
  1. 格雷厄姆-多德(Graham-Dodd)市盈率是一个更加保守的估值指标,使用的是过去十年经通胀因素调整后的利润。

    The Graham-Dodd price-to-earnings ratio is a more conservative valuation metric based on inflation - adjusted earnings over the past 10 years .

  2. 视点结构教学技术系统是我们历时十余年、经多项有关课题的持续探索研究,建构的一整套具有普适性的科学有效的教学行为方式。

    The System of Viewpoint-Structure Teaching Technology is a scientific and efficient teaching method and general model of teaching .

  3. 未来十年,经海上运输的铁矿石需求将继续保持强劲增长,尽管复合年增长率较低。

    Seaborne iron ore demand will continue to grow strongly over the next 10 years , albeit at a low compound annual growth rate .

  4. 村级会计委托代理制是近十年来经实践证明为有效的农村财务管理制度。

    Financial accounting principle-agent system has been proven to be a very effective financial management system at Village level after the practice in the recent decade .

  5. 为研究中药复方临床治疗冠心病的用药规律,收集整理近十余年来经临床验证有良好疗效的中药复方357首,建立了治疗冠心病的中药复方数据库。

    To study the regularity of compound herbal formulae in treating coronary heart disease , 347 formulae proved to be effective for coronary heart disease were collected and sorted out to establish database .

  6. 十种《道德经》英译本的描述性研究

    A Descriptive Study of the Ten English Versions of Tao Te Ching

  7. 在短短十余年就己经在诱变育种、植物转基因、生命起源和进化以及环境辐射与人类健康等方面取得了一些重要的阶段性研究成果,开辟了具有重要理论意义和应用价值的研究方向。

    And it obtained some important periodically research productions in the mutagenesis breeding , plant transgenic , origin and evolution of life , environment radiation and human health during so short decade which established a research direction with important theory meanings and application values .