
yī liáo chē
  • medical vehicle
  1. 不,我要去医疗车

    No. I 'm going back to the med bus .

  2. 野战数字化口腔医疗车的技术参数的研究

    Technical parameter of field digital dental care vehicles

  3. 我会让医疗车在半小时内准备好出发

    I 'll have the med bus packed and ready to go in a half-hour .

  4. 此类车辆还可以作为简单手术车辆、专科医疗车、残疾人转运等用途。

    It can also be used for visiting patient , transporting plasma , bantering and handicapped and injured .

  5. 丽贝卡和她的同事研发了同时具有诊断装置和治疗装置的医疗车。

    Rebecca and her colleagues have been able to create a van that has both a diagnostic setup and a treatment setup .

  6. 但眼看着她就要把孩子生在混乱的废墟中,一辆日本的医疗车恰巧出现在她面前。

    But just when it seemed she would bring her child into unfettered chaos , a Japanese mobile clinic happened by her .

  7. 当病人呼叫医生的时候,医生叔叔马上准备奔赴现场!这个医疗车配备先进可帮助医生叔叔处理任何紧急情况。

    When a patient calls , the doctor is ready to rush to help ! The doctor 's car is fully equipped to handle any emergency .

  8. 针对医疗车对于车体需要静止作业的稳定性要求,提出不同的方案和思路,主要对电动液压系统方案和设计作详细介绍。

    In according to the stability requirement on medical vehicles for keeping motionless , the authors give a description about the scheme and principle of some sustaining systems , particularly make a detailed introduction about the electric hydraulic pressure system .

  9. 旅游景区医疗服务车的设计开发

    Design and Development of Medical Treatment Vehicle for Sightseeing Sites Buying a Car

  10. 另外一个为加拿大量身订做的广告介绍多伦多的一个扶轮医疗巡车。

    An ad tailored to Canada features a rotary mobile health clinic in toronto .

  11. 远程医疗会诊车在抗震救灾中的应用

    Application of Tele-consultation Vehicle in Earthquake Relief

  12. 封闭式喷淋清洗消毒医疗废物运送车的研制与应用

    Development and Application of Transportation Vehicle of Closed Spray Cleaning and Disinfection for Medical Waste

  13. 医疗废物专用转运车的研制与生产

    Research and Produce Special Transfer Truck for Medical Wastes

  14. 这么说你知道车可能爆炸但是她的钱包和她儿子的医疗记录都还在车里

    All kind of things . So , you knew it could explode and yet her purse is in there , her son 's medical records .