
  • 网络Distribution;distribution system;drp;erp
  1. 多Agent合作求解分销系统中多委托人及委托人可能合作的委托代理问题

    Survey on Multi-Agent Collaborative Problem Solving The Analysis on Principal-Agent Theory in Distribution System with Multi-Principal and the Cooperation between Principals

  2. 基于访问安全性MVC的网络化分销系统开发模式

    A Networked Distribution System Development Model Based On Access Security MVC

  3. 基于Lagrange松弛分解的多产品生产&分销系统的联合决策

    Lagrange relaxation decomposition based joint decisions for production and distribution system with multiple products

  4. 最后,通过算例表明,该地区分销系统存在“第一最优”(firstbest)解,即零售商所做出的最优决策从整个地区分销系统的角度看也是最优的。

    Finally , a simple numerical example is given . The computational results show that this problem has the first_best solution that means optimal inventory level decision made by retailers is also optimal for the whole distribution system .

  5. 它让其他人,不论是政府的自来水厂还是垂直整合的炼糖厂,都投入生产和分销系统,共同完成RealThing(真家伙)(来自可口可乐的广告语)的生产。

    It involved getting others , whether it was government-owned water works or vertically integrated sugar refineries , to invest in the production and distribution systems needed to turn the Real Thing into a real thing .

  6. 分销系统中的多主多从Stackelberg主从对策问题研究主从多道程序设计方式

    The Analysis on Stackelberg Problem with Multiple Leaders-follwers in Distribution System ; master-slave multiprogramming mode

  7. 最后,介绍了一下基于CORBA的图书分销系统的解决方案,并讨论了方案的特点及其实现。

    Finally I introduce the solution of the system of managing the sale of books based on CORBA , and talk about its advantage and its implementation .

  8. 在外部顾客需求不断变化的情况下,以不断提高分销系统双方合作绩效为目标,基于Q学习算法来确定每个分销商的最优订货批量。

    In the case of the varying demand of customers , and with an aim at improving the cooperative performance of the distribution system , the optimum order batch of each distributor is determined based on the Q-learning algorithm .

  9. 全球分销系统,简称GDS,是一种为旅客提供航空座位预订和旅游相关产品的计算机系统。

    GDS , short for global distribution system , is used to make a reservation of seats and related products for air passengers .

  10. 应用遗传算法对辽化石油分销系统Stackelberg主从对策问题进行离线仿真计算,得出了Stackelberg主从对策均衡解。

    Through the application of genetic algorithm , simulation works are carried out to compute the Stackelberg equilibrium off-line for the problem in Liaoyang petroleum fabric company .

  11. 通过对网络化分销系统特点的分析,从提高系统的可重用性和可维护性出发,提出了一种适用于网络化分销系统的基于访问安全性MVC的开发模式;

    Based on the analysis of networked distribution systems ' features , it puts forward an access security MVC developing mode for networked distribution system which can prominently improve the reusability and the maintainability of the system .

  12. 旅游生意里最丰厚的利润被全球分销系统(简称GDS)所独享。

    Some of the tastiest margins in the travel business are enjoyed by the global distribution systems ( GDSs ), a fancy name for computerised-reservations services .

  13. 在阐明长鞭效应的概念及其在分销系统中成因的基础上,结合企业信息化工程的实施,基于BPR原理提出了功能型的分销系统模型。

    The concept and cause of the bullwhip effect in distribution system was introduced . Combining with the implementation of enterprise information project , a functional model of distribution system was proposed based on BPR theory .

  14. 第二,分析了用仿真方式解决多产品环境下库存控制问题的必要性和优势,建立多产品环境下,基于客户细分的分销系统库存控制仿真模型,并使用Arena仿真软件设计并实现。

    Secondly , the need and advantages of using simulation method to resole the inventory control problem in the multi-product environment are analyzed . And the simulation model of inventory control in multi-product distribution system is established and realized with Arena .

  15. 接下来介绍了分布式数据仓库的特点,并结合BS集团的物流分销系统项目,给出了一个面向大型服饰行业销售决策的分布式数据仓库系统。

    Then , the characteristics of distributed data warehouse are explained , and combined with a logistics and sales project of BS Group , a model of distributed data warehouse for sales decision support system in large-scale clothing industry is proposed .

  16. 利用LINGO求解模型,得出最优调拨方案。最后,以上述研究为基础,针对进口汽车分销系统中存在的问题以及分销系统库存策略提出了实施建议。

    LINGO is used for the optimized transfer project . Finally , based on the above-mentioned study , recommendations are put forward for existing problems of imported vehicles distribution system and the implementation of the inventory strategy .

  17. 因此,汉莎航空、法航和伊比利亚出售其拥有的艾玛迪斯(全球最大的分销系统)的股份;美国航空公司出售Sabre,英国航空公司和荷兰皇家航空出售Galileo等等。

    So Lufthansa , Air France and Iberia sold most of their shares in Amadeus ( the largest GDS ); American Airlines sold Sabre ; British Airways and KLM sold out of Galileo ; and so on .

  18. 虽然,在一些大的新兴旅游市场,如巴西和印度,全球分销系统的控制力还较弱。在其他的国家,GDS已经成功地签了新的旅行社和航空公司。

    Although there are some big emerging travel markets , such as Brazil and India , where the GDSs ' grip is weaker , in others they have been successful in signing up new agents and airlines .

  19. 和其他航空公司的老板一样,卡塔尔航空公司的老板贝克尔(AkbarAlBaker)先生抱怨全球分销系统更新缓慢,不能处理这些选项,但他也承认,他们离不了全球分销系统,因为它为公司提供的订单所占份额很大。

    Like other airline chiefs , Qatar Airways ' boss , Akbar Al Baker , complains of GDSs ' slowness in updating their systems to cope with all these options , but he admits that they cannot do without the GDSs because they provide such a big share of their reservations .

  20. 随机需求条件下分销系统协同库存策略研究

    Research on coordinated inventory policy in distribution system with stochastic demand

  21. 基于仿真的供应链生产分销系统研究

    The Study of Production-Distribution System in Supply Chain Based on Simulation

  22. 根据供应链管理的整体性和系统性,着重研究供应链管理中的生产/分销系统的决策整合。

    Consider supply chain a system and research production-distribution integration decision .

  23. 分销系统安全库存策略及研究

    The Study of Coordination Strategies for Safety Stock in Distribution System

  24. 中国政府正在扶持一个国有的分销系统:民航(Travelsky)。

    China 's government is nurturing a state-owned version , TravelSky .

  25. 随机提前期随机需求条件下的多级分销系统库存模型

    Models for Multi-Echelon Distribution Inventory System with Random Leadtime and Stochastic Demand

  26. 两级分销系统中关于一类供应链合同的研究

    Study of a Kind of Supply Chain Contract in Two-echelon Distribution System

  27. 不确定性需求下供应链中分销系统的建模与仿真

    Modeling and Simulating for Distribution System in Supply Chain under Uncertain Demand

  28. 二级分销系统控制参数的一个启发式算法

    A Heuristic Methode to Determine Control Parameters for A Two-Echelon Inventory System

  29. 多产品联合订货的分销系统利润优化研究

    Study on Profit Optimization in Distribution System of Multiple Products Joint Replenishment

  30. 地区分销系统的成本优化模型及应用

    Cost optimization model for regional distribution system with its application