
  • 网络FWHM;full width at half maximum;full width half maximum
  1. 报道了Si衬底GaN外延膜系列晶面的半峰全宽(FWHM)值。

    The full width at half maximum ( FWHM ) values of the serial crystal planes of the GaN epitaxial films on Si substrates were reported .

  2. 经过分析研究,半峰全宽超过了300nm,得到了比前两种更宽的负色散带宽。

    The broadband negative dispersion with full width at half maximum exceeding 300 nm which is larger than the former two fibers was obtained . 5 .

  3. 对上述p型和n型ZnO薄膜进行了X射线衍射测量,在34.1°附近得到了0.3°左右半峰全宽的ZnO(002)衍射峰。

    The FWHM of the ZnO ( 002 ) diffraction peaks are 0.3 ° obtained by XRD measurements .

  4. 反射相移对MEMS滤波器半峰全宽影响分析

    Analysis of Reflection Phase Shift ′ s Effect on MEMS-Based Filter ′ s Full Width of Maximum Height

  5. 测得喇曼激光的波长为1198.5nm,半峰全宽(FWHM)为1.2nm。

    The wavelength of the Raman laser ( the first Stokes ) was measured to be 1 198.5 nm with FWHM of 1.2 nm .

  6. 通过对未经δ掺杂处理和δ掺杂处理的GaN外延膜相应ω-2θ扫描半峰全宽值的比较,发现δ掺杂Si处理后生长出的样品非均匀应变较大;

    By comparing the relevant FWHM values of ω - 2 θ scan of δ - doped and untreated samples , it was found that the inhomogeneous strain of GaN films increased by δ - doping .

  7. 对ZnO∶F薄膜的室温光致发光谱可以观察到位于379nm、半峰全宽为73meV的紫外发射峰,而相应于缺陷的深能级发射则完全猝灭。

    The room-temperature photoluminescence spectrum of the ZnO ∶ F film showed a strong near band edge ultraviolet emission located at 379 nm with a narrow linewidth of 73 meV and a very weak visible emission associated with deep level defects .

  8. 对信号响应的波形特征进行分析和讨论,实验得出LIV信号半峰全宽与数据采集卡临界采样率成反比例关系。

    The results show that there are inverse proportional relationship between full wavelength at half maximum ( FWHM ) of the LIV signal and critical sample rate of data acquisition card .

  9. 室温PL测量该样品在380nm处有很强的近带边发射,半峰全宽为15nm。

    The sample shows strong near-band edge emission at 380 nm in PL spectra at room temperature , FWHM of the peak is 15 nm , no deep level emission was observed .

  10. 详细分析了该结构的负色散特性,通过优化其结构参量,在1.55μm波长处,获得了半峰全宽超过200nm的宽带负色散。

    The negative dispersion properties of the structure were analyzed in detail , and the broadband negative dispersion with full width at half maximum exceeding 200 nm was realized at 1.55 μ m wavelength by optimizing structural parameters . 3 .

  11. 在激光波长1.06μm、能量15mJ、光斑直径2mm、脉冲半峰全宽约10ns和入射方向为布儒斯特角的条件下,进行了脉冲激光辐照硅材料形成表面波纹的实验研究。

    Experimental research on the surface ripple with Si material irradiated by pulsed laser , is carried out with 1.06 μ m laser wave length , 15 mJ energy , 2 mm spot diameter , about 10 ns pulse width and Brewster angle incidence .

  12. 在入射基频功率密度约为1.0GWcm2情况下,当三倍频系统三个调谐量都处在最佳匹配时,三倍频波形半峰全宽τ最小。

    When all three parameters of tripling system are at the optimized values , the full width at half maximum of pulse shape τ reaches minimum .

  13. 运用激光拉曼光谱的分析方法,测量了它们的激光拉曼谱在伸缩振动拉曼峰处的半峰全宽,同时也测量了样品在伸缩振动拉曼峰处的退偏振度。

    By laser Raman spectrum method , the samples'full width at half maximum ( FWHM ) and depolarization ratio of laser Raman spectrum at stretching vibration were measured .

  14. 理论分析发现这两种因素对Mo/Si多层膜反射率影响完全不同:入射光低的单色性不但极大降低Mo/Si多层膜峰值反射率,而且使反射曲线的半峰全宽增加;

    The results of theoretical analysis show that the low energy resolution reduces sharply the peak reflectivity of Mo / Si multilayer but increases the background intensity , which leads to the increase of the full width of half maximum of reflectivity spectrum and the distortion of reflectivity spectrum .