
  • 网络Lux;Lux,lx;lux lx
  1. 阳光明媚的一天就相当于10万勒克斯单位的光线亮度(lux是亮度计量单位),而室内照明只有大约300勒克斯单位。

    A sunny day is equivalent to 100,000 lux the measure of brightness - while indoor lighting only provides around 300 lux .

  2. 主要工作室的照度宜为300勒克斯;

    Illumination for main production rooms shall be300 Lux .

  3. 2010年,德勒克斯勒摆脱了一场舆论危机。据称,造成这个危机的原因在于,他曾就潜在的公司出售事宜与其他方面进行过深入探讨,但他在7周后才将此事告知J.Crew董事会。

    Drexler survived a controversy in 2010 when he allegedly waited seven weeks to inform the J. Crew board of in-depth discussions he was holding related to the potential sale of the company .

  4. 另两位任期最长的苹果董事是:J.Crew首席执行官麦琪o德勒克斯勒,他于1999年加入董事会;以及美国前副总统阿尔o戈尔,他加入董事会的时间是2003年。

    The two other longest serving Apple directors are Mickey Drexler , CEO of J. Crew , who has been on the board since 1999 , and former U.S. Vice President Al Gore , a director since 2003 .

  5. 帕特里夏:本人购买的第一件米索尼产品就是带长山羊皮流苏的卢勒克斯(Lurex)紫色围巾。

    PU : My first Missoni piece was a purple Lurex scarf with long suede fringes .

  6. 在他看来,索勒克斯是现存的最好的领队狗。

    In his judgment , Sol-leks was the best lead-dog left .

  7. 然而办公室室内照明通常只提供大约300到500勒克斯。

    However indoor office lighting typically provides only about 300 to 500 lux .

  8. 勒克斯的职位不是世袭的;

    The office of rex was not hereditary ;

  9. 一个大晴天相当于有10000勒克斯或更多的光。

    A sunny day is equivalent to about 10 , 000 lux or higher of light .

  10. 当你处于1000勒克斯单位强度的光线环境下,你才能保持完全清醒的状态所需的充足光线。

    When you are exposed to 1,000 lux , you are getting enough light for full alertness .

  11. 勒克斯豪华-勒克斯豪华是一种游戏,策略和统治的启发,由董事会游戏的风险。

    Lux deluxe-Lux Delux is a game of strategy and domination inspired by the board game Risk .

  12. 勒克斯是光对于遥远表面的照明度的量度单位。

    A lux is a measure of the illumination given by a light to a distant surface .

  13. 但德银与德国联邦金融监管局在布勒克斯密特的问题上产生的分歧表明,与重要官员不保持联系是危险的。

    But the disagreement with Bafin over Mr broeksmit shows the danger of being out of touch with key officials .

  14. 卢勒克斯条纹和闪闪发光的针织背心是一个系列,加上一个休闲服装的搭配额外显出夜晚的奢侈。

    A series of lurex-striped shrugs and sequinned knit waistcoats when worn over a casual outfit add instant night-time luxury .

  15. 在正常温度(25℃)及2500勒克斯光强下,脯氨酸含量的差异与上述作物幼苗的抗寒力无相关性。

    There was not a correlation between proline and the crops ' cold resistance at the normal temperature ( 25 ℃) .

  16. 但在很多情况下我们无法接触到充足的阳光环境,办公室照明平均只有300勒克斯单位的光线强度,这比我们身体所需的光线强度量要少得多。

    But in many ways we are light deprived , with the average office lighting only producing 300 lux , which is less than we need .

  17. 巴克小跑到原来斯帕斯据为领袖的位置,福楼沙却没理他,把索勒克斯带到令巴克觊觎的位置。

    Buck trotted up to the place Spitz would have occupied as leader ; but francois , not noticing him , brought Sol-leks to the coveted position .

  18. 阿勒克斯•斯宾塞•洛佩兹是美国亚利桑那州的治疗师兼人生导师,她认为我们对新年计划的看法大错特错。

    Alexcis Spencer Lopez , a life coach and therapist based in Arizona , US , says we are going about our New Year 's resolutions all wrong .

  19. 光照为0.3勒克斯,飞翔活动开始减少,5勒克斯以上完全停止飞翔。

    When the illumination is 0.3 lux their flights begin to decrease , and when the illumination reaches to 5 lux or more all of the moths stop flying completely .

  20. 他们在昏暗光线环境下完成了一个为期四天的实验:在每日16小时的清醒状态下接受低于20勒克斯的光照;而在8小时的睡眠期间接受低于3勒克斯的光照。

    They completed a four-day trial under dim light conditions , which involved exposure to less than 20 lux during 16 hours awake and less than three lux during eight hours of sleep .

  21. 第三天,研究对象在起床10.5小时后的3小时内受到了260勒克斯的明亮蓝光照射,再将其实验结果与实验第二天用昏暗光线照射的结果进行了对比。

    On day three they were exposed to three hours of 260 lux , blue-enriched light starting 10.5 hours after waking up , and the effects were compared with dim light exposure on day two .

  22. 不过对于那些认为自己可能易患此疾病的人,专家建议可以每天在一种十分明亮的特制荧光灯(照度为1万勒克斯)下坐大约30分钟,并坚持2到4周的时间。

    There is no specific test for SAD , but for people who think they are susceptible , experts suggest sitting near a specialized lamp with a very bright fluorescent ( 10,000 lux ) for about 30 minutes a day for two to four weeks .

  23. 巴克并不喜欢这种工作,但他尽心尽职,跟达弗和索勒克斯一样以工作为荣,并督促伙伴们做好份内的工作。

    Buck did not like it , but he bore up well to the work , taking pride in it after the manner of Dave and Sol-leks , and seeing that his mates , whether they prided in it or not , did their fair share .