
  • 网络Semi-Precious Stone
  1. 天然或合成的宝石或半宝石的粉末。

    Dust and powder of natural or synthetic precious or semi-precious stones .

  2. 如果发生这种情形,半宝石的价值就一落千丈。

    If this happens , the value of the semi-precious stones plummets .

  3. “有些半宝石的价格和真正的宝石一样贵,”CGM(一家批发商)的凯·克鲁特布克说。

    " Some semi-precious stones are now priced as if they were precious ," says Guy Clutterbuck of CGM , which sells to retailers .

  4. 在今年9月的纽约时装周上,OpeningCeremony的创始人卡罗尔o利姆和汉贝托o利昂以独幕剧的形式,公布了该款饰有半宝石和水蛇皮的手镯的两种样式。

    Opening Ceremony founders Carol Lim and Humberto Leon ( also creative directors at French luxury house Kenzo ) unveiled two versions of the bangle adorned with semiprecious gems and water snakeskin at their September fashion presentation ( which took the form of a one-act play ) .

  5. 高脚酒杯装有宝石或半宝石(不包括贵金属)

    Goblet incorporating precious or semiprecious stones ( excl. of precious metal )

  6. 凹雕,半宝石制,镶嵌在非贵金属上

    Intaglio of semiprecious stones mounted other than in precious metal

  7. 半宝石包括具有珠宝运用价值的其他所有石头在内。

    Semi-precious stones include all other stones considered worthy of use in jewelry .

  8. 墨水台,装有宝石或半宝石,不含贵金属,除非作为次要成份

    Inkstand incorporating precious or semiprecious stones not containing precious metal except as minor constituents

  9. 杯子,装饰有宝石或半宝石(贵金属除外)

    Cup , incorporating precious or semi-precious stones ( excl , of precious metal )

  10. 究竟什么是宝石和半宝石呢?

    Just what are precious and semi-precious stones ?

  11. 珠宝首饰,全部由宝石或半宝石制

    Jewellery wholly of precious or semiprecious tones

  12. 时尚饰品,手工艺品(琉璃等),半宝石,配件等。

    Fashion jewelry , handicrafts ( glass , etc. ), semi-precious stones , accessories , etc.

  13. 镶有半宝石的手提包。

    Handbags set with semi-precious stones .

  14. 半宝石的个别名称多得不胜枚举,但中国人对玉却一点也不陌生。

    Specific names of semi-precious stones are too numerous to mention , but jade is well known to Chinese .

  15. 项链,宝石或半宝石制(天然的,合成的或再加工的),含只作为次要成份的贵金属

    Necklace of precious or semiprecious stones ( natural , synthetic or reconstructed ), containing precious metal only as minor constituents

  16. 琥珀是一种半宝石形状的石头,在数千万年前它曾是树液凝结物。

    The amber is one-and-a-half kind of gem shape stone , the many years ago it once was the secretion coagulum .

  17. 装于贱金属、硬质合金或金属陶瓷底座上的宝石或半宝石(天然、合成或再造);

    Precious or semi-precious stones ( natural , synthetic or reconstructed ) on a support of base metal , metal car-bide or cermet ;

  18. 装饰品,供个人或室内装饰用,装有宝石或半宝石,不含贵金属,除非作为次要成份

    Decorative article , for personal adornment or interior decoration , incorporating precious or semiprecious stones , not containing precious metal , except as minor constituent

  19. 这种赞美总是能够恭维并让佩戴镶着宝石或半宝石戒指或其他珠宝的幸运儿感到光荣。

    This compliment never fails to flatter and honor the lucky wearer of the ring or other pieces of jewelry bedecked with precious or semi-precious stones .

  20. 宝石业的兴隆也促进了半宝石业的发展,像红电气石、红尖晶石,有些人买不起一颗真正的红宝石,也会佩戴这些半宝石。

    The boom has also boosted semi-precious stones , such as rubellite and red spinel , worn by those who can 't quite stretch to a ruby .

  21. 半宝石的缺点是它们不如宝石坚硬,所以比较容易刮伤、龟裂或破损。

    The trouble with semi-precious stones is that they are not so hard as precious stones so they far more easily scratch , crack , or chip .

  22. 事实上,第三中间期在埃及被称为优秀青铜铸件,往往通过与对比金属和半宝石镶嵌着重阐述。

    In fact , the Third Intermediate Period in Egypt is known for excellent bronze castings , often highlighted by elaborate inlaying with contrasting metals and with semi-precious stones .

  23. 精致、复杂、夸张已经成为郭培的特点——不管是宽大的裙摆、大量半宝石珠饰,还是刺绣色彩的大爆炸——她把欧洲丝绸与中国传统设计结合了起来。

    The elaborate excess that has become Ms. Guo 's hallmark - be it vast skirt volumes , lashings of beaded semiprecious stones or rich explosions of embroidered color - marries European silks with traditional Chinese design heritage .

  24. 具有动物学、植物学、解剖学或矿物学价值的收集品和收藏品(不包括宝石或半宝石)一种蓝色到灰绿色的矿物,含铜铝磷酸盐,蓝色的绿松石被视为宝石。

    Collection or collectors ' pieces of zoological , botanical anatomical or mineralogical interest ( excl. precious or semiprecious stones ) a blue to gray green mineral consisting of copper aluminum phosphate ; blue turquoise is valued as a gemstone .