
  • 网络Work Songs
  1. 劳动歌曲、圣歌和其他老版本的情歌故事,如skillingsviser也受到欢迎。

    Work songs , hymns , tralling vocals and old printed ballad stories , skillingsviser , have also been popular .

  2. “这首诗已经谱过曲了吗?”“是的,已经配上一支老的劳动歌曲的调子。”

    " Has the poem ever been set to music ?"" yes , it was set to an old working song tune . "

  3. 在解放了的黑奴中间逐渐形成了两种截然不同的音乐,但都是以非洲音乐旋律(这是黑人劳动歌曲的基调)为基础发展起来的。

    Among the freed slaves , two very different types of music developed from the African rhythms that had formed the basis for the Negroes'work songs .

  4. 它把来自黑人劳动歌曲、黑人灵歌和布鲁斯的主旋律结合在一起,编排出一种欢快节拍,再由乐师们在演奏时即兴发挥(像行进中的送葬乐队那样)。

    It combined themes from Negro word songs , spirituals and blues , set to a fast beat , with the musicians improvising as they went along , like the funeral marching bands .

  5. 豫西地区流传的民歌,主要有工农生产的劳动歌曲、节日喜庆的灯歌、悠闲小调和一些商贩叫卖曲等。

    The folk songs popular in the west part of Henan Province can be classified into different kinds , namely songs for labor , for feasts , for self enjoyment , and for peddling , etc.

  6. 由于成武民歌的数量很多,故本文又把成武民歌按照体裁分为五类,即:担经、劳动歌曲、情歌、庆贺歌、民间歌谣。

    As the number of folk songs into a lot of weapons , so this again into force folk into five categories according to genre , that is : Tam , economic , labor songs , love songs , celebration songs , folk songs .

  7. 它是从黑人劳动所唱的歌曲演变而来的,它的根在非洲。

    It came from work songs sung by black people and had its roots in Africa .