
  • 网络Regal;buick regal;buick
  1. 预计其自主品牌汽车荣威的价格将在每辆3万美元左右,其竞争对象将定位为别克君威(BuickRegal)和本田雅阁(HondaAccord)。

    Its Roewe saloon is expected to be priced at about $ 30,000 a car , and will be up against the Buick Regal and Honda Accord .

  2. 不久前一个帖子说:让德国人生产新的别克君威。

    One recent post read : Germans building the new Buick Regal .

  3. 别克君威(BuickRegal)绝对是一款可敬可佩的车型,第五代君威也无愧于国际化的出身。

    The fifth generation of a venerable Buick model qualifies for an international passport .

  4. 他们就已经上了那辆别克君威。

    They 'd gotten into the Buick regal .

  5. 亨利•索恩曾负责编程控制笨重的机器人,以焊接通用汽车(GeneralMotors)装配线上的别克(Buick)君威(Regals),庞蒂克(Pontiac)GrandPrixs和雪佛兰(Chevy)CutlassSupremes的框架。

    Henry Thorne once programmed hulking robots to weld the frames of Buick regals , Pontiac Grand prixs , and Chevy cutlass Supremes on a general motors ( GM ) assembly line .