
  1. 银行分销渠道战略的调整

    Adjustment of Banking Distribution Channel Strategy

  2. 分销渠道战略是营销战略中的重要组成部分,分销战略的成败很大意义上决定了企业在市场竞争中的成功与否。

    Distribution channel strategy which is an importance element of sales strategy somehow decides if the company could succeed in market environment .

  3. 同时,也期望通过本文的实践研究能填补营销理论在分销渠道战略设计和管理方面研究的不足。

    Hopefully , this thesis will contribute a little to making up the theoretical shortage of distribution channel strategy design by practical research .

  4. 跨国公司在中国市场分销渠道战略的不同选择总是受到微观、宏观营销环境的影响和制约。

    The difference in the selection of distribution channel strategies of transnational companies in Chinese markets are always influenced and restrained by micro and macro environment .

  5. 通过企业分销渠道战略管理,分销渠道被提到了企业全局战略的高度,这必然要求企业高层的重视和参与,把企业的分销渠道建设成为企业核心竞争力的一个重要组成部分。

    Distribution channel has been mentioned as important with the enterprise overall strategy by strategic management of distribution channel , it demands participation of enterprise high-rise to turn the enterprise distribution channel into the important component of enterprise core competition .

  6. 为我国企业制定分销渠道战略提供有意义的帮助,使其成为企业在激烈竞争中独特的竞争优势,推动我国企业在市场经济中更快更好地发展。

    Formulates the marketing channel strategy for our country enterprise to provide has the significance the help , causes it to become the enterprise in the steep competition the unique competitive advantage , impels our country enterprise well to develop quickly in the market economy .

  7. 明确了化肥行业调整产权结构、产品结构和技术升级的战略重点,制定了强化农化服务和改进分销渠道的基本战略。

    It not only makes it clear that the strategy key points are to adjust the property structure and product suture and to improve technology , but also works out the basic tactics on how to strengthen the agricultural and chemical service and develop sales channels .

  8. 基于该研究结果,本文对产业集群企业的分销渠道提出针对性的具有实践意义的建议,以期为产业集群企业分销渠道的战略实施、模式选择提供先进理念、合理思路与有效方法。

    On the basis of the research results , this article puts forward the specific and practical suggestions . So that it can provide the advanced idea , reasonable idea and effective methods for the strategy implementation , the selection of model about marketing channel selection of clustered enterprise .