
  • 网络regional resource
  1. 区域资源可持续发展线性模型构建

    Constructing of the linear mathematical model for regional resource sustainable development

  2. 建设网络平台实现区域资源共建共享的实践与探索

    The Practice and Explore of Regional Resource Sharing Implementing by Network Platform

  3. 发挥区域资源优势调整江西农业产业结构

    Developing Superiority Of Regional Natural Resources Regulating Jiangxi Industrial Structure Of Agriculture

  4. 江西区域资源环境承载力评价及其启示

    Analysis on Regional Carrying Capacity of Resources and Environments and Its Inspiration

  5. 区域资源优势鉴别与农用地利用结构优化

    Differentiation of regional resources superiorities and optimization of agricultural land use structure

  6. 区域资源优势定量评价的(火用)分析模型

    The Exergy Analysis Model of The Quantitatively Evaluation of Regional Resources Superiority

  7. 强化区域资源集约利用,实现可持续发展;

    To reinforce the intensive utilization of regional resource , realizing sustainable development ;

  8. 区域资源环境系统物质流动模式

    Substance Flowing Model Within Regional Resources Environment System

  9. 图书馆集群&实现区域资源共享和互利互惠的组织形式

    Library Cluster : Organization Form of Realizing & Sharing and Mutual Benefit of Regional Resources

  10. 发展家庭经济与区域资源的关系

    The Relationship Between House-Economy and Regional Resources

  11. 区域资源与西部电视传播

    Regional Resources and Western TV Spreads

  12. 评价结果表明研究区域资源利用可持续发展水平较高,能力和协调度较低,整体可持续发展度较低。

    The results indicate that the degree of study area resource use sustainable development was low .

  13. 实施皖电东送战略实现区域资源优化配置

    Implementing strategy of " sending power from Anhui to east " to optimize regional resource allocation

  14. 另一个是区域资源环境研究在国家创新体系中自身的创新,即是区域资源环境研究本身的创新。

    The other is innovation of regional resources and environment research itself in the national innovation system .

  15. 基于区域资源环境容量的产业结构分析&以北京怀柔县为例

    An Appraisal of Regional Industrial Structure Based on Environments and Resources & An Example of Huairou County

  16. 区域资源生态系统数字化管理研究

    Digitizing management of resources ecosystem

  17. 以区域资源优势、环境特征、市场取向确定产业开发方向;

    The direction of industry development based on advantage of regional resources , characteristic of environment and marketing orientation ;

  18. 其次要调整系统结构,发挥区域资源优势,发展特色产业。

    Secondly , system restructure is necessary in order to develop predominance special resources and to build regional economical branches .

  19. 要根据区域资源优势,合理规划布局,形成区域优势产业和优势产品;

    According to the regional resources priority , the resources should be reasonably planned to form regional advantage industry and products .

  20. 在对这三种比较有代表性观点分析的基础上,作者认为这三种观点最根本还是体现在区域资源配置效率方面,即产业结构的优劣程度。

    Based on the three views the author thinks that the region competitive capability radically reflects the ability of the resource distribution .

  21. 第一楼自给性清洁能源选择的重要启示就是要充分结合区域资源优势、高效利用能源尤其是清洁能源。

    The first solar-energy building gives us an enlightenment that fully exert the advantages of regional resources and effectively use clear energies should be carried out .

  22. 物联网产业集群成长主要受市场、区域资源禀赋、产业环境、政府规制、特定性知识等因素的影响。

    The development of the Internet of Things industrial cluster largely due to markets , regional resources endowment ; industry environment , policies and regulations , special knowledge .

  23. 耕地非农化的过程既是经济发展的客观要求,又受到区域资源条件和国家粮食安全、社会稳定的约束。

    The process of cultivated land conversion is not only the objective requirements of economic development , but also constrained by regional resources 、 national food security and social stability .

  24. 为此,开展本项研究,以朋获得适合本地区的十地利川遥感监测技术方法。为区域资源的科学管理提供技术支持。

    Therefore , this research is carried out to find out the land use monitoring techniques suitable for this region , so as to provide technical support for land use scientific management .

  25. 如何借助有利的区域资源、社会经济发展优势,促进新疆特色农业产业化的发展,是一个十分紧迫的问题。

    How to rely on the favorable resources advantages and social economic development advantages of this region to promote the development of agriculture industrialization with special characteristics , is an urgent issue .

  26. 产业集群界定的竞争力效应,一方面在于从学习效用和区域资源利用能力上产业集群中所获取的正面市场竞争力;

    The competitiveness effect defined by Industrial cluster , on one hand , lies in the positive market competitiveness achieved by industrial cluster from the study effect and the ability to employ the regional resources ;

  27. 特色农业是以区域资源比较优势为基础的优势农业、品牌农业和市场农业,是全球农业市场细分产生的必然结果。

    Characteristic agriculture , which is a predominance agriculture , brand agriculture and market agriculture based on the comparative predominance of region resource , is a necessary result of subdivision on agriculture market in the world .

  28. 但由于区域资源禀赋不均和城市化、工业化的进程不一致,发展较快的地区与发展较慢的区域在耕地占补平衡能力上存在很大差异。

    Because of the uneven resources and different pace between urbanization and industrialization among each region , developed areas and less developed areas have different ability in maintaining balance between occupation and supplement of cultivated land .

  29. 该区应采取如下措施减轻环境影响:(1)加强矿区环境恢复和环境管理,确保区域资源、环境、经济、社会可持续发展;

    First , countermeasures for reducing environmental impact has to set up in respects of ecological rehabilitation and environmental management system , in order to ensure the sustainable development of resources , environment , economy and society in this region .

  30. 城市群具有国家政策的支持、基础设施的整体性、区域资源禀赋的联动性、产业分布的差异性等优越的现实基础,可以为城市群经济的联动发展提供支撑。

    Urban agglomeration with the support of national policies , infrastructure integrity , resource endowments of the linkage between regional and industrial differences in the distribution of the reality of such excellent basis for collaborative development of urban agglomeration economies to provide support .