
  • 网络TFM;the functional model;Transfer Function Model
  1. 文中着重分析了在函数模型正确的前提下,采用不正确的随机模型对方差一致性检验统计量的影响,并给出了具体的影响公式。

    Supposed the functional model is correct , the influence on the statistic of test for uniform variance with incorrect stochastic model is analyzed in detail and its formula is derived .

  2. 通过对长白落叶松S1-1苗木的正交施肥试验,建立了苗高与N肥,新梢与N肥,新梢干重与N、P和全苗干重与N、P的施肥效应函数模型。

    In this paper was set up the functional model of fertilizing effect between seedling height and N , new tip and N , tip dry weight and N / P , and whole seedling dry weight and N / P.

  3. GPS动态定位要求建立函数模型和随机模型。

    GPS kinematic positioning requires the specification of the functional and stochastic models .

  4. 单历元非差GPS定位函数模型

    Single epoch undifferenced positioning function Model of GPS

  5. 由于样品未作高温热退火处理,为此由Al组分误差函数模型推导的扩散长度要大大高于扩散系数公式。

    The diffusion lengths of Al component calculated from error function were larger than that calculated from coefficient of diffusion formula .

  6. 传统的CD函数模型估测隐性就业规模,一般采用回归分析法去估测参数。

    The traditional CD function model use regression analysis method to estimate the coefficients when it ′ s utilized in unregistered employment scale measurement .

  7. CES生产函数模型和技术进步测算的理论分析

    Theoretical Analysis of CES Productive Function Model and Technological Progress Calculation

  8. 基于开关函数模型的TCSC电容电压过零点特性研究

    Study of TCSC zero-crossing point characteristics of capacitor voltage based on switch function model

  9. 给出了基于Laguerre函数模型的自适应单值预测控制算法。

    An adaptive single predictive control algorithm based on the Laguerre function model was proposed .

  10. 将超额Gibbs函数模型与修正的硬球三参数状态方程(MCSPT方程)相结合,导出由基团贡献模型定义的状态方程参数混合规则。

    A new mixing rule was proposed by combining the hard-sphere three-parameter equation of state and the excess Gibbs energy model .

  11. 从电液转换器结构着手建立数学模型并转换成传递函数模型,在Matlab中对其典型故障的动态特性进行仿真研究。

    Mathematical models were built through the structure of electronic hydraulic convertor and converted into transfer functions . These functions were studied in Matlab to simulate the dynamic performance of electronic hydraulic convertor under malfunction .

  12. 非线性传输函数模型和非线性电流源模型是利用Volterra级数对非线性动态电路建模的两种形式;

    Nonlinear transfer function model and current source model are the two basic types of the nonlinear dynamic circuits modeling by the Volterra-series approach .

  13. 之后,利用C-D生产函数模型定量地研究了农业机械化对农村经济的影响。

    By using C-D production function model , effect of agricultural mechanization on agricultural economy was studied quantificationally .

  14. 随着新型传感器的技术发展,特别是高分辨率商用卫星的运行,有理函数模型(RationalFunctionModel,RFM)在解决影像点定位和影像几何纠正方面的优越性体现得越来越明显。

    With the development of the new sensor , especially the circulation of the high resolution commercial satellite , The advantage of the Rational Function Model ( REM ) becomes predominant in resolving imaging points positioning and imaging rectification .

  15. 因此,探讨了应用Peal曲线函数模型对黑龙江省水稻单产进行预测的方法。

    So explored to prediction rice production in per hectare by use of Peal curved line function model .

  16. 土壤呼吸温度和水分双因子模型估算的年土壤CO2排放通量比土壤呼吸Q10幂函数模型估算值高11%。

    At the same time , estimation of released CO2 flux by soil on double models is 11 % higher than estimation on power exponent model of Q10 .

  17. 实验验证了改进Dijkstra算法和加权路阻函数模型的可行性和有效性,提高了路径规划算法的效率。

    Experiment verified the accuracy and effectiveness of improved Dijkstra algorithm and the road resistance function model , improve the efficiency of path planning algorithm .

  18. 以多元回归分析为依托,引入M相模糊论域,并建立LOGISTIC模糊隶属函数模型,最后应用该理论对实际问题做了分析。

    With the introduction of M-phase fuzzy domain , here , based on the multivariate regression analysis , establishing the LOGISTIC affiliating degree math model which has been applied in a concrete problem in the following content .

  19. 通过建立信度函数模型把指标评价建模为信度函数,并应用登普斯特(Dempster)规则转化为mass函数合成为上层指标进行综合评价。

    This paper transfers index evaluation into belief function by setting up belief function , and then make them transfer mass function to form higher-level index to comprehensive evaluation based on Dempster Rule .

  20. 分析方法主要采用了生产函数模型和OLS计量方法,分别对普查数据中提供的所有制变量和企业隶属等级制变量对于企业效率的影响进行了分析和比较。

    In the main analysis the production function model and OLS methods were adopted to measure the impacts of the ownership and the subordinated relations on the enterprise efficiency .

  21. 齐次函数模型极小化的Greville方法

    Model . an unconstrained minimization method based on homogeneous function ( 1 ) & greville 's method

  22. 应用光子晶体光纤(PCF)的本地正交基函数模型,对PCF的模式特征进行了详尽的数值研究,包括模式特性、传输常量、模场分布、模场面积、功率限制特性等。

    The mode characteristics of the photonic crystal fiber ( PCF ) are investigated in detail using the orthogonal functions , including the propagation constant , mode-field distribution , effective power confinement factor .

  23. 由于传递函数模型是在利用ARIMA模型理论基础上,同时将输入序列的变化对输出序列预测值的影响充分的加以考虑,所以可以使预报误差大大降低。

    Transfer function model reduced error of forecast due to it made use of ARIMA model theory as well as calculated affection of input series leading the predicted value of output series .

  24. 本文建立了计算先导式溢流阀的先导锥阀口、主阀锥阀口和固定节流器的流量系数随雷诺数变化的函数模型,应用TKSolver软件对先导式溢流阀静态特性进行计算机仿真。

    It establishes the models of discharge coefficient varying with Reynolds number of both variable and fixed orifices and steady - state characteristics of the pilot - relief valve are simulated by using TK Solver .

  25. 第四部分以上饶市为例,用理论指导实证分析。利用所构建Cobb-Douglass生产函数模型,对三大生产要素的弹性系数进行计算。

    In part four , Cobb-Douglass production function is built for in empirical study .

  26. 基于Laguerre函数模型的自适应预测控制方法中的性能指标,在有约束的情况下往往难以达到全局极优,而混沌神经网络(CNN)可以有效地避免优化过程陷入局部极小。

    Performance index of the adaptive predictive control strategy based on Laguerre model is hard to converge to global optima . And chaotic neural network ( CNN ) can effectively avoid local optima during the optimization process .

  27. 通过建立C-D生产函数模型定量分析了铜工业投入与产出的关系,揭示了铜工业资源约束的来源及其产生的机理。

    By constructing the Cobb-Douglas production function , the author discusses the relation between input and output of copper industry and reveals the origin and mechanism of resources constraint , qualitatively and quantitatively .

  28. 试验采用4个不同的水分生产函数模型对比研究发现:Jensen模型适宜于民勤地区西瓜缺水敏感指数研究,其缺水敏感顺序为;

    The experiment was used 4 models of water-production function . The model of Jensen was the best than other models . It could reflect water-stressed sensitive index of watermelon in Minqin county , Gansu province .

  29. 利用基于Mott散射截面和介电函数模型的MonteCarlo方法模拟了电子穿透掩膜的能量损失分布,其计算结果与实验结果符合很好。

    We have calculated electron energy loss spectrum for electrons transmitted through a mask in projection electron lithography by Monte Carlo simulation based on the dielectric function model and Mott elastic scattering cross section . A good agreement between simulation and experiment is obtained .

  30. 通过对自主式机器人(AMR)运动学特性的研究,结合人工驾驶的知识经验和自主式机器人的角速度-线速度函数模型,设计了基于多传感器信息的机器人模糊控制系统。

    According to the kinematical characteristic of Autonomous Mobile Robot ( AMR ), manual navigation experience and the AMR 's angular velocity-line velocity functional model , a fuzzy control system for robot based on multi-sensor data was presented .