
  • 网络Avalon;Avallon;avalon organics
  1. 铸造集团和阿瓦隆公司亦分别将2200万美元和2100万美元的股票卖给了Zynga。

    Foundry Group and Avalon ventures sold back around $ 22 million and $ 21 million , respectively .

  2. 你在湖里看见是阿瓦隆。

    What you saw at the lake , it 's Avalon .

  3. 阿瓦隆之门依旧会对你女儿关闭。

    The gates of Avalon remain closed to your daughter .

  4. 永不准许回到阿瓦隆。

    You will never be able to return to Avalon .

  5. 他是阿瓦隆做基因研究的科学家。

    He was a researcher in genetics for avalon .

  6. 在另一项声明中说,丰田公司将召回在美国制造的阿瓦隆。

    In a separate statement Toyota said it would recall the US-made Avalon .

  7. 可这样就给了阿瓦隆无边的能力。

    But then you 'll give Avalon unlimited power .

  8. 阿瓦隆会把你的理想变成噩梦!

    Avalon will change your dreams into nightmares .

  9. 阿瓦隆诊所出具的埋葬证明。

    Burial certificate sent by avalon 's clinic .

  10. 阿瓦隆对孩子们总是无微不至。

    Avalon always took care of its children .

  11. 她在阿瓦隆的实验室工作。

    She 's working at avalon 's laboratory .

  12. 他们是阿瓦隆的手下!

    They were avalon 's men !

  13. 仙女们将亚瑟王载到阿瓦隆岛,那里是英雄们的修养地。

    The boat took him away to the island of Avalon , the land of heroes .

  14. 阿瓦隆背后的想法是,你不应该在代码和图形用户界面由一个人开发的。

    The idea behind Avalon is that you should not have both code and GUI developed by a single person .

  15. 这份原稿讲述了关于格温娜维尔、梅林和后来称作埃克斯卡利伯的石中剑以及亚瑟王在阿瓦隆最终的安息地。

    It told of Guinevere , Merlin , the sword Caliburn-later known as Excalibur-and Arthur 's final resting place in Avalon .

  16. 我来此求得您的原谅,期许能获准回到阿瓦隆得到永生!

    I come before you to plead for the chance to win passage back to Avalon and a life of immortality !

  17. 2011年阿瓦隆翻译工程的工作是,展现出我们美好的愿望,并且表达出一种新的愿望给领导者自身。

    Our job on the ATP in2011 ( I think !) is to present this vision – and to provide a new inspiration to the leaders themselves .

  18. 你不必忍。一等他的心归你,阿瓦隆的大门将再次为我们敞开,我们就可以恢复原型了。

    You won 't have to . Once his heart is yours , the gates of Avalon will open once again for us and we can regain our true form .

  19. 束。人们还认为苹果是来自灵界的神奇水果——阿瓦隆(凯尔特族传说中的西方乐土岛),据说亚瑟王就长眠于此。它的意思是“苹果的岛屿”。

    It was also believed that apples were magical fruit from the spirit realm - Avalon , where King Arthur is said to lie , means " Isle of Apples . "

  20. 救护服务发言人布雷特。加维声称,15岁的匿名受害者已搭乘直升飞机飞离阿瓦隆海滩,前往悉尼的医院。

    The15-year-old , whose name has not been released , was flown by helicopter from Avalon beach to a hospital in Sydney , Brett Garvey , an ambulance service spokesman , said .