
  • 网络Regional Economic Integration;regional integration
  1. 2004年1月1日CEPA协议正式实施,这开启了WTO理论以及实践的先河,也是我国积极参与区域经济整合的表现。

    CEPA Agreement was officially entered into force on January 1,2004 , which brings the beginner of WTO theory and practice in China , and the application also shows China has actively participated in the regional economic integration .

  2. 近年来全球区域经济整合蔚为趋势,依据WTO网页数据,迄今全世界已有260多个FTA有效运作,缔约国彼此间互免关税。

    In recent years , the world is moving towards regional economic integration , based on the WTO web data , so far the world has more than 260 FTA effective operation of the mutual exemption of customs duties between parties .

  3. 作为WTO成员方,我国进行区域经济整合过程中有义务遵守WTO相关规则,接受WTO的审查和监督,同时也有权利依照WTO规则保护国内市场和产业,促进经济增长。

    As a member party of WTO , China has the duty to abide by the relevant rules of WTO and to accept the investigation and supervision thereof .

  4. 然CEPA既然也属中国为推展区域经济整合的一项政治经济安排,为了维持其霸权地位,美国必然不会漠视。

    As CEPA is also a political economic arrangement for regional integration , US , in order to maintain its hegemonic status , will not dare to ignore .

  5. 区域经济整合已为世界潮流,本课程将加以研析。

    The course will discuss the concept of regional economic integration .

  6. 区域经济整合:一个有价值的研究领域

    The Regional Economy Combined : A Valuable Research Field

  7. 区域经济整合与老工业基地振兴

    Regional Economic Integration and Revitalising the Old Industrial Base

  8. 中国区域经济整合的新态势&论泛珠江三角洲经济区的发展与协调

    New Development of Regional Economic Integration in China : Development and Cooperation in Pan-Pearl River Delta

  9. 从区域经济整合发展海峡两岸经贸共同市场

    On the Development of the Cross-strait Common Trade Market from the Perspective of Regional Economical Integration

  10. 我们不能低估了区域经济整合对全球稳定和安全的重要性。

    Indeed , the importance of regional economic integration for global stability and security cannot be understated .

  11. 指出了城市群出现的必然性和城市与区域经济整合的重要性;

    It also points out the necessity of the appearance of urban groups and the significance of conforming cities to regional economy .

  12. 同时它对于促进沪苏浙整个长江三角洲区域经济整合和一体化发展也具有十分重要的意义。

    It will not only play an important role in improving Zhejiangs overall economic strength but also in regional economic integration of the whole Yangtze River Delta .

  13. 文章从深化产权制度改革、培育苏南品牌企业、发展个私经济以及加强区域经济整合等方面,提出了促进苏南经济多元化发展的对策建议。

    The countermeasures are put forward such as deepening property right reforming of enterprise , bringing up famous brand enterprise of southern Jiangsu , developing individual economy and enhancing regional economic factors integration .

  14. 与此同时,客观存在着的行政壁垒、政区恶性竞争等消极因素都是影响地方政府间合作联动,制约区域经济整合发展的障碍。

    At the same time , there is an objective of the administrative barriers and cut-throat competition policy area are the impact of negative factors such as cooperation between local government linkage , constrained the development of regional economic integration obstacles .

  15. 总部设在马尼拉的亚洲开发银行为该地区的各国政府提供贷款,这家银行的区域经济整合办公室主任李钟和说,中国和印度等国家的持续经济扩张应该也有助于这个地区的市场复苏。

    Lee Jong-wha , the head of the regional economic integration office of the Asia Development Bank - a Manila-based bank which lends to governments in the region - says continued economic expansion in countries like China and India will help push this recovery .

  16. 区域经济的整合和一体化是当今经济发展的主导形式。

    Economic integration and integral whole turning in district is predominant form of economy development that in our times .

  17. 目前,对区域海洋经济整合的研究,多集中在海洋资源、海洋产业和地域空间的现状描述和定量评价,本文侧重于区域海洋经济整合的模式和机制研究。

    The existing research of regional marine economic integration is focused on the description of marine resources , marine industries and quantitative assessment .

  18. 文章在分析行政区经济转向经济区经济的演进机理基础上,探索了长三角区域经济的整合现状及存在问题并提出了进一步整合长三角区域经济的构想。

    This paper analyzes progresses of the integration , explores basic tendency in the integration in Yangtse Delta , and then proposes the vision for further integration of the regional economy in Yangtse Delta .

  19. 前三章为理论部分,通过对相关概念的界定与辨析、国内外相关研究文献与理论回顾和梳理,构建了区域海洋经济整合的基本架构。

    The first three chapters are the theoretical analysis , in which the fundamental framework of economic integration of regional marine has been constructed , through reviewing and analyzing the relational literatures and theory at home and abroad .

  20. 博鳌亚洲论坛致力于通过区域经济的进一步整合,推进亚洲国家实现发展目标。

    The Forum is committed to promoting regional economic integration and bringing Asian countries even closer to their development goals .

  21. 随着全球贸易的高度自由化与世界区域经济的频繁整合,更多企业和投资者趋向于国际融资和投资。

    With the high degree of global trade liberalization and the world regional economic integration frequent , more enterprises and investors tend to international financing and investment .

  22. 在国家中部崛起大战略下,南昌市要发挥区域经济优势,整合各种经济资源,提高城市的区域竞争力,建立现代化的城市综合交通运输体系是必不可少的前提和条件。

    At the national rise of central China under the strategy , it is the essential condition that Nanchang must display the region economical superiority , which integrate each resource , enhance the region competitive power , and establish the city modern integrated transportation system .

  23. 技术合作是国际经济一体化中重要的内容,在区域经济集团中,整合区域内的技术资源,技术合作的研发和分享技术成果,从而推动经济发展已经成为国际社会的一种共识。

    The technical cooperation is in the international economy integration the important content , in region economic bloc , in conformity region technical resource , technical cooperation research and development and share technical achievement , thus the impetus economy development already became the international society one kind of mutual recognition .

  24. 主要研究区域经济协调发展的空间整合模型的构建与模拟分析,文中首次提出了一个空间模型,并应用该模型研究了我国东西部区域经济的整合与协调发展问题。

    In this part we mainly study the construction and imitation analysis of the spatial model of regional economy coordination development . We first raised a spatial model in chapter four . And we have utilized this model to study the integration and regional economy coordination development of east-west China .

  25. 以中日韩三国为中心的东北亚经济圈的高度发展更加推动了东北亚乃至整个东亚地区的经济合作,区域内国家间的经济合作为区域整体经济的整合创造了良好的氛围。

    The fast and deepening development of the economic zone in Northeast Asia around China , Japan and South Korea increases Northeast Asian and even the entire East Asian economic cooperation . Regional economic cooperation creates a good atmosphere for the overall regional economic integration .

  26. 泛珠江三角洲区域合作受到越来越多的关注,如何理解区域经济的功能整合和制度整合,关键在于全面认识区域经济的产业分工与协调机制。

    The regional cooperation in the Pan Pearl River Delta draws more and more attention from all corners . The key to understand the functional integration and system integration lies in the comprehensive understanding of the industrial division and cooperative mechanism of regional economies .

  27. 以提升区域海洋经济综合竞争力和构建和谐海洋为宗旨的区域海洋经济整合,也因此成为各领域研究的热点。

    The integration of regional economy , which is to enhance the overall economic competitiveness and establish a harmonious sea area , has become a hot topic of scholars .

  28. 因此组建区域性的非政府组织如行业协会,以及其他区域性社会中介组织,使之成为区域经济、社会一体化整合的工具,是长江三角洲经济一体化的制度和组织创新的一个重要突破口。

    Therefore , setting up regional nongovernmental organization , such as industrial association , and other intermediary social organizations , is an important breakthrough in system and organization innovation of economic integration in Yangtze Delta .