
  1. 椅子下的那个男孩是刘星。

    The boy under the chair is Liu Xing .

  2. 刘星:你一进门就给我们俩下马威!

    Liu2 Xing : You dismount Wei for our pair while entering a door !

  3. 但是刘星的继父很慷慨,他愿借给他钱。

    But xiadonghai , liuxing 's stepfather is so generous that he would borrow money to him .

  4. 刘星的亲爸向他的前妻-刘梅借钱,遭到拒绝。

    Liuxing 's blood father wants to borrow money from her former wife-liumei , but she refuses .

  5. 在大学里,刘星为名高望重而且个性迷人的瑞瑟教授苦心钻研宇宙的起源。

    At university , Liu Xing devotes himself to research on the origins of the universe for the eminent and charming Professor Jacob Reiser ( Quinn ) .

  6. 刘星向中国的家人夸耀学业上的成就,往家寄钱,还许愿不久就可以办家人来美国。

    Liu Xing boasts to his family in China of his rapid academic progress , sending money home and promising them a life in America very soon .

  7. 刘星违背导师的意愿发表了一篇关于暗物质的精彩论文,但这给他带来的不是成功,而是无法逾越的障碍。

    Against Reiser 's wishes , Liu Xing publishes a brilliant article on Dark Matter , but instead of finding success , he is hit with insurmountable obstacles .

  8. 刘星发现家里的东西少了怀疑是小雨干的并请求父母让他调查,但父母认为他是胡闹而不加理采。

    Star finds that a lot of things are disappear , suspecting that it is Rain who takes away them , pleases his parents to let him inspect the matter .