
ɡōnɡ nénɡ zǔ zhī
  • functional organization
  1. JosefRauschecker:“现在的问题是,盲人是否拥有同样或类似的功能组织,这些组件保持不动,直接负责触觉和听觉同能?答案是肯定的。”

    JOSEF RAUSCHECKER : " Now the question is : Do blind people have that same or similar functional organization , that these modules actually stay put and just get rededicated to touch and hearing ? And the answer is yes . "

  2. 这种形式的市场营销组织被称为功能组织。

    This type of marketing department organization is called functional organization .

  3. 本文探讨了VISUALFOXPRO应用系统存储组织、功能组织、权限组织的设计方法和技巧。

    The paper mainly deal with the designing methods and techniques for the storage unit 、 functional unit and limit unit of Visual FoxPro practical system .

  4. 一种新型多功能组织与器官灌流装置的设计

    Design of a Novel Tissue and Organ Perfusion Device with Multifunctions

  5. 南京都市圈中心城市功能组织研究

    Study on the Functional Organization of the Central City of Nanjing City Circle

  6. 保留多功能组织颈淋巴清扫技术的临床应用

    The Value of More Tissue Preserved Functional Neck Dissection

  7. 有序化的城市功能组织系统建设;

    Construed an ordering city function organization system ;

  8. 实验结果有力表明神经对抗是脑功能组织的一个重要原则。

    The experimental results suggest strongly that neuro-opposing is an important principle in brain functional organization .

  9. 高血压病左室舒张功能组织多普勒改变与临床分级对比分析

    Contrast Analysis between Left Ventricular Diastolic Function by Doppler Tissue Imaging and Clinical Classification in Hypertention

  10. 透过功能组织架构重整来建立企业的程序原则。

    It develop an understanding of business process engineering principles in the redesign of functional organizational structures .

  11. 相应的铁路客运站的功能组织、空间形式都发生了变化。

    Both the functional organizations and special forms of the corresponding railway passenger station have taken some changes .

  12. 建筑的空间形态与功能组织的制约与共生&浅析上海市宝山区公共卫生中心设计

    Constraints and Coexistence of Architectural Space Form and Function Organization & Design Analysis of Baoshan District Public Health Center , Shanghai

  13. 现代化造船模式要求生产过程由按功能组织转变为按产品组织,物资管理也转变为产品导向型。

    Modern shipbuilding method requires manufacture processes to change the organized mode , which is organized by function into organized by product .

  14. 本算法已成功应用于调幅声敏感听觉细胞功能组织的研究。

    This algorithm has been successfully used for the study of functional organization of AM sound sensitive auditory neurons in the midbrain .

  15. 能磁共振成像技术配合简单语言任务是评价失语症患者大脑语言功能组织的有效方法。

    The fMRI study with a simple language task is useful to evaluate the cortical organization of language function in aphasia patients .

  16. D电子制造企业是一家外资电子公司,在中国投资设厂已有多年,管理模式以功能组织型为主。

    D electronic manufacturer is a foreign company , its factory located in China by many years , and its management mould is by function .

  17. 干细胞分裂后,会生成一部分子代干细胞,而另一些子代则分化为功能组织细胞。

    A stem cell is one that , when it divides , spins off some offspring that remain as stem cells while others turn into functional tissue .

  18. 站房在发展过程中,由于繁杂功能组织带来交通流线的复杂性和人流汇聚性,从而引发空间布局矛盾。

    In the development of bus station house , complexity of traffic flow and pedestrians , which are caused by complex functions , bring some conflicts of space layout .

  19. 就我校新图书馆建筑设计中有关总体布局、建筑功能组织、造型处理等问题,作了简要论述。

    The paper gives a brief introduction about the general planning , the functional composition of the building and architectural treatments , etc of the new library of our university .

  20. 第四章分析现代站前广场的交通复合因素和集散方式,探讨复合交通体系及交通系统的多功能组织;

    Chapter four analyses the traffic compound factors and patterns of traffic distribution of the modern station 's square , then explores the compound traffic system and its multi-functional organization ;

  21. 在轨道建设实践中,站点处于不同地段、不同车站类型、不同的用地功能组织,车站周边地块就会有不同的开发强度。

    In the practice of orbit construction , there will be different exploitation strength in the plot around metro station according to the station locates , station type and functional organization .

  22. 它将企业应用程序中所具有的分散功能组织成可互操作的基于技术标准的服务,这些服务可按照业务需求快速组合和重用。

    Service-Oriented Architecture is an IT strategy that organizes the discrete functions contained in enterprise applications into interoperable , standards-based services that can be combined and reused quickly to meet business needs .

  23. 第二部分是本文的研究对象,引入功能组织与共享空间的分类标准,对其中不同类型的案例作出分析。

    Second part is the research object in this paper . In this chapter the author introduced the classification standard of functional organization and atrium space and analyzed different types of public libraries cases .

  24. 第二章主要以栖霞寺的基址选择开始进行详细的分析,包括寺内的总体布局,建筑空间与功能组织要素来剖析栖霞寺的建筑空间形态。

    The second chapter to the base address of the Qixia Temple began to conduct a detailed analysis , including the overall layout of the temple building space and functional organizational elements to analyze the Qixia Temple of building space form .

  25. 门诊楼公共空间建设的基本矛盾是门诊楼繁杂的功能组织带来交通流线的复杂性与大量人流集中、分布所需空间的矛盾。

    The basic contradiction of public space in the outpatient building is that which between traffic streamline complexity and the needful space of a great deal people concentrated and distributed that be brought from the multifarious function organization of outpatient building .

  26. 城市空间结构是城市功能组织在地域空间上的投影,是城市的政治、经济、社会、文化生活、自然条件和工程技术以及建筑结构空间组合的综合反映。

    Urban spatial structure is the reflection of urban function system on district and space . It is also a comprehensive reflection of urban politics , economy , society , culture , natural conditions , engineering technologies and architectural arrangement in space .

  27. 研究二,重点在于探讨局部的脑损伤对患者大脑语言功能组织状况的影响和失语症病人语言功能恢复的神经学机制,并讨论了功能磁共振成像技术评价临床失语症患者大脑语言功能状态的可行性。

    In study two , we focused on the impact of local brain lesion on the language network and the possible mechanism underlying recovery of language function . The feasibility of functional MRI to evaluate language function in aphasia patients was also discussed .

  28. 从我国目前所进行的高等教育区域优化研究以及优化实践探索来看,高等教育区域优化一般说来具有三种优化模式,即规划导向型、功能组织型、空间组织型。

    Viewed from the research and optimization practices our nation has done in higher education regional optimization , generally speaking , there are three types and patterns in higher education regional optimization , which are guided programming , functional structuring , and spatial structuring .

  29. 为了实现这个目的,在城市地标系统化的过程中必须对地标整体功能组织进行优化,使城市地标进入与其目的相适应的状态,使系统适应外界环境变化。

    In order to achieve this objective , the city landmark systematic process must Landmark organizations to optimize the overall function , so that the city landmark with its aim of entering the state to adapt the system to adapt to changes in the external environment .

  30. 第六部分是唐山城市空间发展的形态演变,在城市形态演变的基础上,分析城市空间形态特征及时空变化、功能组织,归纳出城市空间形态演变中存在的问题。

    The sixth part is the morphological evolution of Tangshan city space development , on the basis of urban morphological evolution , analyzes characteristics of urban spatial morphology and the temporal and spatial changes , function , and concludes the problems of urban space morphological evolution .