
  • 网络chemical pesticide;chemical insecticide;pesticide chemical
  1. 绿色储粮是未来粮食储藏的发展趋势,它能够避免微生物真菌毒素和化学杀虫剂等引起的危害。

    Green grain storage is the future trend of development , it can avoid jeopardizing from microorganism epiphyte toxin and chemical pesticide .

  2. 根据常用几种化学杀虫剂的特性、作用方式,研究了触杀型、内吸型、胃毒型、熏蒸型杀虫剂的使用方法、灭虫效果及安全间隔期。

    The use method , the pesticidal effect and the safe interval of some pesticides , including contacting killing type , systematic type , stomach toxic type and fumigant type , were brought forward on the base of the characteristic and the acting manner of some common chemical pesticide .

  3. 表达苏云金杆菌杀虫晶体蛋白的转基因Bt作物在全球范围推广种植,有效控制了重要作物上靶标害虫的为害,同时减少了化学杀虫剂的使用。

    Transgenic crops producing insecticidal protein toxins from Bacillus thuringiensis ( Bt ) have been adopted worldwide . Planting of Bt crops have provided effective control of target pests , and also reduced the use of chemical insecticides .

  4. 这跟Asesor一家还在使用化学杀虫剂和肥料时的生活截然不同。

    Life was totally different when the Asesor family farmed with chemical pesticides and fertilisers .

  5. 家蝇(Muscadomestica)是一种在全世界各地分布极为广泛的重要的公共卫生害虫,随着化学杀虫剂的广泛使用,越来越多的家蝇种群产生了抗药性。

    House fly ( Musca domestica ) distributes all over the world , is regard as one of the most important disease vector . Insecticides have been extensively used in China for the management of public health pest .

  6. 生长调节剂类化学杀虫剂非甾醇类蜕皮激素竞争物RH-2485可以诱导3种酯酶表达上调,可能与蜕皮有关。

    The non-steroidal ecdysone agonist RH-2485 could induce the expression of one of the esterases , which might be involved in the molting process . N-terminal amino acid sequence from one of the esterases was determined .

  7. 山东省蚊虫对化学杀虫剂的抗性状况分析

    Analysis of the Chemical Insecticide Resistance of Mosquitoes in Shandong Province

  8. 12种化学杀虫剂对3种虫生真菌孢子萌发影响的研究

    Impact of 12 Chemical Insecticides on Conidial Germination of 3 Entomogenous Fungi

  9. 大家都知道化学杀虫剂会让农夫得癌症。

    Chemical pesticides are known to cause cancer in farmers .

  10. 化学杀虫剂对春甘蓝田节肢动物群落结构的影响

    The Effects of Chemical Pesticides on Arthropod Community in Spring Wild Cabbage Field

  11. 我不是说人类决不能使用化学杀虫剂。

    It is not my contention that chemical insecticides must never be used .

  12. 目的探讨日照市区家蝇对化学杀虫剂的抗药性现状。

    Objective The current insecticide resistance in house fly in Rizhao city were presented .

  13. 对一些特定的用来控制昆虫的化学杀虫剂也研究得比较多。

    Certain chemical pesticides used to control in - sects have also been well studied .

  14. 5种化学杀虫剂防治椰心叶甲试验

    Comparison Tests to Control Coconut Leaf Beetle ( Brontispa longissima ) by Using Five Pesticides

  15. 同时,居民们谴责化学杀虫剂的使用污染了水,导致健康问题。

    Also , the use of pesticide chemicals is polluting water and causing health problems .

  16. 这类产品可以大幅减少化学杀虫剂的使用。

    Such products could make it possible to sharply reduce the amount of chemical pesticides used .

  17. 当鸟类开始相继死去时,人们就开始对使用化学杀虫剂提出批评。

    When birds began to die off , People began to criticize the use of chemical pesticides .

  18. 这种微生物能控制幼虫生长,但是要杀死成年甲虫还需要化学杀虫剂。

    The microorganism controls development of larvae , but destruction of the adult beetle requires chemical insecticides .

  19. 目的:选择7种常用化学杀虫剂,对淡色库蚊进行抗性测定,为正确指导科学用药,合理制定防蚊规划提供依据;

    Objective : To guide scientific application of insecticides and provide evidence for planning a program against mosquitoes .

  20. 上个世纪以来,棉铃虫对大多数的化学杀虫剂产生抗药性,使对其的防治愈加困难。

    It was hard to control since cotton bollworm developed resistance to lots kind of chemical pesticides last century .

  21. 但是,化学杀虫剂的使用会不可避免的造成环境污染以及威胁人类健康。

    However , the long-term employment of synthesized pesticides has inevitably led to the environmental pollution and human health problems .

  22. 尽管它们近期内尚不能代替化学杀虫剂,但可作为有效的替补。

    Though they may not replace the use of chemical pesticides in the near future , but effectively complement it .

  23. 化学杀虫剂对绿僵菌的影响及菌药混用研究

    Studies on Impact of Chemical Insecticides on Metarhizium anisopliae and the Application of the Fungus Products Mixed with Chemical Insecticides

  24. 由于化学杀虫剂的诸多害处,开发新一代环保生物农药势在必行。

    Because of the environmental pollution and some other reasons , chemical pesticide must be instead of new generation biological insecticide .

  25. 研究人员还记录了从1992年至2008年间中国农民使用化学杀虫剂的情况。

    The researchers also ed the use of insecticide chemicals by the Chinese farmers from nineteen ninety-two to two thousand eight .

  26. 由于化学杀虫剂的大量使用,一些主要农业害虫对化学杀虫剂产生的抗药性问题越来越严重。

    The resistance to chemical pesticides of major agricultural pests is increasingly getting worse due to the widespread use of them .

  27. 科学家发现约有25%的绿色水果及蔬菜中存在化学杀虫剂。

    The scientists found that chemical pesticides to kill insects were present on almost twenty-five percent of the organic fruits and vegetables .

  28. 转基因作物产生的苏云金芽胞杆菌毒素能杀死一些关键害虫和减少依赖使用化学杀虫剂。

    Transgenic crops producing Bacillus thuringiensis ( Bt ) toxins kill some key insect pests and can reduce reliance on insecticide sprays .

  29. 谷胱甘肽硫转移酶在生物体内广泛存在,在化学杀虫剂的解毒代谢过程中发挥主要的作用。

    Glutathione S-transferases ( GSTs ) are enzymes widespread in most organisms and play a major role in detoxification of chemical insecticides .

  30. 本课题有利于尽快使我国摆脱过度依赖化学杀虫剂的现状,加快我国微生物类杀虫剂方面的研究,进一步完善现代化农业的要求,为生物农药产业和农业的可持续发展做出一定的贡献。

    The research can accelerate the development of microbial insecticides in China , and contributes to the sustainable development of Chinese agriculture .