
chū jí fēi yǔ
  • primaries
  1. 麻雀雏鸟初级飞羽的生长

    Growth of nestlings ' primaries of the tree sparrow

  2. 例如,若尾部全黑而在带棕味的初级飞羽中有大的翼格,就是很好的大黑脊鸥特徵。

    For example , an all black tail and big wing panel in brownish primaries seems good for Slaty-backed .

  3. 鸽初级飞羽的非光滑形态,有利于减少振翅飞翔中产生的空气漩涡的阻力。

    The nonsmooth morphology of primaries is propitious to reducing the air vortex resistance which is caused by flapping volitation .

  4. 翼上初级飞羽呈现灰白色,翼前缘经常为淡棕色或黄棕色,比飞羽的深灰色要浅。

    Upperwing has pale greyish-white primary bases and often pale rufous or yellowish-brown forewing , paler than dark grey flight-feathers .

  5. 初级飞羽末端由内向外逐步狭长延伸,而最外侧的3枚飞羽末端则特化成为抹刀状形式。

    The tips of the primaries gradually extend outward , and the three most outer primaries change into the spatulate form .

  6. 不同部位羽毛中汞的分布规律为:初级飞羽>次级飞羽>尾羽>背羽>腹羽。其中,初级飞羽和背羽,背羽和腹羽中汞含量均存在明显正相关。

    Mercury distribution in feathers conformed to the order : primaries > secondaries > tail feathers > back feathers > abdominal feather .

  7. 嘴短而强健,呈圆锥形,稍向下弯;初级飞羽9枚,外缘具两道淡色横斑。

    Short and strong mouth , slightly bent downward , cone , Primary and outer ring , with two pale horizontal spot .