
  • 网络initial phase
  1. 本章的重点是关于初相位估计算法的仿真,这也是利用ADC测量时间间隔的关键技术之一。

    Chapter IV focuses on the initial phase estimation algorithms and their simulations , which are the key technologies in measurement of time interval using ADC .

  2. 基于调整滤波器初相位的新型半波傅氏算法

    Half-wave Fourier algorithm based on adjusting initial phase of filter

  3. 相位统计矩方法利用MPSK信号符号初相位偶阶统计矩为M的单调递增函数的特性,并进行M进制识别复合假设检验。

    In the SPM method the composite hypothesis test is performed by means of the monotonic characteristic of the even order statistical phase moments of MPSK signals .

  4. 通过对一帧脉冲的初相位回波信号进行的仿真实验,在强背景噪声的情况下能清晰地分辨相距为0.5m的两个点目标。

    Some experiments are carried out on echo signal of the initial phase and the obtained results reveal a 0.5 m resolution even in the case of low signal-to-noise ratio ( SNR ) .

  5. Prony方法是获取系统振荡模式特征的一种非常有效的方法,它可通过给定输入信号下的响应直接估计系统的振荡频率、衰减、幅值和初相位。

    Prony analysis is a very useful method to acquire the feature of power system oscillation mode , by which the frequency , amplitude , attenuation , damping and relative phase of the oscillation can be directly estimated through response of given input signals .

  6. 给出了采用Morlet小波变换并结合集合平均检测叠加有平稳随机噪声周期信号基频初相位的方法,为旋转机械故障定位提供新手段。

    A new method for detecting the initial phase of the fundamental frequency component of a periodic signal mixed with stationary random noise by using the Morlet wavelet transform and ensemble average is presented , which provides a more effective means for the fault location in rotary machinery .

  7. 初相位对空间暗孤子传输的影响

    The Effect of Initial Phase on the Propagation of the Spatial Dark Soliton

  8. 讨论了基于非相干序贯检测器实现的伪码初相位快速捕获方法,并对序贯检测器的结构和参数进行了分析。

    A non-coherent sequential detection for PN code phase acquisition is introduced in this paper .

  9. 平稳噪声背景下周期信号基频初相位检测

    Detection of Initial Phase of Fundamental Frequency Component of a Periodic Signal Mixed with Stationary Noise

  10. 同态处理方法还可以同时估计单一波模式的衰减、幅度和初相位;

    While homomorphic processing can also be used to calculate attenuation , amplitude and phase of one mode simultaneously .

  11. 关于正弦交流电的相位、初相位及相位关系的教学思考

    Thinking of Teach About the Alternating Current Phase Place Phase Place of the Beginning and the Relation of Phase Place

  12. 最后将全矢谱理论结合初相位和空间振型应用于旋转机械不对中故障分类中。

    Finally , the Full Vector Spectrum together with the initial phase are applied in Rotating Machinery misalignment fault classification .

  13. 研究表明:扰动的初相位对扰动增益的初值和初始阶段的演化规律有重要影响;

    The results show that at the initial stage , the gain is greatly affected by the perturbation initial phase .

  14. 改进现有步进电机驱动器,从现有驱动器控制芯片中引出电机初相位信号,并输入运动控制卡,配合运动控制卡进行电机回原位动作的控制,提高电机回原位动作的定位精度。

    Take out phase signal from current step motor driver . Cooperate with motion control card to enhance the precision of origin return .

  15. 该方法能够对谐波和高、低频振荡扰动信号进行有效识别,并求解出相应扰动信号成分的特征参数:幅值、衰减系数、频率和初相位等。

    This method can work out the characteristic parameters such as amplitude , damping factor , frequency , and phase for harmonic components .

  16. 取决于扰动初相位,任何一个频率的扰动增益都有可能达到一个共同的最大值;

    Depending on the initial phase , all the unstable perturbations have the chance to claim a common maximum gain that is frequency independent .

  17. 利用恒温控制平台,通过测量干涉光电流和干涉仪两臂光电流的方法,实现了对全光纤干涉仪两臂初相位差的测量。

    The initial phase difference of the fiber interferometer is calculated by measuring the interference photocurrent and the photocurrents from the two fiber arms based on a temperature control plat .

  18. 输入为方波的积分电路中的分流电阻使其输出的三角波波形在稳态时总是关于横坐标上下对称,与输入方波的初相位无关。

    Triangle-wave output of integration circuit with aquare-wave input is always symmetrical about the horizontal ordinate because of the shunt resistance despite of the initial phase of the input square-wave .

  19. 对于计算公式的准确度又作了讨论,指出了采样初相位的计算误差对冲击测量误差的计算基本没有影响。

    Calculation accuracy is also discussed . It is pointed that calculation error of the initial phase of sampling points has basically no influence on calculation of impulse measurement errors .

  20. 谐波幅值、初相位的精确测量是计算谐波有功功率的基础,谐波测量技术在很大程度上了影响了谐波有功功率计量的发展。

    Measurement of harmonic frequency , amplitude and initial phase are the basis for the calculation of harmonic active power , the harmonic parameters measurement technology has affected the development of harmonic active power measurement .

  21. 本文经理论分析得到了一种采样频率与信号频率的简单关系,按着这种关系选择采样频率就容易消除初相位的影向。

    A simple relationship between sampling frequency and signals frequency has been given in this paper through theoretically analysing . It can eliminate the affection of first phase easily by this relationship to choose the sampling frequency .

  22. 经调试与仿真,结果表明m伪随机序列信号的周期、初相位可编程随机变化是满意的,采用该方法可以实现可编程m序列随机发生器的设计。

    These results indicate that the cycle ofm pseudo-random sequence and programmable random variation of primary phase are satisfied by debugging and simulating . The design of the programmable m sequence generator is realized with the proposed method .

  23. 解决了扩频模式下高动态、低信噪比环境下伪码的初相位捕获和大多谱勒频移环境下的载波同步的实现等关键技术。

    Some key means are also developed such as capturing the initial phase of Pseudo Noise Code in spread-spectrum mode in the environment of dynamic changes and low SNR , and synchronizing the carrier wave with large Doppler frequency shift .

  24. 改进现有运动控制卡,充分利用现有运动控制芯片对回原点运动的原点信号与驱动器相位信号叠加功能的支持,将驱动器初相位信号输入运动控制卡,使电机回原位的定位精度得到很大的提高。

    Improve on current motion control card , input phase signal into control chip to enhance the precision of origin return , control chip will stop generate pulses only when the ORG signal and phase signal is available at the same time .

  25. 基于谐综合方法,选择组成周期性输入电压的各分量电压的频率、幅度和初相位,驱动机构从动件输出的运动实现谐综合的特性,从而达到较高的运动输出精度。

    Based on harmonic synthesis method , frequency , amplitude and initial phase of every elements composing periodical input voltage were chosen , and the driven piece of the mechanism was driven to realize harmonic synthesis movement characteristics to get high output movement precision .

  26. 仿真结果和试验实例表明,提出的方法精度很高,幅值识别误差不超过1%,初相位误差小于2°,满足了实际工程需求。

    The result of simulation and living example test showed that the accuracy of proposed method is quite high with the amplitude identifying error less than 1 % , and the preliminary phase error less then 2 °, which satisfied the needs of practical engineering .

  27. 在被认为有调制不稳定的扰动频率小于截止频率的负色散区,频率相同而初相位不同的扰动增益将经历不同形式的演化后趋于同一正值。

    In the abnormal dispersion region when the perturbation frequency is smaller than the cut-off frequency , where modulation instability is thought to occur , the gains of perturbations with different initial phases while with the same frequency will evolve to the same positive value through different ways .

  28. 应用检相原理可以提取有限长度调制信号的初相、相位差和相位调制量。

    According to the phase-detecting principle , the initial phase , phase difference and phase-modulation rate may be obtained in a limited length of modulator singnal .

  29. 爬行测量中应用的检相原理,可以提取有限长度调制信号的初相、相位差、相位调制量和估计频率。

    According to the phase-detecting principle used in stick-slip measurement , the initial phase , phase difference , phase-modulation rate and frequency estimation may be obtained in a limited length of modulating signal .

  30. 本文研究了机床运动平稳性的测试系统,提出了信号调制和其初相、相位差、相位调制量和估计频率的检测理论方法,讨论了该系统的硬件和软件的研制

    This paper researches the measuring system of the smoothness in the machine-tool movement It expounds the measuring theory and method of the signal modulation , initial phase , phase difference , phase-modulation rate and frequency estimation The development of the hardware and software of the system is discussed