
  • 网络Distributed Architecture
  1. 以传统的分布式架构实现SOA

    Building SOA Like Traditional Distributed Architecture

  2. 一种基于RMI的分布式架构研究及其在MIS开发中的应用

    Study on the Distributed Architecture Based on RMI and Its Application on MIS Development

  3. J2EE作为分布式架构的企业级应用平台,在企业的信息化建设中发挥出越来越重要的作用。

    J2EE is a distributed architecture enterprise application platform , It is very important in information processing in some enterprises .

  4. J2EE提供了初步的创建商业应用的分布式架构模型,并且被证明用于企业级开发是比较成熟和健壮的。

    J2EE provides a distributing architecture model to create business application , and it is a good method for enterprise development .

  5. 基于RMI的分布式架构,使系统具有了良好的扩展性;

    RMI based distributed architecture endues the system with high scalability .

  6. 针对分布式架构,提出取模分类和Web服务相结合的查询方案,即分配多线程到各自对应的分布式数据库中获取相应数据。

    Based on distributed architecture and SOA , propose a query solution that modular classification combined with Web Service . This solution use multi-threading to obtain their respective data from corresponding distributed database .

  7. 也就是说,分布式架构中的组件可通过不同的语言编写,比如Java语言、C和Ruby。

    That is , components in a distributed architecture can be written in different languages , such as in the Java language , C # , and Ruby .

  8. DL:SOA是一个让很多企业组织者头疼而复杂的分布式架构,这就是导致Anne提出那个说法(SOA已死)的原因。

    DL : SOA is a complex distributed architecture that many organizations struggled with , which drove Anne to make that provocative statement .

  9. 他认为,“抵御无穷无尽的Spam冲击波的能力”,将决定未来分布式架构的存活能力。

    In his opinion ," the ability to resist the endless waves of spam " will define the viability of future distributed architectures .

  10. 本文结合电子政务审批系统的应用,对J2EE多层分布式架构进行了研究,分析了其所具有的优势;(2)设计模式的研究与应用。

    According to E-Government approving system application , this papers do research on J2EE and analyses advantages of it . ( 2 ) Research and application of design pattern .

  11. 新的框架在J2EE分布式架构平台加以实现,能够满足用户对综合安管系统扩展性、易用性和健壮性的需求。

    The realization of the novel architecture on J2EE platform can meet the demand for the expansibility , usability and robustness of the security management , and provide more supports for security applications .

  12. 本文提出了一个基于工作流的ERP系统编程框架,该框架采用面向服务的分布式架构设计,共包含五个层次:表现层、服务层、流程层、组件层和数据层。

    The programming frame is a distributed one adapting to SOA , containing five layers : the view layer , the server layer , the workflow layer , the component layer and the data layer .

  13. 为了使评估模型有的放矢,本文以REST表述性状态转移超媒体分布式架构系统作为应用背景,从实际应用的角度出发,对可信性评估模型的有效性进行了验证。

    To establish a targeted evaluation model , in this paper , we make REST Representational State Transfer architecture software system as an application background . Therefore , the effectiveness of the model can be validated from a pragmatic perspective .

  14. 同时使用独特的O/RMapping映射机制,开发了具有分布式架构的苏州市电子监察系统,具有较好的扩展性,性能和安全性得到很大提高。

    And exerted the unique O / R mapping mechanism , developed the distributed Suzhou E-monitoring system construction , which has good expansibility , high security and performance . On this basis it puts forward a distributed application system frame .

  15. P2P网络采用的是分布式架构,它拥有高扩展性、健壮性和高容错性的特点,P2P网络中各个节点都是对等的通信实体。

    The architecture of the P2P network is distributed , it has many advantages such as high scalability , robustness and high fault tolerance etc. All the nodes in the P2P system are equal communication entities .

  16. 此外,论文还讨论了基于J2EE分布式架构的医疗数据中心的设计,着重阐述了表现层与业务层接口的规范化定义和表现层功能的具体实现。

    The paper also discusses the design of the medical data center based on multilayer distributed J2EE platform . The paper emphasis on the realization of presentation layer and the interface definition between presentation layer and operation layer .

  17. 在本文提出的体系结构设计方案中,为了与业务的组织功能结构相适应,减轻系统维护与升级的成本与工作量,整个现代货运代理系统采用了B/S分布式架构。

    The designing project of architecture in this paper adopted a distributed network architecture in order to fix in with the systemic function structure , and took usage of B / S calculation structure in order to reduce the cost and work of maintaining and upgrading the system .

  18. 如果你将这一转换功能剥离出来并在一个分布式架构中运行时,为何还要增加主机的MIPS和更多成本呢?

    Why add MIPS to the mainframe , resulting in additional cost , when you can externalize this transformation to a dedicated resource in a distributed architecture ?

  19. IMS以其良好的开放性和全分布式架构,使应用、控制和承载相互分离,已被业界公认为是下一代网络的演进方向。

    IMS for its excellent open and fully distributed architecture , so that applications , control and bearer are separated and the industry has been recognized as the direction of the evolution of next generation networks .

  20. 群小区架构是一个广义协作分布式架构。

    Group cell architecture is a kind of general cooperate distributed architecture .

  21. 接着,全面介绍了当前最先进的分布式架构&WEBService。

    Then we fully introduce the brand-new distributed architecture & Web Service .

  22. 车辆监控中心分布式架构设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of a Vehicle Surveillance Center Based on Distributed

  23. 多层分布式架构的市场营销系统的构建原则

    High Efficiency Marketing System Based on Multilayer Distributed Structure

  24. 基于跨地域分布式架构的无限加盟电子商务新模式

    Infinite Joining E-commerce Mode Based on Trans-regional Distributed Architecture

  25. 基于分布式架构的网络考试系统的设计

    Design of Internet Examination System Based on Distributed Structure

  26. 文中重点讨论内存的分布式架构及对应的两种分布式算法。

    The paper mainly focused on distributing memory architecture , compared to two distributed algorithms .

  27. 基于分布式架构的广东电网公司阳光招标系统设计和实现

    Design and Implementation of Guangdong Provincial Power Gird Co. Sunshine Bidding System Based on Distributed Architecture

  28. 出于经济和技术的众多理由,都强烈需求一个分布式架构

    There were overwhelming reasons , both financial and technical , that called for a distributed architecture

  29. 整个搜索引擎系统全部采用分布式架构,具备良好的可扩展性。

    The distributed search engine system uses a distributed architecture , and has the good extendibility and the modifiability .

  30. 第二,目前对于大型信息系统的部署有两种架构:集中式架构和分布式架构。

    Second , there are two basic structures for large enterprise MIS , Centralized systems and Client / Server systems .