
qū wèi jīng jì
  • Location economy;economics of location
区位经济[qū wèi jīng jì]
  1. 高速公路涉及的经济学原理有发展经济学原理、公路发展的超前性理论、公路对区位经济影响的规律。

    The economy principle that expressway is concerned with has the advanced economy theory , expressway affect for district position economy .

  2. 从区位经济论的角度探究沿江体育带体育产业的发展模式

    Research on the Development Model of Sports Industry in the " Sports Belt around the Yangtze River " from the Angle of Zone Economics

  3. 然后,针对这些缺陷和限制,结合现代企业理论、企业融资理论和区位经济理论,重点分析大型国企境外上市的动机和境外上市能解决大型国企哪些国内市场没法解决的问题等。

    Then the thesis explains respectively why these enterprises chose to list abroad with 3 theories , listed here are modern enterprises theory , enterprises financing theory and location economic theory , and illustrates the reasons why overseas IPO can while domestic security market cannot solve many problems .

  4. 最后指出了自然区位,经济区位和文化区位这三个因素对工业设计的影响。

    At last this paper discusses the influence of the nature factor , economy factor and the culture factor to the Industrial Design .

  5. 中国省区区域发展战略及地域差异分析&资源、区位和经济发展的地区比较研究

    Regional Development Strategies of Provinces in China and Analysis of Regional Difference-A Regional Comparative Research on the Resources , Regional Location and Economic Development

  6. 第二章为两地社会经济文化发展及居民休闲活动现状介绍,主要包括两市区位、经济、文化现状,两市休闲环境现状,两市居民休闲活动现状。

    Second chapter introduce the two cities ' geographical status , socio-economic status , cultural status , leisure state of the environment residents ' leisure living in present , etc.

  7. 当然,影响外商直接投资的决定因素主要是地理区位、经济发展水平和市场化进程,而劳动力成本也逐渐成为外商企业投资选址时考虑的因素。

    Of course , the determinative factors in FDI are geographic location , course of economic marketization and economic development level while higher labor costs deter new foreign firm entry .

  8. 提出大中城市在进行物流需求分析时,必须基于所处地理区位和经济区位,以及应从长远考虑的可持续发展分析思想。

    Also , it emphasized that the MF demand analysis of the cities should be based on their geographic area and economic area , and should be considered with the long_term aims .

  9. 重庆市各区域在资源、区位、经济基础等方面存在很大的差异,在农业、工业和服务业发面都有各自的产业重点,一圈两翼发展也不平衡。

    There exist huge differences on resources , location , and economic foundations between each district in Chongqing , which hold their respective industry focus in agriculture , industry and service trade .

  10. 但受自然条件、区位及经济发展基础等因素的影响,新疆农产品长期以来处于产业链低端,农业产业综合效益不高。

    By natural conditions , the basis of location and economic development and other factors , Xinjiang agricultural a long chain of short low-end industry , agriculture industry overall efficiency is not high .

  11. 文章第三部分从不同层面对城隍庙所处的区位,经济、文化的影响进行了分析,以寻求适合该街区发展的功能性质与发展方向。

    In the third chapter , the influence of economy and culture of the Town God 's Temple has been analyzed from different aspects , seeking a proper function and development direction for this historic district .

  12. 因子分析结果显示,9个变量最后形成区位和经济发展水平因子和中心城市集聚水平因子。

    The nine factors are finally extracted to two principle components , and one is the principle component on location and economic level and the other is the principle component on centralization degree of the central cities .

  13. 我国华东地区由于其自然条件、气候条件、资源条件以及区位、经济与技术等优势,主要发展以塑料大棚为主的春季蔬菜早熟栽培和夏秋季延后栽培。

    Because of the advantage of the natural condition , climatic condition , resource condition , location , economy , and technology etc , China East area mainly develops spring premature vegetable planting and autumn serotinous planting using plastic greenhouses .

  14. 根据战略产业选择的原则,结合青海实际、特色、地理区位及经济发展环境,笔者认为:最有可能成为战略主导产业的应是轻工业。

    According to the principle about the choice of strategic industry , and by analyzed the reality , characteristic , and the environment of geograph and economic development of Qinghai , the writer considers that the light industry should become a dominant industry .

  15. 根据晋陕蒙接壤区的水、土、农牧、能源、环境、人口等篇论文的阐述,认识到该地区的区位与经济发展具有特殊的地位与作用。

    Papers in this Special Issue on discussions of water , land , agriculture and pasture , energy , environment and population in the contiguous area of Jin-Shan-Mong demonstrate that both location and economic development of the area is of special significance in position and function .

  16. 我国是一个经济大国,经济非均衡发展非常明显,不同地区金融发展的差异是多种因素形成的,地理区位、经济基础、制度环境、历史文化的差异都会造成不同区域金融发展的差异。

    China is a non-balanced development of economic power , differences in financial development in different regions is the formation of a variety of factors , geographic location , economic base , institutional environment , historical and cultural differences can cause differences in financial development in different regions .

  17. 区域金融中心形成的条件功能齐全、作用明显的现代化区域金融中心,必须具备区位、经济发展水平、金融结构体系、法律政策环境、人力资源等多方面的优势条件。

    The condition of forming regional financial center . Modernized regional financial center with multiple functional condition and obvious function must possess the advantage conditions in many aspects , such as position , economic development level , financial structure system , legal and policy environment , human resources , etc.

  18. 区位节点的经济潜能及空间分布测算基于SVM分类区域的传感器网络节点自定位算法

    Evaluation of the Economic Potential and Spatial Distribution Based on the Locational Nodes of Principal Component Analysis Theory ; Self-localization algorithm for sensor networks using SVM classification region

  19. 在对商圈分析的研究中,作者主要是探讨如何运用GIS构建商圈分析模型,从而为商业企业家能够科学、合理地分析市场需求并选定商业企业区位,提高经济效益,提供科学的方法。

    In the part of the application of GIS in trade area analysis , this paper mainly discusses how to use GIS to develop a trade area analysis mode to supply efficient tool for the enterprisers in the site selection decision-making .

  20. 浅析江西的区位优势与经济发展对策

    Brief Analysis of Jiangxi 's Regional Advantages and Strategies for Boosting its Economy

  21. 城市群整合既是一个一般区位均衡的经济问题,也是一个城市体系组织的空间问题。

    It is an economic issue of locational and spatial equilibrium of urban system .

  22. 外商直接投资区位聚集的经济效应分析&以长三角地区为例

    Analysis on the Economic Performance Agglomerated in Foreign Investment Regions & The Case Study of Yangtze River Delta

  23. 南京具有一定的区位条件、经济实力、科技教育以及历史文化等优势条件。

    Nanjing has certain superiorities such as position condition , economic potentiality , technical education as well as historical culture .

  24. 山东省作为东部沿海省份凭借其自身良好的区位优势和经济环境,积极引进外商直接投资,利用外商直接投资的规模和质量都得到了很大发展和提高。

    As the eastern coastal province Shandong Province actively introduce FDI , the size and quality of utilizing FDI receive the rapid development and improvement .

  25. 上航地处上海这样的独有区位优势、经济增长优势、基础设施优势,更是国外航空公司抢先进驻的首选。

    Shanghai , who possesses unique advantage of locality , economy increase , foundation facilities , is looked particularly as the first choice to enter .

  26. 区位、规模经济与技术创新活动的空间集聚黄淮海地区社会经济空间分异及集聚发展模式

    Location , the Economy of Scale and the Agglomeration of Innovation ; The Spatial Analysis of Socio-economic Difference and its Agglomeration Development Strategy Model in Huang-Huai-Hai Region

  27. 德国经济学家在这一领域做出了卓越的先驱贡献,通过区位论为经济地理学提供了理论支持和发展动力。

    German economists in this area have made an outstanding contribution to the pioneer , by the location of economic geography provides the theoretical support and momentum .

  28. 长三角地区依赖其有利的区位优势商品经济发达、农副产品丰富,国际化地位得到强化。

    There are developed commodity economy , rich subsidiary agricultural products and strengthened international status in The Yangtze River Delta , which rely on its favorable location advantages .

  29. 接下来,从资源条件、区位条件、经济条件和市场条件四个方面对崇礼发展休闲度假旅游的相关条件进行了分析,并据此选择了发展模式转型的方向。

    Then , we analyzed the conditions of transition from four aspects : Resources , location , economy and markets and made a choice of its transition direction .

  30. 所谓的城中村指的就是在城乡二元体制之下位于城市之中的农村,因为毗邻城市或者位于城市包围之中,所以具有巨大的区位优势与经济价值。

    The so-called villages refers city under the urban-rural dual system in rural areas , adjacent to cities , and have a huge economic value of regional advantages .