
  • 网络Shipment
  1. 在2014年末融资时,小米的估值达到450亿美元,超过了优步(Uber)当时400亿美元的估值,但是由于被较小的竞争者夺走了市场份额,小米没有实现2015年手机出货量目标。

    The company was valued at $ 45bn in a late 2014 fundraising , exceeding Uber 's then - $ 40bn , but missed its 2015 handset shipment targets as smaller rivals grabbed market share .

  2. 这些产品是个人电脑行业为逆转出货量两位数的下降趋势所做努力的一部分。有人担心,在苹果(AppleInc.)和三星(SamsungElectronicsCo.)迅速进入智能手机和平板电脑市场之际,个人电脑产业仍然原地踏步。

    The products come as part of the PC industry 's efforts to reverse double-digit shipment declines amid worries that they have sat still while mobile companies such as Apple Inc. and Samsung Electronics Co. were quick to jump into the smartphone and tablet markets .

  3. 2019年Vivo智能手机年出货量增长了76%。

    Vivo 's annual smartphone shipment grew 76 % in 2019 .

  4. 相比之下,2010年全球PC出货量仅微幅增长14.2%。

    In contrast , global PC shipments grew a relatively weak 14.2 percent in 2010 .

  5. •PC上网本出货量下滑13.1%,总数为5050万部。

    • Notebook PC shipments contracted by 13.1 % to a total of 50.5 million units .

  6. 而且,预计PC出货量将继续下降,至2013年底将下降8%。

    And PC shipments are expected to fall further , as much as 8 % through 2013 .

  7. 根据东京市场调研公司MMResearchInstitute的数据,现在,智能手机已经占到日本新手机出货量的56.6%。

    Smartphones now account for 56.6 % of all new mobile phones shipped in Japan , according to Tokyo-based market research firm MM Research Institute .

  8. 据研究机构卡纳利斯公司(Canalys)的数据,2014年AndroidWear智能手表出货量为72万块。

    About 720000 smartwatches with Android Wear were shipped in 2014 , according to Canalys , the research firm .

  9. 平板电脑出货量有望在2016年超过笔记本电脑,而移动PC的总出货量在2017年有望实现强劲增长。

    Shipments of tablet computers will surpass notebook shipments in 2016 , but overall mobile PC shipments will see strong growth by 2017 .

  10. 根据巴克莱研究公司(BarclaysResearch)的数据,HTC今年的全球手机出货量可能会跌至第十位。

    Measured by global smartphone shipments , according to Barclays research , HTC may drop to No. 10 this year .

  11. 而微软表示,尽管针对企业的PC出货量实现了个位数的增长,但针对消费者的PC出货量却下降了20%。

    Microsoft said that , while shipments of those PCs to companies rose in the single digits , consumer PC shipments fell 20 % .

  12. 今年第一季度,苹果iPad占平板电脑出货量的比例为63%。

    Apple , meanwhile , garnered a 63 % share of tablet shipments with its iPad .

  13. 相比之下,摩托罗拉移动(MotorolaMobility)在今年头三个月里的智能手机出货量为650万台。

    For comparison , Motorola Mobility shipped 6.5 million smartphones in the first three months of the year .

  14. IDC和高德纳的调查均显示,第二季度全球PC出货量持续下降(分别为11.4%和10.9%)。

    IDC and Gartner show continued declines in second-quarter shipments ( 11.4 % and 10.9 % , respectively ) .

  15. 联想称,上一季度其PC出货量增长了24%,而全行业则下降了2%。

    Its PC shipments rose 24 % in the last quarter , the company said , compared with a 2 % decline in the industry overall .

  16. 上个月,新闻媒体大肆报道称,苹果(Apple)iPhone在印度的出货量半年内猛增两倍。

    Apple ( AAPL ) made headlines last month on reports that its iPhone shipments to India tripled in the space of six months .

  17. 联想(Lenovo)是中国本土市场的领军企业,占全部出货量的30%。

    Lenovo leads in its Chinese home market , with 30 per cent of all shipments .

  18. 在6月份的财季,苹果增加了42家运营商,他们对苹果本季度远远超出预料的2030万部iPhone出货量做出了不小贡献。

    Apple added 42 carriers in the June quarter , which partly contributed to the bigger-than-expected iPhone units of 20.3 million .

  19. 新的Mate8发布两周出货量超出同期Mate7出货量的10倍。

    Sales of the new Mate 8 in the first two weeks were ten times that of Mate 7 .

  20. 据市场研究机构IDC称,今年第三财季采用安卓系统的智能手机占总出货量的75%。

    Android represented 75 % of smartphone shipments in the third quarter , according to IDC .

  21. WindowsBlue的重要性本周进一步上升。两个市场研究公司发布报告说,今年前三个月,个人电脑的出货量出现了两位数的降幅。

    The stakes for Windows Blue rose this week when two market research firms reported that shipments of PCs fell by double-digits percentages in the first three months of this year .

  22. Gartner预计,2015年全球3D打印机出货量会达到217350台,到2018年这个数字将激增为230万台。

    Gartner expects worldwide shipments of 3D printers to reach 217,350 units in 2015 , and then take off to 2.3m by 2018 .

  23. 研究公司高德纳(Gartner)近期公布的数据显示,2011年第四季度,全球PC出货量下降了1.4%。

    According to recent numbers from research firm Gartner , global PC shipments declined 1.4 % in the last quarter of 2011 .

  24. Mac电脑出货量增长4%,至260万台,但由于公司对部分型号降价销售,收入下降了8%。

    Shipments of Mac computers rose 4 % to 2.6 million , although revenue fell 8 % as the company cut prices on some models .

  25. 不过,投资公司Cowen的分析师凯文•柯普曼指出,亚马逊KindleFire在今年的出货量或将仅有1200万部。

    But according to Cowen analyst Kevin Kopelman , Amazon will sell only 12 million kindle fire units this year .

  26. 布拉德的半导体团队指出,iPhone5以及iPad产品的订货量接近我们此前的出货量预测,但低于市场平均预期。

    Checks by Baird 's semiconductor team suggest iPhone 5 and total iPad procurement orders near our shipment forecasts , but below consensus .

  27. StrategyAnalytics的数据与IDC的类似研究存在出入,后者发现全球出货量略有增长,从3.343亿部增至3.349亿部。

    The data from Strategy Analytics were countered by similar research from IDC , which found a slight rise in global shipments from 334.3m to 334.9m .

  28. Pebble的出货量则下降了54.1%,卖出了10万只,占3.2%的市场份额。

    Pebble 's shipments were down 54.1 % to 100000 units , accounting for a 3.2 % share .

  29. 因此,我们认为iPad2在3月份这一季度的出货量将是50万到100万台。

    Hence , we believe iPad 2 unit shipments for the March quarter could be in the 500K to 1 million unit range .

  30. 巴西淡水河谷(Vale)今年8月份表示,它希望在五年内把对华出货量增加一倍。

    Vale of Brazil said in August that it wants to double shipments to China in five years .