
  • 网络Likud;Likud party
  1. 当你看以色列的各个政治团体,尽管是以宗教来分的,但是比如,利库德集团和工党。

    When you look at political divisions in Israel , they don 't * Though some are divided religiously , But if you look , let 's say , Likud versus Labor .

  2. 在后来的多年中,他是利库德集团(LikudParty)的高级成员,担任过诸多内阁职位。

    In subsequent years , he was a senior member of the Likud Party and served in numerous cabinet posts .

  3. 试析利库德集团的宗教政策

    Some Reflections on Likud 's Religion Policies CMEC Group

  4. 第二部分研究分析了利库德集团上台后被占领土政策的变化及其政策主张。

    The second chapter studies the policy changes after Likud Bloc taken power and looks back its main policies .

  5. 出口民调显示,以色列总理本雅明·内塔尼亚胡的政党在议会选举中赢得最多席位。民调显示,利库德集团赢得了37个席位,中间派蓝白党获得了33个席位。

    Exit polls show Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu 's party has won the largest number of seats in the parliamentary elections .

  6. 文章首先介绍利库德集团的宗教政策,然后分析它执行这样的宗教政策的原因,在此基础上形成了对利库德集团宗教政策的若干评价。

    In this article the author first introduce Likud 's religion policies , then analyze the reasons , and at last develope some views on Likud .

  7. 有民意调查预测,利库德集团将否决沙龙提出的从加沙单方面撤军的计划。对此,沙龙周五表示,单边计划遭否决的话,以色列很可能将提前举行大选。

    Sharon , stung by opinion poll predictions his Likud party will reject his proposed Gaza pullout , said on Friday voting the plan down could force new elections .

  8. 内塔尼亚胡代表右翼的利库德集团。由于许多以色列人对政府迟迟无法同巴勒斯坦达成和平协议感到不满,利库德集团获得了民众的支持。

    Netanyahu represents the right-wing Likud Party , which has been gaining support as many Israelis express frustration over the lack of progress toward a peace agreement with the Palestinians .

  9. 他为对抗利库德集团兵变建立的前进党,虽然只是个新生的中立党,却本可以在即将来临的大选中轻松获胜。

    He had reacted to a mutiny from his Likud party by creating a brand-new centrist party , Kadima , which was expected easily to win the forthcoming general election .

  10. 以色列军方广播电台一士兵跪地为以色列利库德集团领导人本雅明内塔尼亚胡(右)和美国参议员利伯曼(左)做麦克风支架。

    Right-wing leader Netanyahu on Friday accepted a mandate to form Israel 's next government and immediately called for a broad , national unity coalition with centrist and left-wing partners .

  11. 早些时候,内塔尼亚胡与极端正统派的神谕党达成交易,要求对方加入其联盟,使利库德集团赢得更多的席位,以组建4月3日之前必须成立的政府。

    Earlier , Mr. Netanyahu reached a deal with the ultra-Orthodox Shas party to join his coalition , getting Likud more seats that it needs form a government by an April 3 deadline .

  12. 以色列大选官员仍在公布国会选举结果之前的周四继续清点选票,利库德集团领袖本杰明.内塔尼亚胡有望组建下届以色列政府。

    Israeli election officials are continuing to tallying votes Thursday before announcing the final results of parliamentary elections . It appears more likely that Likud party leader Benjamin Netanyahu will form the next Israeli government .

  13. 由于沙龙发病前从利库德集团激流勇退,另建前进党,打破了以色列的政治格局,给以色列即将进行的大选带来变数,未来以色列的政治发展也将深受影响。

    Before he came on with the illness , Sharon had withdrawn from Likud and established the Progressive Party , which breaks up the political patteren in Israel and brings many variables to the forthcoming general elections .

  14. 在最终结果中,中间派议员外交部长利夫尼领导的前进党赢得了议会120个席位中的28个,而本杰明-内塔尼亚胡领导的右翼利库德集团获得27个席位。

    In the final results , centrist Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni 's Kadima party won 28 seats in Israel 's 120-member Knesset or parliament . Benjamin Netanyahu 's nationalistic Likud Party came in a close second with 27 seats .

  15. 内塔尼亚胡的利库德集团开始与劳工党进行对话,努力使之组建的新联合政府富有包容性且更为温和。

    But Mr. Netanyahu is seeking to form a broad coalition by courting the left-of-center Labor party . Mr. Netanyahu 's Likud Party opened talks with the Labor Party , in an effort to cast the new coalition he forms as broad and moderate .