
  • 网络Beijing Theater
  1. 北京剧院的声学设计

    Acoustic design of Beijing theater

  2. 该剧将于9月25日在北京剧院重新上演。

    The play will be shown again in the Beijing Theatre , September 25 .

  3. 北京世纪剧院观众厅侧墙装修施工

    Construction of side wall decorative work for the hall of Beijing Era Theater

  4. 托尼:是,北京语剧院公司演出的剧目。

    Tony : Yes , it was acted by the Beijing English Theatre Company .

  5. 大学生电影节将于4月16日在北京保利剧院开幕。

    The University Student Film Festival is scheduled to open at beijing 's Poly Theater on april16th .

  6. 大型原生态民族歌舞《云南映象》将于4月11日在北京保利剧院上演。

    Dynamic Yunnan , a grand original primitive song and dance medley , is to be staged on April 11th in Poly Theatre , Beijing .

  7. 从悉尼歌剧院论到北京国家大剧院

    From Sydney Opera House to the National Grand Theater in Beijing

  8. 北京人民艺术剧院有很强大的演员阵容。

    The Beijing Theatre of People 's Art has a very strong cast .

  9. 建筑哲学建筑学基础理论之核心略评北京国家大剧院设计竞赛相关问题

    Architectural philosophy : core of architectural foundation

  10. 《越狱》大帅哥温特沃斯·米勒中国行,先后登上了上海黄浦江的游艇和北京国家大剧院的舞台为服装品牌代言亮相拍照。

    Prison Break hottie Wentworth Miller poses for photos aboard a yacht on Huangpu River and at the National Grand Theater in China 's Shanghai and Beijing earlier this week .

  11. 在中国有20多个城市表示会参与地球一小时。在北京,国家大剧院是第二年参与此项活动。

    In Beijing , the National Centre for the Performing Arts will join in the campaign for the second year .

  12. 一些中国观众最喜欢的动画角色,如阿凡提和葫芦兄弟很快将会在北京的中国木偶剧院上演真人秀。这些演出是中国木偶剧院和上海电影集团的最新合作。

    Some of Chinese people 's favorite animated characters , like " Avanti " and the " Gourd Brothers ," will soon be presented as live stage shows at Beijing 's China Puppet Theatre .

  13. 该公司表示,自北京的国家大剧院于2007年投入使用以来,它是第二个在其中演出的美国剧团,但是它不会为《仲夏夜之梦》打上任何美国印记,也不会去刻意迎合中国观众的口味。

    The company says it is just the second American theater troupe to perform in the Beijing center since it opened in 2007 , but it will not be putting any kind of American stamp on " Midsummer , " nor has it been urged to tailor the work for Chinese audiences .

  14. “第八届北京国际戏剧•舞蹈演出季”正在进行当中,来自世界各地的精彩戏剧作品和舞蹈演出已经在北京的各大剧院上演。

    The on-going Beijing International Theater and Dance Festival continues to roll out wow-inspiring shows for the stage .