
  • 网络gareth
  1. Kinek是该计划的策划公司,公司老板加雷斯•苏杜(GarethSudul)说,商家喜欢这种简单的“Kinek网点”服务。

    Gareth Sudul , head of Kinek , the firm behind the scheme , says that businesses like the simplicity of providing a " KinekPoint " service .

  2. 我觉得那是个了不起的理论,加雷斯。

    I think it 's a very good theory , gareth .

  3. 哦,加雷斯,你不知道自己有多幸运。

    Oh , gareth , you don 't know how lucky you are .

  4. 如果不能,我希望我们能获得其他跟加雷斯一样高水平的球员。

    If it doesn 't , hopefully we get players in of Gareth 's standard .

  5. 加雷斯:我们干嘛不干脆把那个鬼器狼嚎似的家伙解雇算了?那人狼吞虎咽地大吃一顿,好象一个月没吃过东西似的。

    Gareth : Why can 't we just give him the boot for crying out loud ?! The man gobbled up the meal as though he had been starving for a month .

  6. 上周六,影子内阁办公室负责人加雷斯•托马斯说,政府看上去正遭受失去信誉的危险,看起来是在“拼命削减那些努力工作、通常收入不高的公务员薪酬。”

    On Saturday , the shadow cabinet office minister , Gareth Thomas , said the government was in danger of losing any remaining goodwill and appeared to be " waging war on the pay of hard-working , often lowly paid , public servants . "