
  • 网络Semiconductor Technology;CMOS;Peltier-Based
  1. 迅速发展的SiC半导体技术

    Rapidly Developing SiC Semiconductor Technology

  2. 随着通讯技术、网络技术和半导体技术的飞速发展,Internet技术正在逐渐向工业控制和嵌入式系统设计领域渗透,实现Internet互联这是当前嵌入式系统发展的热点领域和重要方向。

    With the development at fall speed of communication technology , network technology and semiconductor technology , Internet technology design to industrial control and embedded system field permeate gradually .

  3. SAW器件与半导体技术的结合是当前发展的一个重要趋势,AlN的高频和低色散性能有助于解决大数据速率的信号处理器件。

    The combination of SAW devices and semiconductors is a general trend today .

  4. 随着半导体技术、芯片技术的发展,嵌入式PLC芯片组应运而生。

    With the development of the technology of semiconductor and chip , embedded PLC emerges as the time requires .

  5. 介绍以氧化、扩散、光刻等现代半导体技术结合化学腐蚀工艺实现对Si片的定向自截止腐蚀,制备获得用于研究驱动光束不均匀性的自支撑Si平面薄膜的工艺。

    The preparation process of thin silicon foil used to study the spatial nonuniformity in the laser driven intensity was introduced .

  6. Si(1-x-y)GexCy合金半导体技术及其应用

    Si_ ( 1-x-y ) Ge_xC_y Alloy Semiconductor Technology and Its Applications

  7. 随着半导体技术的发展,特别是FPGA技术的进步,利用硬件逻辑来进行高速数字信号处理越发成为趋势。

    With the development of semiconductor technology , specifically that of FPGA technology , parallel signal processing on logic hardware is becoming advantageous .

  8. 随着半导体技术、设计技术的飞速发展,可以在单个芯片上集成多个IP模块。

    With rapid development of semiconductor technology and design technology , the technology which integrates IP modules on a single chip is becoming more and more mature .

  9. 随着功率半导体技术的发展,有源PFC技术也取得了长足的进步。

    With the development of power device , the active PFC technology has also made considerable progress .

  10. 然而,PLC的发展与计算机技术、半导体技术、控制技术、数字技术以及网络通讯技术等高科技的发展有着紧密的联系。

    However , the development of PLC have close relationship with the computer technology , semiconductor technology , control technology , digital technology and network communication technology etc.

  11. 电荷耦合器件(CCD)是在MOS集成电路技术基础上发展起来的,是半导体技术的一次重大突破。

    Charge-coupled device ( CCD ) which based on the development of MOS integrated circuit technology is a major breakthrough in semiconductor technology .

  12. 半导体技术与显示技术的结合,奇迹般地确立了LCD在信息显示技术领域的霸主地位。

    The combination of semiconductor technology and display technology , miraculously established the ascendance of LCD display technology in the field of information display technology .

  13. 半导体技术的发展使集成电路的规模和性能达到了空前的阶段,已经由功能单一的电路单元发展到了片上系统SoC(systemOnaChip)。

    The development of semi-conductor technology has made the scales and performance of the integrated circuits reach an unprecedented stage from the electronic circuit unit with single function to SoC ( system on a chip ) .

  14. 随着半导体技术、电力电子技术、控制技术以及微处理器技术的飞速发展,利用高速微处理器DSP控制交流调压,实现正弦波节能调光成为了可能。

    As the rapid development of semiconductor technology , power electronics , micro-control technology , and microprocessor technology , using sine wave dimmers controlled AC voltage to achieve energy-efficient by high-speed DSP is possible .

  15. 此外,如CMOS一样,C-HMOS比起其它半导体技术更为节能。

    In addition , C-HMOS , like CMOS , dissipates less power than any other semiconductor technology .

  16. 随着半导体技术和电子设计自动化(EDA)的迅猛发展,使系统级可编程芯片(SOPC)成为可能。

    The tremendous development of semiconductor technology and electronic design automation ( EDA ) made the system on a programmable chip ( SOPC ) possible .

  17. 为了与低压电路在工艺上更好地兼容,设计具有薄外延层且能满足一定耐压的新型LDMOS是目前功率半导体技术的一个重要发展方向。

    In order to compatible with low-voltage circuit , novel LDMOS with thin epitaxy layer is a developing trend .

  18. 随着半导体技术、通信技术、计算机技术等信息技术的快速发展,我们已经由PC时代和网络时代进入后PC时代。

    With the magic development of information technology including semiconductor technology , communication technology and computing technology , we have passed the era of Personal Computer and Networking and are coming into the down of post-PC era .

  19. 综述了微电子领域中纳米技术、MEMS、Si和GaAs集成电路、微波/毫米波器件及宽禁带半导体技术目前的发展状况。

    The current status of nanotechnology , MEMS , Si and GaAs IC , microwave / millimeter wave devices as well as wide bandgap semiconductor technology in microelectronics are reviewed in this paper .

  20. 随着半导体技术的发展,越来越多的IP核被集成到一个单芯片上,然而各个IP核之间的互连成为了制约芯片性能提高的主要瓶颈。

    As the development of the semiconductor , more and more IP cores have been integrated into a single chip . However , the connection of each IP core has been a huge challenge for the improvement of the chips .

  21. 可以说,将来理想的High-k介质的成功研究与应用必将极大地推动半导体技术的快速发展。

    Doubtlessly , successful development and application of the future high-k materials will remarkably drive the development of the semiconductor technology .

  22. 随着半导体技术的发展,大规模集成电路技术的提高,尤其是ASIC技术的应用,使得人们开始将基于运动补偿的去隔行算法应用于消费类的电视产品中。

    Nowadays with the development of semiconductor , the improvement of VLSI and the application of ASIC technique , people can apply the motion compensation-base algorithms to consuming television productions .

  23. 随着半导体技术与计算机技术的发展,音视频产品数字化,高清晰度化成为未来消费类电子发展的大趋势,高清晰数字电视(HighDefinitionTeleVision)成为当前数字电视产业的发展趋势和研究热点。

    With the development of semi-conductor and computer technology , the digital and high definition of audio-video products have become the trend of the consumer electronic , nowadays high definition television has become the trend of Digital TV and a lot of research efforts have been made .

  24. 光寻址电位传感器(LAPS)是基于半导体技术的传感器,因此可以做到小型化,较好的解决了此问题。

    Light Addressable Potentiometric Sensors ( LAPS ) is a sort of sensors based on semiconductor technique , so it may contribute to miniaturization and solve the problem .

  25. 随着晶体生长技术和半导体技术的发展,它将在x射线激光器,光数据存储、激光雷达、水下探测与通信、同位素分析等领域占有绝对的优势。

    In recent years , with the progressive improvements in the growth of LiSAF and the developments of LD technology , they have shown absolute advantages such as laboratory x-ray lasers , optical data storage , isotope analyzing , laser radar , undersea communications .

  26. 近十几年来,随着半导体技术的快速发展,传统的Si和GaAs等基的器件性能已经接近极限,不能满足半导体的应用需要。

    In recent years , with the rapid development of the semiconductor technology , traditional Materials such as Si and GaAs that provide a performance which is very close to the capacity , can not satisfy the applying requirement of semiconductor .

  27. 现代通信平台的设计中,AD和DA模块已可以紧跟在射频模块之后,这要得益于混合信号半导体技术的飞速发展令超高速的AD和DA模块走入实际系统。

    However , in modern communication platforms , AD and DA can already be tagged along with the RF module due to the application of ultra high speed AD and DA modules , resulting from the rapid development of mixed-signal semiconductor technology .

  28. 随着电子技术和通信技术的发展,监测控制仪表也逐步实现了自动化,智能化,其中半导体技术和SOC技术的发展为智能仪表的设计提供了新的方案。

    With the development of electronic technology and communication technology , monitoring and control instruments have been gradually automated and intelligent . Also the development of semiconductor technology and SOC technology provides a new program to the intelligent instrument design .

  29. 近年来,数字信号处理理论不断取得进步,集成电路技术日新月异,半导体技术突飞猛进等因素,促使数字信号处理器(DSP)也获得了飞速发展。

    In recent years , with the rapid progress of the digital signal processing theory , the ever-changing of integrated circuit technology , and such factors as the rapid progress of semiconductor technology , the digital signal processor ( DSP ) also has been rapid development .

  30. 因此,DRAM的相关技术也成为了半导体技术的领先指标。然而,自4KDRAM改用单一晶体管+电容的记忆单元结构以来基本记忆单元(MemoryCell)的结构特性并未改变太多。

    Therefore , the technology of DRAM is becoming the advanced guideline for semiconductor technology . However , the architecture of basic memory cell is not changed too much since 4K DRAM change to be one cell transistor plus one capacitor .