
  • 网络calais
  1. 我们错认为派我们去保卫加莱。

    We erroneously believed ourselves destined for the defense of Calais .

  2. 明天有去加莱的邮船么,帐房?

    ` There will be a packet to Calais , to-morrow , drawer '

  3. 对于这两类系统,利用一定的技巧,可以建立一个二维庞加莱(Poincare)映射。

    For these two classes of equations , we can establish a two-dimensional Poincare map using some technique .

  4. 利用MATLAB进行仿真分析,得到了关于角频率的分岔图、相图及庞加莱截面图,分析了其对系统振动特性的影响。

    The bifurcation diagram , track curve and poincare mapping are obtained by means of MATLAB software . The effect of circumrotation velocity on the non-linear vibration characteristic of the system is analyzed .

  5. 通过MATLAB仿真得到了系统的相图、庞加莱截面图和时间历程图,结合非线性理论中的定性分析法分析了主传动系统轧制过程中的振动规律。

    The phase graph , Poincare graph and the time-history graph of the system can be obtained by the simulation of MATLAB software . The twisting vibration laws of main transmission system in rolling process are analyzed by nonlinear qualitative theory .

  6. 本文用庞加莱球方法对膜补偿STNLCD的参数进行了最佳化,最佳化的膜补偿STNLCD显示了很好的显示特性,它具有黑白显示及高对比度等特点。

    In this paper , Poincare sphere method in used to optimise the parameters of FSTN-LCD . The optimized FSTN - LCD show a good display characteristic with achromaticity and high contrast ratio .

  7. 用求解系统周期解分岔的庞加莱牛顿弗洛凯(PoincareNewtonFloquet,PNF)法,对推力轴承的动力系统稳定性进行了研究。

    The Poincare Newton Floquet ( PNF ) method for investigating the bifurcation of the periodic solution of system is used to study the dynamic system stability of thrust bearings .

  8. 结合非线性动力学方法对系统动态响应的数值特征进行分析,分析其时间历程曲线、功率谱密度、相轨迹、庞加莱截面、最大Lyapunov指数,揭示其非线性动力学规律。

    Methods of nonlinear dynamics are applied to analyze numerical characteristics of system dynamic response , i.e. time course curves , power spectral density , phase traces and Poincare maps , the maximum Lyapunov exponent , to reveal the principles of non-linear dynamics .

  9. 针对轴向载荷作用下各种边界条件的非线性弹性矩形截面梁,考虑梁的非线性效应,运用Galerkin原理,林滋泰德&庞加莱法,对梁进行了研究。

    Galerkin principle and Linz Ted-Poincar é method are proposed for solving the nonlinear vibration problems of a rectangular beam with various boundary conditions . The efforts of material nonlinear and static deformation on the dynamic characteristics are taken into consideration .

  10. 由于带膝关节的被动行走机器人在一个行走步态周期内包含两个摆动阶段和两个碰撞切换过程,因此庞加莱映射的建立和Floquet乘子的计算成为分析机器人局部稳定性的关键。

    Since one walking cycle of the passive walking robot with knees is separated into two swing phases and two impact phases , the construction of poincar é mapping and the calculation of floquet multiplier are critical to analyze the local stability of biped robot .

  11. 文章利用庞加莱截面来研究二自由度混沌系统Henon-Heiles体系在相空间的运动轨迹,并通过图像讨论了体系的动力学特性和混沌的形成过程。

    In this theory , we used Poincare section to study the trajectories for the Henon-Heiles system with two degrees of freedom in phase space . We also discussed the system 's dynamics characteristic and chaos'pose with the picture .

  12. 对所测某28MW发电机组转子在三种不同工作状态下的时间序列进行了关联维数计算、小波包分解以及最大李雅普诺夫指数计算,并结合其相轨迹图和庞加莱截面进行了分析与研究。

    Three time domain vibration signals of a 28 MW turbo unit at different running state are researched by using wavelet packet decomposition and reconstruction technique and by calculating their correlation dimensions and largest Lyapunov exponents , reconstructing their phase trajectories and Poincare sections attend by .

  13. 用庞加莱球法测量二阶偏振模色散

    Measurement of Second Order PMD with Poincar é Sphere Method

  14. 庞加莱球方法对膜补偿超扭曲液晶显示器件参数的最佳化及其实验结果

    Optimization of Parameters of FSTN-LCD with Poincare Sphere Method and the Experimental Result

  15. 甚至有报道说你们最终证明了庞加莱猜想。你是怎么熬过来的?

    It was even announced you have finally proved the Poincar é Conjecture .

  16. 这艘船运行多佛&加莱航线。

    The boat operates on the Dover-Calais run .

  17. 庞加莱的学说于1915年开始被引入中国。

    Commencing from 1915 , the theories of Poincare started to be introduced into China .

  18. 加莱与玻璃器皿新艺术

    Emile Galle And His New Glass Arts

  19. 庞加莱猜想和黎曼假设、霍奇猜想、杨-米尔理论等一样,被并列为七大数学世纪难题之一。

    The Poincare Conjecture was rated as one of the major mathematical puzzles of the20th century .

  20. 他证明了庞加莱猜想

    He proved the Poincar é conjecture

  21. 选取碰撞发生后瞬间的相截面为庞加莱截面。

    Select the follow immediately from the collision of the phase plane as the Poincar é section .

  22. 庞加莱球表象及其应用

    Poincare-Sphere and the Application

  23. 在庞加莱球的基础上,对原偏振模色散的测量方法进行了理论分析。

    Based on Poincar é sphere , theoretical analysis is given on the measurement of second order PMD .

  24. 要理解庞加莱猜想,当始于对三维世界存在的一切物体的认识。

    To understand the Poincar é conjecture , start by thinking of any object existing in a three-dimensional world .

  25. 英国人约翰?诺思伍德和法国人加莱在19世纪晚期复兴了这项艺术。

    The art was revived by John Northwood in England and emile Galle in France in the late 19th century .

  26. 利用庞加莱双曲几何理论降低大规模物料配送问题的复杂度。

    The theory of Poincare hyperbolic geometry is used to reduce the complexity of the large scale material delivery problem .

  27. 第三章我们从庞加莱群着手构造合适的希尔伯特空间的多种幺正表象。

    In the third chapter we start with the Poincare group and construct various unitary representations in suitable Hilbert spaces .

  28. 定性的研究工作有:研究系统运动的相轨图、庞加莱映射图、功率谱图和自相关函数图;

    The qualitative work including : research the phase trajectory of the system 、 Poincare map 、 power spectral and auto-correlation .

  29. 更确切的为,在庞加莱图上的分形的圆圈数量是随着涡卷数量的增多而逐渐增多的。

    The numbers of circles in fractal structure in Poincare maps is gradually increasing with the increase of the scroll number .

  30. 浅谈中国当下纪念碑雕塑的空间语言表达&由罗丹《加莱义民》说起

    Superficial Discussion of Space Language Expression About the Present Chinese Monument Sculpture & Speaking from Rodin 's The Burghers of Calais