Co Ltd echoed this idea and believes that internship even goes beyond acquiring experience .

  26. 华为技术有限公司是世界上增长最快的电信硬件制造商之一,但是这个公司的许多事情都是一个“谜团”。

    Huawei Technologies is one of the world 's fastest growing telecom-hardware makers , and yet much of the company is shrouded in secrecy .

  27. 有两家中国公司进入榜单前十,分别是位居第2名的百度公司和第10名的华为技术有限公司。

    Two Chinese companies made it to the top 10 of the list - Baidu Inc in the second position and Huawei Technologies Co in the 10th position .

  28. 举个例子,华为技术有限公司-广州,这个中国通信网络技术企业的巨头,于去年年底提出有争议性的“自愿辞职”政策后,频登各报头条。

    In one instance , the Guangdong-based Huawei Technologies Co Ltd , China 's telecom network equipment giant , made headlines for its controversial " voluntary resignation " scheme late last year .

  29. 以华为技术有限公司为例,分析华为技术有限公司的知识型员工关系管理体系,对本文的研究做进一步的论述。

    Huawei Technologies Co. , Ltd. , for example , analyze the problems of Huawei Technologies Co. , Ltd. in the knowledge-based employee relationship management , and make recommendations , and further discussion of this study .

  30. 相比之下,该公司的国内竞争对手华为技术有限公司,面向世界各地出售高端低成本智能机,赢得了消费者的广泛支持。2015年1月初该公司已向全球出货1亿800万部智能手机,同比2014年增长了44%。

    By contrast , domestic rival Huawei Technologies Co , which woos consumers around the world with both high-end and low-cost models , disclosed in early January that it had shipped 108 million smartphones globally in 2015 , up 44 percent from 2014 .