- 网络Gamma Crucis;Gacrux;Cru

I borrow that cross of yours ?
On the lectern is to be carved the cross and the open gospel .
Her resting place was marked with a wooden cross , a bunch of flowers and even a statue of an angel .
And with him they crucify two thieves ; the one on his right hand , and the other on his left .
A cross with two crossbars , one above and one below the midpoint of the vertical , the lower longer than the upper .
In June , Cuba 's Dayron Robles wearing an oversize gold cross , a chunky watch and a pair of glasses almost casually broke the world record that Liu had set two years earlier .
In June , Cuba 's Dayron Robles - wearing an oversize gold cross , a chunky watch and a pair of glasses - almost casually broke the world record that Liu had set two years earlier .
But Mr. Sercu , a retired language teacher , has kept some of what was not wanted , including a broken crucifix , a harmonica and a pair of almost perfectly preserved wool socks found in the mud at the bottom of one of the tunnels .
The woman who murdered an elderly neighbor with a crucifix
He clutches the cross hanging on his chain next to his dog tags .
This was the second to last Passover Feast before his Crucifixion at the next Passover .
If I covet any place on earth but the dust at the foot of the Cross , then I know nothing of Calvary love .
The Cross everywhere means people 's plight , meanwhile , it means the spirit of fight and sacrifice and love , furthermore , it means No.
The audience applauded for each one and a member of each family placed a miner 's helmet atop one of29 white crosses standing in a row at the foot of the stage .
On the cross is to be a dove carved out of ice .
Sheehan lit a candle in front of a white cross with her son Casey 's name on it .
Add a tail to the ramie and tie a long string to the cross so you can control the kite .
If we could try all the other crosses that we think lighter than our own , we would at last find that not one of them suited us so well as our own .