
  • 网络Galactose oxidase
  1. 采用循环伏安法对半乳糖氧化酶(GAO)进行了生物电化学特性的研究。

    The bioelectrochemical characterization of Galactose oxidase was studied by cyclic voltammetry .

  2. 在镀铂的玻碳电极表面,修饰一层全氟代磺酸酯(Nafion)膜,制成基底电极。用化学交联法将半乳糖氧化酶(GAD)固定在基底电极表面,即制成半乳糖传感器。

    A platinized glassy carbon electrode ( GCE ), > modified with Nafion and immobilized with galactose oxidase ( GAD ) , is used in the construction of sensor for the detection of galactose .

  3. Mgr007编码的半乳糖氧化酶和Mgr016编码的β-葡萄糖苷酶参与识别和降解水稻表皮细胞;

    Galactose oxidase ( Mgr007 ) and beta-glucosidase ( Mgr016 ) were associated with recognizing host and decomposing host cell wall .

  4. 双糖残基用半乳糖氧化酶-Schiff试剂方法显示。

    Disaccharide residue was examined by galactose oxidase Schiff 's method .

  5. 半乳糖氧化酶法检测直肠粘液T-抗原

    Determination of T-antigen in large intestinal mucus by galactose oxidase method

  6. 半乳糖氧化酶试验检测大肠癌

    Detection of Large Bowel Cancer Using Galactose Oxidase Test

  7. 并通过明胶包埋法将半乳糖氧化酶固定在电极中,构成微腔型半乳糖传感器。

    A galactose biosensor was constructed with the substrate working electrode of chamber-type microchip .

  8. 用半乳糖氧化酶-雪夫液(GO-S)方法,对166例不同对象的直肠粘液标本进行T抗原检测。

    Methods : Was tested T-antigen ( galactose oxidase test , Shams test ) of 166 cases in rectal mucus .

  9. 醇类催化氧化反应的机理研究&半乳糖氧化酶化学模拟体系

    A new chemical model system of galactose oxidase for the study of reaction mechanism for the catalytic oxidation of phch_2oh

  10. 本发明涉及具有半乳糖氧化酶活性的分离的多肽和编码该多肽的分离的核酸序列。

    The present invention relates to isolated polypeptides having galactose oxidase activity and isolated nucleic acid sequences encoding the polypeptides .

  11. 方法同时采用T抗原单克隆抗体法和半乳糖氧化酶法检测207例直肠粘液中的T抗原。

    METHODS The T-antigen monoclonal antibody method and the galactose oxidase method were simultaneously used to detect T-antigen in large intestinal mucus of 207 cases .

  12. 为建立一种用于大肠癌早期筛检的指标,采用半乳糖氧化酶法检测了246例直肠粘液标本中的T抗原。

    He galactose oxidase method was employed to detect the β - D-Gal ( 1 → 3 ) - D-GalNAC residue ofT-antigen in large intestinal mucus of 246 subjects .

  13. 利用半乳糖修饰葡萄糖氧化酶的研究

    Study on the Modification of Glucose Oxidase with Galactose