
  • 网络animagus;Animagi
  1. 在DH中,同样会有个新的女人物为收集信息而使用阿尼马格斯。

    In DH , a new female character will also use her Animagus form in order to gather information .

  2. 每个小学生都知道,这是阿尼马格斯和把自己变形为动物的根本区别。

    This , as every schoolchild knows , is the fundamental difference between being an Animagus , and Transfiguring oneself into an animal .

  3. 阿尼马格斯只占巫师人口中的很少一部分。

    Animagi make up a small fraction of the wizarding population .

  4. 阿尼马格斯变为动物形态后,就失去了会说人类语言的功能,尽管他们还保留着人类的思维和推理能力。

    Animagi do not retain the power of human speech while in their animal form , although they keep all their human thinking and reasoning powers .

  5. 盘子尤其向阿尼马格斯人物形象詹姆·波特、小天狼星布莱克、小矮星彼得和莱姆斯·卢平致敬,他们都是活点地图的原创者。

    In particular , the plate nods to the Animagus forms of characters James Potter , Sirius Black , Peter Pettigrew , and Remus Lupin , otherwise known as the original creators of the Marauder 's Map .

  6. 不过,兔子巴比蒂的故事倒是首次在文学作品中提到了阿尼马格斯,因为洗衣妇巴比蒂拥有罕见的法术,能够随心所欲地变形为一只动物。

    The tale of Babbitty Rabbitty does , however , give us one of the earliest literary mentions of an Animagus , for Babbitty the washerwoman is possessed of the rare magical ability to transform into an animal at will .

  7. 这恐怕是属于诗人的大胆狂想了,但是我认为更有可能的是彼豆只听说过阿尼马格斯,并没有见过,因为故事中他只在这一点上歪曲了魔法规律。

    This might be poetic licence , but I think it more likely that Beedle had only heard about Animagi , and never met one , for this is the only liberty that he takes with magical laws in the story .

  8. 正是由于这个原因,魔法部坚持把所有的阿尼马格斯登记在案,因为对于那些从事鬼鬼祟祟、不可告人的勾当,甚至从事犯罪活动的人来说,这类魔法无疑是十分有用的。

    It is for this reason that the Ministry of Magic has insisted upon a register of Animagi , for there can be no doubt that this kind of magic is of greatest use to those engaged in surreptitious , covert or even criminal activity .