
  • 网络Medical Insurance System;medicare;NHS
  1. 通过面向老年人的医疗保险制度(medicare)和面向穷人的医疗补助制度(medicaid)等项目,医疗覆盖范围将会扩大,但已经占据了美国多数药品采购的公共部门的作用也会进一步加强。

    But increased medical cover , through programmes such as Medicare for the elderly and Medicaid for the poor , will further increase the role of the public sector , which already accounts for the majority of US drug purchases .

  2. 每年,越来越多的税款投入医疗保险制度和医疗补助。

    Each year , more and more tax dollars are devoted to Medicare and Medicaid .

  3. 中国医疗保险制度的改革&北京社保卡正式引入RFID电子标签

    Reform of Chinese Medical Insurance System & RFID Tags Introduced to Beijing Social Insurance Card

  4. 随着国家医疗保险制度和社会保障制度的改革,以及加入WTO后卫生保险行业的对外开放,我国的医疗行业越来越要求进行信息化管理。

    With advancement of the reform of national social security and medial insurance system and outward opening of health insurance after joining in the WTO , information management for health institutions is more and more needs in china .

  5. 数据发布之际,美联储主席本伯南克(benbernanke)发出严词警告,称联邦医疗保险制度(medicare)和社会保障体系等政府补贴计划成本飙升,将对美国的繁荣构成长期威胁。

    The news came as Ben Bernanke , Fed chairman , warned in stark terms of the long-term threat to us prosperity posed by the soaring cost of unfunded entitlement programmes such as Medicare and social security .

  6. 医疗保险制度改革中的医药与卫生改革问题

    Reform of Health Services During the Reform of Medical Insurance System

  7. 职工医疗保险制度改革对医院运行效应的分析

    Analysis of the Impact of Medical Insurance Reform on Hospital Services

  8. 武汉市城镇居民基本医疗保险制度的探讨

    Discussion on the Basic Medical Insurance System for Wuhan Urban Resident

  9. 深圳市医疗保险制度改革情况综述

    A retrospection about the reform of medical insurance system in Shenzhen

  10. 黑龙江省的城镇医疗保险制度体系自其建立以来经历了不断完善的过程。

    The system in Heilongjiang has experienced a process of improving .

  11. 健全医疗保险制度实现医疗风险合理分担

    Perfecting Medical Insurance System to Share the Burden of Medical Risk

  12. 新型农村合作医疗保险制度的政府供给研究

    The Government Supplies in the New Rural Cooperative Medical Insurance System

  13. 医疗保险制度改革:现代医院的机遇与挑战

    Medical insurance system reform : Modern hospital opportunities and challenges

  14. 应尽快建立军人大病医疗保险制度

    On establishing the health insurance system of a serious illness

  15. 要建立与完善我国的农村医疗保险制度,还存在着资金、认识与操作等方面的障碍。

    To establish and perfect it is still confronted with various barriers .

  16. 承德市市本级医疗保险制度优化研究

    An Optimization Study on the Social Medical Insurance System of Chengde City

  17. 医院要适应医疗保险制度改革

    Hospitals ' Adaptation to the Reform of Medical Insurance System

  18. 医疗保险制度改革对我院的影响

    Influence for Reform of Medical Insurance System to Our Hospital

  19. 农民工医疗保险制度碎片化困境及其破解

    The fragmentation of health insurance system for migrant workers and its solution

  20. 中国、美国、泰国三国医疗保险制度比较分析

    A Comparison of Medical Insurance System in China , America and Thailand

  21. 医疗保险制度的设计背誉为世界性难题。

    The design of the medical insurance system is a global problem .

  22. 浅析统筹层次对基本医疗保险制度的影响

    Preliminary Analysis of Influence of Overall Planning on Basic Medical Insurance System

  23. 医疗保险制度改革使医院面临新的决策

    The new decision making hospitals face under the medical insurance system reform

  24. 医疗保险制度改革的契约经济学分析

    Analysis of Contract Economic in Reform of Medical Insurance System

  25. 现代国家普遍建立了医疗保险制度,包括商业性的、社区(互助)性的和政府提供的医疗保险。

    INSURANCE In modern countries , there are many kinds of medical insurance .

  26. 军人医疗保险制度模式探讨

    Briefly on the model of troops health insurance system

  27. 本论文主要介绍社会保障体系中的医疗保险制度。

    This thesis mainly describes the Medical Insurance System in Social Security System .

  28. 社会医疗保险制度改革指标体系构建与评估探索

    The Exploration on Construction and Evaluation of Indictor System for Social Health Insurance

  29. 进一步完善城镇社会医疗保险制度和医疗救助制度并扩大覆盖面;

    Perfect the urban medical insurance and aid system ;

  30. 探索与医疗保险制度改革相配套的医疗机构改革思路

    Exploring the way of change for hospital coordinated with medical insurance system reform