
shí yuè gé mìng
  • the October Revolution
十月革命 [shí yuè gé mìng]
  • [the October Revolution] 1917年11月7日俄国工人阶级和农民在以列宁为首的布尔什维克党的领导下进行的社会主义革命

十月革命[shí yuè gé mìng]
  1. 十月革命是人类历史的一个转折点。

    The October Revolution was a turning-point in human history .

  2. 十月革命后列宁经济思想发展的三个阶段

    Three Development Stages of Lenin 's Economic Ideas After the October Revolution

  3. 中国革命是伟大的十月革命的继续。

    The Chinese revolution is a continuation of the great October Revolution .

  4. 至少俄国的二月革命和十月革命就是这样进入高潮的

    At least that is the way the February and October revolutions in Russia reached their climaxes .

  5. 俄国的二月革命和十月革命是义战。

    The February and October Revolutions in Russia were just wars .

  6. 他们是十月革命的儿女。

    They are the sons and daughters of the October Revolution .

  7. 论旅俄华工与十月革命

    Chinese Workers : In Russia and in the Great October Revolution

  8. 俄国十月革命发生于1917年11月7日。

    The Russian Revolution occurred on November 7 , 1917 .

  9. 接着,在一九一七年爆发了伟大的十月革命。

    Then in 1917 along came the Great October Revolution .

  10. 论十月革命对中国知识界的影响

    The October Revolution 's Influence on China 's Intellectual Circles

  11. 列宁关于国家结构制度的思想在十月革命前后有所变化。

    Lenin 's theory about state structure system changed since October Revolution .

  12. 十月革命一声炮响,给我们送来了马克思列宁主义。

    The salvoes of the October Revolution brought us marxism-leninism .

  13. 十月革命的光芒照耀着我们。

    The radiance of the October Revolution shines upon us .

  14. 十月革命打开了世界历史的新纪元。

    The October Revolution opened up a new epoch in world history .

  15. 十月革命前的列宁市场思想

    Lenin 's Market Ideology Prior to the October Revolution

  16. 十月革命前朝鲜人向俄国远东地区迁移述评

    Review of Koreans emigrating to the Russia Far East before the October Revolution

  17. 十月革命胜利后,他曾积极策划反苏。

    After the October Revolution victory , he once was positive plans counter-Soviet .

  18. 这是十月革命的结果。

    This was a result of the October Revolution .

  19. 再论列宁十月革命后的新闻思想

    Review on Lenin 's journalist thought after October Revolution

  20. 十月革命是符合社会发展规律的,不是“早产儿”。

    October Revolution accorded with law of social development .

  21. 浅析十月革命的历史意义与当代价值

    Historical significance and modern value of the October Revolution

  22. 这一节内容是论述十月革命的。

    This paragraph relates to the October Revolution .

  23. 走十月革命的道路。

    Follow the road of the October revolution .

  24. 马克思能预料到在一个落后的俄国会实现十月革命吗?

    Could Marx predict that the October Revolution would take place in backward Russia ?

  25. 十月革命的隆隆炮声,给中国送来了马克思列宁主义这一先进理论。

    The salvoes of the October Revolution brought the advanced theory of Marxism-Leninism to china .

  26. 近代以来,直到1917年俄国十月革命之前,英国人在西伯利亚地区的活动可大致划分为两个阶段。

    English activities in Siberia in the modern time can be divided into two phases .

  27. 十月革命之前,俄罗斯与英国一直保持着密切的经济往来。

    Before the October Revolution , Russia and Britain all along kept close economic communication .

  28. 十月革命推翻了资产阶级,这在世界上是个新鲜事情。

    The October Revolution overthrew the bourgeoisie , an event without precedent in world history .

  29. 列宁领导了俄国无产阶级取得十月革命的胜利。

    Lenin led the proletariat of Russia in winning the victory of the October revolution .

  30. 俄国人举行了十月革命,创立了世界上第一个社会主义国家。

    The Russians made the October Revolution and created the world 's first socialist state .