
  • 网络Arctic Centre and Regional Museum of Lapland
  1. 今年,厚冰盖才刚刚穿过北极圈中心。

    This year , the thick ice cap barely penetrates the bull 's-eye of the Arctic Circle .

  2. 据《周日人民报》报道,门多萨动物园5个月前曾拒绝将Arturo转移至加拿大温尼伯的阿西尼玻公园动物园,该公园动物园内新建了一个国际北极熊保护中心。

    Mendoza Zoo blocked an effort five months ago to move Assiniboine Park Zoo in Winnipeg , Canada - where a new International Polar Bear Conservation Centre is located , reported the Sunday People .

  3. 北极广场商圈的中心。

    Arctic shopping plaza in the center .

  4. 同时准定常行星波冬季向上传播至平流层并与平流层极涡相互作用从而也影响了北极涛动在北极的活动中心。

    Meanwhile , planetary waves propagating upwards also affect the polar vortex in the stratosphere , and then affect the Arctic centers of action of the AO .

  5. 北极圈以北的以北极为中心的区域。

    The regions north of the Arctic Circle centered on the North Pole .