
liè chē yuán
  • conductor;trainman;train conductor
列车员 [liè chē yuán]
  • [trainman; conductor; guard; attendant on a train] 由车长领导的列车乘务组中的一员

  1. 一天,他乘火车去旅行,列车员找他查票。

    One day , when he was riding in a train , the conductor asked him for his ticket 。

  2. 正好列车员认识这位作家,便说:“真的没什么大不了的。回来时你把车票给我看看好了。万一找不到,也没有多大关系。”

    At last , the conductor knew the writer , so he said : " It doesn 't matter . Show me your ticket on your way back . And if you don 't find it , there is no trouble . "

  3. 内燃机发出轰鸣声,列车员跳上车厢,火车开走了。

    The diesels roared , the conductors jumped aboard , and off the train went .

  4. 三个教授在站台上等火车。他们正在全神贯注地谈话。火车进站了,可是他们都没有注意到。这个时候,列车员喊道:“请上车了!”教授们听到后飞快地向火车跑去。

    There were three professors shouted , " Take your seats , please ! " The professors heard the guard and rushed for the train .

  5. respondto对…作出反应〔回答〕女列车员亲切地回答了我的问题。

    The woman conductor kindly responded to my question .

  6. 列车员低声和我说话。

    Eg the conductor spoke to me in a low voice .

  7. 列车员吹哨并挥动绿旗。

    The guard blew his whistle and waved his green flag .

  8. 258名列车员行为习惯干预效果调查

    Effectiveness of intervention in behaviors and habits of 258 train attendants

  9. 列车员在我的票上压了一个孔。

    The railway official punched a hole out of my ticket .

  10. 马上列车员就要过来查票了。

    Shortly the conductor would come through for the tickets .

  11. 不过列车员是不会迟到的。

    It 's not like the trainman to be late .

  12. 列车员:但我想会正点到达终点站。

    But I think it will arrive at the terminal on time .

  13. 列车员:下车时请小心。

    Please take care when you get off the train .

  14. 列车员:20分钟后您就要下车了。

    It 's only twenty minutes before you get off the train .

  15. 列车员:通常早饭是六点到七点。

    Breakfast is us usually served from six to seven .

  16. 列车员为什么在你的火车票上切一个洞?

    Why does the conductor cut a hole in your railroad ticket ?

  17. 列车员:我给您拿一床棉被和一件大衣来。

    I 'll fetch you a quilt and a overcoat .

  18. 不久列车员走过来把我们的票剪了个口了。

    Soon the guard on the train came and clipped our tickets .

  19. 我向列车员问了火车的发车时间。

    I asked the guard the time of the train 's departure .

  20. 教师和列车员之间的区别是什么?

    What 's the difference between a teacher and a train conductor ?

  21. 长春列车员心理健康状况的调查

    Survey on the health status of train conductors in Changchun

  22. 列车员在我的票上打了个洞。

    The conductor punched a hole out of my ticket .

  23. 目的为了掌握铁路列车员的疲劳程度。

    Objective To grasp the railway train waiters fatigue states .

  24. 马同志是个列车员,她的丈夫是个木匠。

    Comrade Ma is a conductor , her husband , a carpenter .

  25. 列车员说,我们已经误点三个小时了。

    ` We are already three hours behind time . '

  26. 列车员:在您到达目的地之前,她再把票还给您。

    She will return it to you before arriving at your destination .

  27. 列车员:第3号包房有一个软席卧铺。

    There is a soft berth in Compartment No. three .

  28. 列车员走后,赫斯渥松了一口气。

    When the conductor had gone again Hurstwood felt relieved .

  29. 列车员:对不起,车上没有洗衣服务。

    Sorry , we don 't have laundry service on the train .

  30. 列车员:在车票有效期内,您可以恢复您的旅程。

    Within the period of ticket availability , you may resume your journey .