
  • 网络Office Angels
  1. “办公室天使”招聘公司对1200名公司职员开展的调查显示,有些人遇到这一两难问题时慌张失措,竟有八分之一的人忘了对方的名字。

    A survey of 1200 workers by recruitment firm Office Angels said some became so anxious while deciding whether to kiss or shake hands that one in eight forgot the name of the person they were greeting .

  2. 伦敦一间求职咨询公司“办公室天使”,在本周二发表的一份“求职宝典”中提到,应把这种年度办公室派对看作一个晋升契机,而不仅仅是一个社交聚会。

    The annual office party is not a social event but a career opportunity , and people hoping to impress should bone up on trivia to ensure they are noticed , a London recruitment consultancy said Tuesday .