
  1. 结果表明:用这种模型作区域性降水预报有一定的优越性,并可作多步预测,是一种滚动客观预报方法。

    The predictive result shows the model has a certain virtue in the forecasting of regional rain and multi step prediction capacity .

  2. 这个新政策将集中用于频繁遭受洪水破坏地区以及经常遭受猛烈的区域性降水的地区。

    This new policy will focus on areas where flooding is likely to cause severe damage and regions frequently experiencing heavy localized rainfall .

  3. 文摘:在短期自忆气候模式的基础上,着重考虑了区域性降水特点,组合均生函数时序模型,构造了区域降水预报模式。

    Abstract : based on the short-range Self-memorial climatic model and area rainfall characteristics , an area rainfall ensemble prediction model is built , which combines mean-generating function model .

  4. 与实测的降水比较分析中可以看到,这种方法对提高估测区域性降水的精度都有效果;对于强对流性降水区域,只须用拟合法得到的地面反射率因子值估测地面降水即可。

    Compared with gauges records , the proposed method shows its capability to improve the precision of precipitation estimation in a regional scale , however , for the case of intensive convective precipitation , only the LSM is applicable .

  5. 局部地区区域性强降水预报试验

    The prediction test of regional strong rainfall for sectional region

  6. 三峡地区枯水期区域性强降水的一种天气模型

    A Synoptic Model for Regional Severe Precipitation Forecast in Dry Season in Sanxia on the Changjiang

  7. 长江三峡枯水期出现区域性强降水的环流特征

    Some Circulation Features of the Regional Severe Precipitation in Dry Season in Sanxia on the Changjiang

  8. 最后,预估了未来近百年中国区域性强降水事件的发生发展。

    In addition , the occurrence and development of the regional heavy precipitation events in the future hundred years are also estimated .

  9. 分析了与强降水有关的暖高脊的时空分布特征,并进行了逐日反查,概括出了区域性强降水的预报指标。

    The characteristics of temporal and spatial distribution of warm high ridge associated with severe precipitation were analyzed and the day by day checking was carried out , and the forecast indexes of severe precipitation were summarized .