
  • 网络medical tourism;medical travel;Health Tourism;medical tour
  1. 有政府认可资质的医疗旅游机构塔琪雅(SeoulTouchUp)在推广材料中写道,“韩国女人被当地男人物化的程度,无疑要比世界上任何其他地方的女人都要高。”

    Seoul TouchUp , a government-approved medical tourism agency , states in its marketing materials that " Korean women are arguably more objectified by their male counterparts than any other women in the world . "

  2. 其次,引入医疗旅游社会网络模型并结合SPSS相关性分析对医疗旅游发展给目的地带来的效应进行分析。

    Secondly , with the introduction of the social network model of medical tourism and correlation analysis with SPSS , this paper made a more comprehensive analysis on the effects which the medical tourism brings to the destinations .

  3. 他们是全球医疗旅游业的消费者。

    They are the consumers of the global medical tourism industry .

  4. 医疗旅游:西安旅游产业发展新模式

    Medical Tourism : The new Developmental Pattern of Tourism Industry in Xi'an

  5. 医疗旅游的类型一般分为治疗整形类和休闲保健类。

    The types of medical tourism generally includes : treatment reshaping ; leisure health protection .

  6. 携程与80家旅行社合作推出了超过300种医疗旅游产品。

    Ctrip offers more than 300 medical tourism products in cooperation with 80 travel agencies .

  7. 根据商务部的数据加以修改和推断,估测了医疗旅游对金融的影响。

    The financial repercussions of medical tourism were estimated from commerce ministry data , with modifications and extrapolations .

  8. 釜山市表示,该市的目标是2020年成为亚洲三大医疗旅游目的地之一。

    The harbor city says it aims to become one of Asia 's three largest medical tourism spots by 2020 .

  9. 医疗旅游热潮不一定会喧宾夺主,阻碍必需的医疗改革进程,相反,它很可能会促进医疗改革。

    Yet medical tourism need not be a distraction from necessary reforms , but could be a catalyst to them .

  10. 在这些流行的医疗旅游中,去海外体检的占比50%以上,其中包括了早期防癌检查。

    More than half of these popular medical tourism trips are health checks , including early detection of possible cancers .

  11. 结合医疗旅游发展历程,对医疗旅游发展类型、发展动力模型、发展影响三方面进行总结。

    Development and medical tourism , medical tourism type , dynamic model development , the development of three aspects were summarized .

  12. 医疗旅游是近年来兴起的集医疗和旅游于一体的新兴产业,源于人们对健康的诉求。

    As a new industry model , medical tourism combines medical industry and tourism industry , rooted in the demands on health .

  13. 旨在探讨泰国医疗旅游对经济、医务人员和医疗成本的正面和负面影响。

    To explore the positive and negative effects of medical tourism on the economy , health staff and medical costs in Thailand .

  14. 现代西医为主的医疗旅游、传统医学医疗旅游、康复与疗养型是医疗旅游发展的三种类型。

    Modern Western medicine-based medical tourism , medical tourism traditional medicine , rehabilitation and nursing care type is the development of three types of medical tourism .

  15. 因此,我国的养生旅游并不等同于西方语境中的“医疗旅游”或“保健旅游”,而是有它自身鲜明的特点。

    Therefore , health-cultivation tourism differs a lot from'medical tourism'or'health care tourism ' , which is translated by the western countries , and it owns distinct characters .

  16. 再次,结合医疗旅游社会网络模型的中心性分析对医疗旅游发展的动因、发展良好的关键因素进行分析。

    Thirdly , with the analysis of the centrality of social network model of medical tourism , the driving factors and key factors of medical tourism were analysed .

  17. 第四部分对医疗旅游的影响进行了分析,主要对医疗旅游对旅游目的地和客源地的积极和消极影响就行了分析。

    The fourth part of medical tourism are analyzed , the main destination for medical tourism and tourists to the positive and negative impacts on the line analysis .

  18. 自韩国开始统计相关数据以来,中国游客2012年首次超越美国游客成为韩国医疗旅游市场的最大消费群体。

    The Chinese overtook Americans as the biggest group of medical tourists to South Korea in 2012 for the first time since the Korean government started compiling the data .

  19. 随着全球化趋势的加快,医疗旅游在世界范围内蓬勃发展,目前全球范围内已经涌现出一大批医疗旅游目的地。

    With the development of globalization , medical tourism is growing vigorously all over the world in recent years and a large number of main medical tourism destinations are emerging .

  20. 韩国政府每年会留出高达400万美元(约合2487万元人民币)的资金,帮助推动医疗旅游业的发展,整形外科医生在该行业占据主导地位。

    The South Korean government is setting aside as much as $ 4 million a year to help promote the medical tourism industry , which is dominated by plastic surgeons .

  21. 急增的整形顾客中很多并不是韩国人,他们来自中国、日本、中东甚至非洲。韩国部长们认为医疗旅游将有助于推动韩国经济发展。

    An increasing amount of clients are non-Koreans , from China , Japan , the Middle East and even Africa , and ministers believe medical tourism will help boost the Korean economy .

  22. 我国还没有大量关于医疗旅游的系统性研究成果或专著,目前我们所能查到的资料主要是以新闻报道的形式出现。

    China is still not a lot of systematic research on the results of medical tourism or monographs , now we can find the information mainly in the form of news reports .

  23. 对于医疗旅游的研究无论是在国内还是国外,时间都不长,主要是从上世纪末的七八十年代开始才引起人们的关注。

    Research for medical tourism , whether at home or abroad , the time is not long , mainly from the seventies and eighties of the last century began only cause for concern .

  24. 但是由于新进入企业的不断增多,物价的上涨,导致行业利润降低,因此我国医疗旅游产业市场竞争也日趋激烈。

    However , due to the growing number of new entrants into the business , price increases , resulting in lower industry profits , the medical tourism industry in China increasingly fierce market competition .

  25. 该税收计划旨在促进韩国的医疗旅游行业,试图满足日益增长的海外需求,并帮助韩国成为全球医疗旅游的新枢纽。

    The tax program is aimed at boosting South Korea 's medical tourism sector in a bid to meet growing overseas demand and help the country emerge as a new hub of global medical tourism .

  26. 本论文主要通过查阅国内外相关资料对医疗旅游的相关理论研究进行梳理,总结出医疗旅游的概念,形式,分析国外医疗旅游发展现壮及其优势。

    This paper mainly through access to relevant information at home and abroad for medical tourism to sort out the relevant theoretical research , summarizes the concept of medical tourism , form , analysis of foreign medical tourism development status and its benefits .

  27. 两年前,大陆居民60年来首次被允许组团赴台旅游。去年,就在赴台大陆游客数量呈现激增后不久,雄狮旅游成立了一个专门负责医疗旅游的部门。

    Lion Travel began setting up a unit specialising in medical tourism a year ago , soon after Taiwan began to see a surge in Chinese tourists who , for the first time in 60 years , were allowed to visit Taiwan in tour groups .

  28. 在彼得森公司的ResumeEdge网站上,酒店、医疗和旅游业的简历量大幅增加,而金融领域的简历却“意外”遇冷。

    While r é sum é s for the restaurant industry , healthcare , and tourism are up at Peterson 's ResumeEdge , those for financial services are , unsurprisingly , down .

  29. 马来西亚政府将对依斯干达特定的服务行业取消上述规定,其中包括医疗、旅游和教育行业。

    The government is to abolish the rule for selected service industries in Iskandar , including healthcare , tourism and education .

  30. 消息传送队列在一系列软件架构和域中是常见的,包括金融系统、医疗保健和旅游业。

    Messaging queues are common across a range of software architectures and domains , including financial systems , healthcare , and the travel industry .