
  • 网络creative management;idea management
  1. 并且,列举我国著名软件企业的实际新产品开发模糊前端创意管理做法。

    The thesis presents a case study of our country 's famous software enterprise practice of idea management in the Fuzzy Front End of NPD .

  2. 我国企业亟需从源头抓起,做好新产品开发模糊前端的创意管理。

    The enterprises in China need to pay more attention at the very beginning , the idea management in the Fuzzy Front End of NPD .

  3. 从全面创新管理(TIM)全要素参与的角度,构建了新产品开发模糊前端全面考虑的创意管理模型,进而提高企业创新绩效。

    The idea management model for NPD fuzzy front end was built from the all key elements point of TIM , to improve the innovation performance in Chinese enterprises .

  4. 创意管理过程是贯穿于创新产生阶段的,包括创意孵化、创意提交和创意评价三个阶段。

    Creativity management process throughout the production phase of innovation . Including three stages creative incubator commit of idea and judge of idea .

  5. 最后,在结论与展望部分,系统总结了本文的研究结论和理论贡献,以及对我国企业创意管理实际运用的启示,给予相应的政策建议;分析了本文研究的不足和对未来研究的展望。

    Finally , in the conclusion and prospect part , the thesis sums up the theoretic contribution , and the apocalypse to Chinese enterprise of the idea management , the suggestion to the Chinese enterprise , and the shortage of the thesis and the prospect for the future research .

  6. 德拉波多那耶说,她在创意和管理方面都表现得很成熟,这两种才能的结合在时装界越来越有价值,因为公司都希望设计师们能生产得更多,做得更多。

    She displayed both creative and managerial maturity , Mr. de la Bourdonnaye said , a combination that is becoming more valuable in fashion as designers are expected to produce more and do more .

  7. 因此必须建立新颖、极具创意的风险管理方法,真正发挥风险管理在项目融资中的作用。

    Therefore , it is vital to seek the initiative and effective approach to project finance risk management .

  8. 新的挑战使创意行业的管理者有更多的理由去努力提升商业技能。

    New challenges are presenting additional reasons for managers in the creative industries to try to boost their business skills .

  9. 成都会展行业的健康发展必须靠大量的创意人才、管理人才和专业技术人才。

    The development of exhibition industry in Chengdu depends on a large number of innovation talents , management talents and technology talents .

  10. 即使是未来从事市场、客服、产品研发、创意设计、管理甚至自己创业来说,无论销售的经理成功与否都有利于职业生涯的进一步发展。

    It is benefit for my business career even engaging marketing , customer service , product development , innovative design , management or do own business in the future .

  11. 首先对岗位需求及需求的数量做一分析,市场所需求的人才主要集中于编剧、导演、营销宣传、创意人才等高级管理方面的紧缺。

    Market demand for talents is focused on the senior of the screenwriter , director , marketing , publicity , creative talent .

  12. 中央企业紧密结合实际,积极推进信息技术在新产品的创意、生产经营管理、业务流程优化、企业治理与管控等方面的应用,取得了十分显著的成绩。

    The central enterprises connect closely with reality and have got remarkable achievements by promoting the application of information technology on creating new products , managing enterprises ' operation , improving the operation process , governing corporate and controlling enterprises .

  13. 并对如何培养创意、产生创意、规范创意、管理创意提出自己结合经历的建议。

    How to develop creative , generate ideas , norms creative and management experience combined with creative make their own recommendations .

  14. 本章提出了湖南卫视持续创新的三大重点:一是强化创新意识,培养创意人才,强调了文化传统、创意团队、创意管理的重要性;二是抓住行业本质,打造快乐品牌。

    The first is to strengthen awareness of innovation , cultivate creative talents , and emphasize the importance of cultural tradition , creative team and creation management . The second is to grasp the nature of the industry and to build a happy brand .

  15. 本文对我国文化创意产业及人才的发展现状进行了分析,并充分借鉴了国外文化创意人才的管理经验,阐明了研究文化创意人才管理模式的重要性。

    This cultural and creative industries in China and the status of human development is analyzed , and fully learn the cultural and creative talents of foreign management experience , cultural and creative studies clarified the importance of talent management model .